. . . . . . . . . . "Lukla, Solukhumbu district Nepal"@en . "1340074"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lhakpa Sonam Sherpa"@en . . . "Nepali \u0928\u0947\u092A\u093E\u0932\u0940"@en . "1993-04-22"^^ . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (en xerpa: \u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F64\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0D, 10 de desembre de 1961 - 22 d'abril de 1993) fou la primera dona nepalesa que va ascendir l'Everest. Va n\u00E9ixer en una fam\u00EDlia d'alpinistes i es va implicar en l'escalada durant l'adolesc\u00E8ncia. Ascend\u00ED amb \u00E8xit el Mont Blanc, el Cho Oyu, el Yalapic, el Pisang Himal i d'altres. Intent\u00E0 tres cops l'Everest abans de tenir \u00E8xit, el 22 d'abril de 1993, quan va assolir el cim pel coll sud per la via de l'aresta sud-est."@ca . "4987"^^ . . . . . . . . . "First Nepalese female ascent Mount Everest \u22121993"@en . . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa"@pl . "Statue of Pasang Lhamu Sherpa in Kathmandu"@en . . . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa"@en . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (Sherpa: \u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F64\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0D, Nepali: \u092A\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0919 \u0932\u094D\u0939\u093E\u092E\u0941 \u0936\u0947\u0930\u094D\u092A\u093E; 10 December 1961 \u2013 22 April 1993) was the first Nepalese woman to climb the summit of Mount Everest. She was born in a mountaineering family and was involved in climbing from her teens.She had successfully climbed Mount Blanc, Mount Cho Oyu, , , and others. She had attempted to climb Mount Everest three times before, but did not succeed until April 22, 1993, when she reached the summit by the South Col via the Southeast Ridge route. The morning of April 22, 1993 was bright and clear, and remained so until Pasang reached the top of the 8,848 m. peak with five Sherpas, Sonam Tshering Sherpa, Lhakpa Norbu Sherpa, Pemba Dorje Sherpa and Dawa Tashi Sherpa. Meanwhile, a member of the team and five-time Everest summitter Sonam Tshering Sherpa got seriously sick at south summit and, despite Pasang Lhamu's efforts to help, did not survive his illness. While descending from the summit, the weather, as often happens in the mountains, suddenly turned bad, causing her to lose her own life on the south summit. Vladas Vitkauskas helped move her body down the mountain. For achieving what no other Nepalese woman had achieved before her, Pasang Lhamu was posthumously honored by her country and mountaineers all around the world in various ways. She was the very first woman to be decorated with the \"Nepal Tara (Star)\" by the King of Nepal. The National Youth Foundation conferred the 1993-94 Youth Excellence Award on her. Similarly, in order to commemorate her feat, a life-size statue of Pasang Lhamu was erected at Bouddha, Chuchepati; a postage stamp was issued in her name; the Government of Nepal renamed Jasamba Himal (7,315 m) in the Mahalangur Range as Pasang Lhamu Peak; the Ministry of Agriculture named a special strain of wheat as Pasang Lhamu wheat; the Pasang Lhamu Memorial Hall was established in Dhulabari of Jhapa district in east Nepal; and the 117 km Trishuli-Dunche road was named the Pasang Lhamu Highway."@en . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (en xerpa: \u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F64\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0D, 10 de desembre de 1961 - 22 d'abril de 1993) fou la primera dona nepalesa que va ascendir l'Everest. Va n\u00E9ixer en una fam\u00EDlia d'alpinistes i es va implicar en l'escalada durant l'adolesc\u00E8ncia. Ascend\u00ED amb \u00E8xit el Mont Blanc, el Cho Oyu, el Yalapic, el Pisang Himal i d'altres. Intent\u00E0 tres cops l'Everest abans de tenir \u00E8xit, el 22 d'abril de 1993, quan va assolir el cim pel coll sud per la via de l'aresta sud-est. El mat\u00ED del 22 d'abril de 1993 era brillant i clar, i aix\u00ED es va mantenir fins que Pasang va assolir els 8.848 metres amb cinc homes xerpes, Sonam Tshering Sherpa, Lhakpa Norbu Sherpa, Pemba Dorje Sherpa i Dawa Tashi Sherpa. Mentrestant, un membre de l'equip que ja havia assolit cinc vegades el cim pr\u00E8viament, Sonam Tshering, caigu\u00E9 realment malalt al cim sud i, malgrat els esfor\u00E7os de Pasang per ajudar-lo, no va sobreviure a la seva malaltia. Mentre descendia del cim, el temps va empitjorar de cop, fenomen habitual en l'alta muntanya, provocant la mort de Pasang al cim sud. Vladas Vitkauskas ajud\u00E0 a traslladar el seu cos muntanya avall. Per aconseguir el que cap altra dona nepalesa havia aconseguit abans, Pasang Lhamu fou honorada p\u00F2stumament pel seu pa\u00EDs i per diversos alpinistes d'arreu del m\u00F3n. Fou la primera dona en ser condecorada amb l'estrella \"Nepal Tara\" pel rei del Nepal. La Fundaci\u00F3 Nacional de Joventut institu\u00ED en honor seu el Premi Excel\u00B7l\u00E8ncia Jove 1993-94. Aix\u00ED mateix, per tal de commemorar la seva gesta, s'erig\u00ED una est\u00E0tua a mida real de Pasang Lhamu a Bouddha (Chuchepati); s'emet\u00E9 un segell de correus amb el seu nom; el Govern de Nepal va rebatejar el pic Jasamba Himal (7.315 m) a la Serralada Mahlangur com a Pic Pasang Lhamu; el Ministeri d'Agricultura va batejar una varietat de blat amb el seu nom; s'establ\u00ED el Centre Memorial Pasang Lhamu a Dhulabari, al districte Jhapa, a l'est del Nepal; i la carretera entre Tirshuli i Dunche (117 km) fou batejada com a Autopista Pasang Lhamu."@ca . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (szerpa: \u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F64\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0D, nep. \u092A\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0919 \u0932\u094D\u0939\u093E\u092E\u0941 \u0936\u0947\u0930\u094D\u092A\u093E; ur. 10 grudnia 1961 w , zm. 22 kwietnia 1993 pod Mount Everestem) \u2013 nepalska himalaistka i przewodniczka wysokog\u00F3rska, pierwsza kobieta urodzona w Nepalu, kt\u00F3ra zdoby\u0142a szczyt Mount Everest."@pl . . . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa"@en . . . . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (Sherpa: \u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F64\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0D, Nepali: \u092A\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0919 \u0932\u094D\u0939\u093E\u092E\u0941 \u0936\u0947\u0930\u094D\u092A\u093E; 10 December 1961 \u2013 22 April 1993) was the first Nepalese woman to climb the summit of Mount Everest. She was born in a mountaineering family and was involved in climbing from her teens.She had successfully climbed Mount Blanc, Mount Cho Oyu, , , and others. She had attempted to climb Mount Everest three times before, but did not succeed until April 22, 1993, when she reached the summit by the South Col via the Southeast Ridge route."@en . . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (szerpa: \u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F64\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0D, nep. \u092A\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0919 \u0932\u094D\u0939\u093E\u092E\u0941 \u0936\u0947\u0930\u094D\u092A\u093E; ur. 10 grudnia 1961 w , zm. 22 kwietnia 1993 pod Mount Everestem) \u2013 nepalska himalaistka i przewodniczka wysokog\u00F3rska, pierwsza kobieta urodzona w Nepalu, kt\u00F3ra zdoby\u0142a szczyt Mount Everest."@pl . . . . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa"@it . . . . . "Mount Everest, Nepal"@en . . . . "4.73364E8"^^ . . . . "1114725337"^^ . "Mountaineer/Sherpa"@en . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (in nepalese \u092A\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0919 \u0932\u094D\u0939\u093E\u092E\u0941 \u0936\u0947\u0930\u094D\u092A\u093E) \u00E8 stata un'alpinista nepalese, ricordata per essere stata la prima donna del proprio paese a raggiungere la vetta del Monte Everest."@it . . . . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa"@ca . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (in nepalese \u092A\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0919 \u0932\u094D\u0939\u093E\u092E\u0941 \u0936\u0947\u0930\u094D\u092A\u093E) \u00E8 stata un'alpinista nepalese, ricordata per essere stata la prima donna del proprio paese a raggiungere la vetta del Monte Everest."@it . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (sherpa : \u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F64\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0D, n\u00E9palais : \u092A\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0919 \u0932\u094D\u0939\u093E\u092E\u0941 \u0936\u0947\u0930\u094D\u092A\u093E), n\u00E9e le 10 d\u00E9cembre 1961 et morte le 22 avril 1993, est la premi\u00E8re N\u00E9palaise \u00E0 avoir atteint le sommet de l'Everest."@fr . . . . . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa (sherpa : \u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F64\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0D, n\u00E9palais : \u092A\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0919 \u0932\u094D\u0939\u093E\u092E\u0941 \u0936\u0947\u0930\u094D\u092A\u093E), n\u00E9e le 10 d\u00E9cembre 1961 et morte le 22 avril 1993, est la premi\u00E8re N\u00E9palaise \u00E0 avoir atteint le sommet de l'Everest."@fr . "Pasang Lhamu Sherpa"@fr . . "1961-12-10"^^ . . . . "Mountaineer, Tour guide"@en .