. . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . . "Parlamento dell'Irlanda del Nord"@it . . ""@en . . . "700"^^ . "#bb00bb"@en . "Devolved Parliament" . . "Devolved Parliament"@en . . "The Parliament of Northern Ireland was the home rule legislature of Northern Ireland, created under the Government of Ireland Act 1920, which sat from 7 June 1921 to 30 March 1972, when it was suspended because of its inability to restore order during The Troubles, resulting in the introduction of Direct Rule. It was abolished under the Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973. The Parliament of Northern Ireland was bicameral, consisting of a House of Commons with 52 seats, and an indirectly elected Senate with 26 seats. The Sovereign was represented by the Governor (initially by the Lord Lieutenant), who granted royal assent to Acts of Parliament in Northern Ireland, but executive power rested with the Prime Minister, the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons."@en . . . . "1921-06-07"^^ . "Bicameral"@en . "O Parlamento da Irlanda do Norte (Parliament of Northern Ireland) foi a legislatura aut\u00F4noma criada sob o , o qual existiu de 7 de junho de 1921 at\u00E9 30 de mar\u00E7o de 1972, quando foi suspenso. Foi subseq\u00FCentemente abolido sob o . Uma c\u00F3pia destas proposi\u00E7\u00F5es (187 000 p\u00E1ginas impressas de debates parlamentares) est\u00E3o dispon\u00EDveis online desde Outubro de 2006. O Parlamento da Irlanda do Norte era bicameral, consistindo de uma com 52 cadeiras e um eleito indiretamente, com 26 cadeiras. A Coroa era representada pelo , que garantia o aos Actos do Parlamento da Irlanda do Norte, mas o poder executivo estava nas m\u00E3os do primeiro-ministro, o l\u00EDder do maior partido na Casa dos Comuns."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . "220"^^ . "40"^^ . . . . . "O Parlamento da Irlanda do Norte (Parliament of Northern Ireland) foi a legislatura aut\u00F4noma criada sob o , o qual existiu de 7 de junho de 1921 at\u00E9 30 de mar\u00E7o de 1972, quando foi suspenso. Foi subseq\u00FCentemente abolido sob o . Uma c\u00F3pia destas proposi\u00E7\u00F5es (187 000 p\u00E1ginas impressas de debates parlamentares) est\u00E3o dispon\u00EDveis online desde Outubro de 2006."@pt . "36"^^ . "37"^^ . . "38"^^ . . "39"^^ . . "September 2019"@en . "32"^^ . . "33"^^ . "34"^^ . . "Il Parlamento dell'Irlanda del Nord \u00E8 stato creato dal Government of Ireland Act nel 1920 ed \u00E8 stato sciolto a seguito del crescente conflitto nordirlandese. Originariamente proveniva dal regolamento della Home rule del 1914, che prevedeva un parlamento irlandese indipendente. Il Parlamento dell'Irlanda del Sud \u00E8 stato creato nello stesso momento del parlamento dell'Irlanda del Nord. Il Parlamento dell'Irlanda del Nord era composto da due camere: \n* la camera bassa eletta, la \n* la camera alta in gran parte impotente, il"@it . . . . . . . . "Parliament of Northern Ireland"@en . "Nordirlands parlament"@sv . "Parlement d'Irlande du Nord"@fr . . . "Parliament of Northern Ireland"@de . . . . . . "8"^^ . "27090"^^ . "9"^^ . . "10"^^ . . "Das Parliament of Northern Ireland (Parlament von Nordirland) wurde durch den Government of Ireland Act im Jahr 1920 geschaffen und wurde im Zuge des eskalierenden Nordirlandkonfliktes aufgel\u00F6st. Urspr\u00FCnglich entstammte es der Home-Rule-Regelung von 1914, die ein eigenst\u00E4ndiges irisches Parlament vorsah. Im gleichen Zug wie das Parliament of Northern Ireland wurde das Parliament of Southern Ireland geschaffen. Das Parliament of Northern Ireland bestand aus zwei Kammern: \n* dem gew\u00E4hlten Unterhaus, dem House of Commons of Northern Ireland \n* dem weitgehend machtlosen Oberhaus, dem Senate of Northern Ireland"@de . "11"^^ . . . "4"^^ . "6"^^ . "1962"^^ . "7"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2"^^ . . "3"^^ . . . "1965"^^ . "\uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC758\uD68C(\u5317~ \u8B70\u6703, \uC601\uC5B4: Parliament of Northern Ireland)\uB294 1921\uB144 6\uC6D4 7\uC77C\uBD80\uD130 1972\uB144 3\uC6D4 30\uC77C\uAE4C\uC9C0 \uC874\uC7AC\uD588\uB358 \uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC\uC758 \uC790\uCE58\uC758\uD68C\uC774\uB2E4. \uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uBD84\uC7C1\uC758 \uACA9\uD654\uB85C \uC9C1\uD560\uD1B5\uCE58\uC5D0 \uB4E4\uC5B4\uAC00\uBA74\uC11C \uD3D0\uC9C0\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4. \uC0C1\uC6D0(Senate)\uACFC \uC11C\uBBFC\uC6D0(House of Commons)\uC73C\uB85C \uC774\uB8E8\uC5B4\uC9C4 \uC591\uC6D0\uC81C\uB97C \uCC44\uD0DD\uD558\uC600\uB2E4. 1998\uB144 \uBD80\uD65C\uB41C \uC2E0(\u65B0) \uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC758\uD68C(Northern Ireland Assembly)\uB294 \uB2E8\uC6D0\uC81C\uC774\uB2E4."@ko . "1953"^^ . "Bh\u00ED Parlaimint Thuaisceart na h\u00C9ireann i bhfeidhm \u00F3 7 Meitheamh 1921 go dt\u00ED 30 M\u00E1rta 1972."@ga . . . "1958"^^ . "\uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC758\uD68C (1921\uB144)"@ko . "Parliament of Northern Ireland"@en . . . . . . . . . . "1969"^^ . . "Nordirlands parlament (engelska: Parliament of Northern Ireland) var Nordirlands sj\u00E4lvstyrelseparlament mellan 1922 och 1972. Parlamentet sammantr\u00E4dde i utanf\u00F6r Belfast d\u00E4r nordirl\u00E4ndsk lagstiftning gavs kunglig sanktion i ett s\u00E4rskilt av en egen . Konstruktionen gav vid bildandet Nordirland, som en sj\u00E4lvstyrande del inom F\u00F6renade kungariket, ett unikt omfattande hemmastyre med motsvarande institutioner som endast sj\u00E4lvstyrande delar inom Brittiska imperiet likt Kanada och Australien tidigare hade uppn\u00E5tt."@sv . . "UK Parliament"@en . . "1968.0"^^ . . "Parlaimint Thuaisceart na h\u00C9ireann"@ga . "1929"^^ . . . . "1933"^^ . . "Arms of Northern Ireland, 1924\u20131972"@en . . . . . "1921"^^ . . . . . . . "1925"^^ . . . . . . . "1945"^^ . . . . . "1949"^^ . "1938"^^ . . . . . "Il Parlamento dell'Irlanda del Nord \u00E8 stato creato dal Government of Ireland Act nel 1920 ed \u00E8 stato sciolto a seguito del crescente conflitto nordirlandese. Originariamente proveniva dal regolamento della Home rule del 1914, che prevedeva un parlamento irlandese indipendente. Il Parlamento dell'Irlanda del Sud \u00E8 stato creato nello stesso momento del parlamento dell'Irlanda del Nord. Il Parlamento dell'Irlanda del Nord era composto da due camere: \n* la camera bassa eletta, la \n* la camera alta in gran parte impotente, il"@it . . . "\uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC758\uD68C(\u5317~ \u8B70\u6703, \uC601\uC5B4: Parliament of Northern Ireland)\uB294 1921\uB144 6\uC6D4 7\uC77C\uBD80\uD130 1972\uB144 3\uC6D4 30\uC77C\uAE4C\uC9C0 \uC874\uC7AC\uD588\uB358 \uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC\uC758 \uC790\uCE58\uC758\uD68C\uC774\uB2E4. \uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uBD84\uC7C1\uC758 \uACA9\uD654\uB85C \uC9C1\uD560\uD1B5\uCE58\uC5D0 \uB4E4\uC5B4\uAC00\uBA74\uC11C \uD3D0\uC9C0\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4. \uC0C1\uC6D0(Senate)\uACFC \uC11C\uBBFC\uC6D0(House of Commons)\uC73C\uB85C \uC774\uB8E8\uC5B4\uC9C4 \uC591\uC6D0\uC81C\uB97C \uCC44\uD0DD\uD558\uC600\uB2E4. 1998\uB144 \uBD80\uD65C\uB41C \uC2E0(\u65B0) \uBD81\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC758\uD68C(Northern Ireland Assembly)\uB294 \uB2E8\uC6D0\uC81C\uC774\uB2E4."@ko . . . . "1111737396"^^ . . . . "Parlamento da Irlanda do Norte"@pt . . . . . . . . . "Nordirlands parlament (engelska: Parliament of Northern Ireland) var Nordirlands sj\u00E4lvstyrelseparlament mellan 1922 och 1972. Parlamentet sammantr\u00E4dde i utanf\u00F6r Belfast d\u00E4r nordirl\u00E4ndsk lagstiftning gavs kunglig sanktion i ett s\u00E4rskilt av en egen . Konstruktionen gav vid bildandet Nordirland, som en sj\u00E4lvstyrande del inom F\u00F6renade kungariket, ett unikt omfattande hemmastyre med motsvarande institutioner som endast sj\u00E4lvstyrande delar inom Brittiska imperiet likt Kanada och Australien tidigare hade uppn\u00E5tt."@sv . . . . . . . . "Coat of Arms of Northern Ireland.svg"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Parliament of Northern Ireland"@en . . "The Parliament of Northern Ireland was the home rule legislature of Northern Ireland, created under the Government of Ireland Act 1920, which sat from 7 June 1921 to 30 March 1972, when it was suspended because of its inability to restore order during The Troubles, resulting in the introduction of Direct Rule. It was abolished under the Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973."@en . . . "174088"^^ . . . "Elected by the Commons via STV"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "1972-03-30"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Bh\u00ED Parlaimint Thuaisceart na h\u00C9ireann i bhfeidhm \u00F3 7 Meitheamh 1921 go dt\u00ED 30 M\u00E1rta 1972."@ga . . . . . . . . . . "Le Parlement d'Irlande du Nord exerce le pouvoir l\u00E9gislatif en Irlande du Nord entre le 22 juin 1921 et le 30 mars 1972. Il est cr\u00E9\u00E9 par le Government of Ireland Act 1920 et suspendu par le Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973. Le Parlement est un syst\u00E8me bicam\u00E9ral compos\u00E9 de la et du S\u00E9nat d'Irlande du Nord."@fr . . . . . "Das Parliament of Northern Ireland (Parlament von Nordirland) wurde durch den Government of Ireland Act im Jahr 1920 geschaffen und wurde im Zuge des eskalierenden Nordirlandkonfliktes aufgel\u00F6st. Urspr\u00FCnglich entstammte es der Home-Rule-Regelung von 1914, die ein eigenst\u00E4ndiges irisches Parlament vorsah. Im gleichen Zug wie das Parliament of Northern Ireland wurde das Parliament of Southern Ireland geschaffen. Das Parliament of Northern Ireland bestand aus zwei Kammern:"@de . "220"^^ . . . . . . "StormontGeneral.jpg"@en . . . . . . "52"^^ . . . . "Le Parlement d'Irlande du Nord exerce le pouvoir l\u00E9gislatif en Irlande du Nord entre le 22 juin 1921 et le 30 mars 1972. Il est cr\u00E9\u00E9 par le Government of Ireland Act 1920 et suspendu par le Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973. Le Parlement est un syst\u00E8me bicam\u00E9ral compos\u00E9 de la et du S\u00E9nat d'Irlande du Nord."@fr . . .