. . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D (* 15. kv\u011Btna 1964 \u010Cel\u00E1kovice) je \u010Desk\u00FD podnikatel a investor s dlouhodob\u00FDmi zku\u0161enostmi v sektoru energetiky. V sou\u010Dasnosti je jedin\u00FDm majitelem Sev.en Energy AG, v\u00FDznamn\u00E9ho hr\u00E1\u010De na \u010Desk\u00E9m energetick\u00E9m trhu, kter\u00FD pl\u00E1nuje expanzi na evropsk\u00FD energetick\u00FD trh a v roce 2020 zah\u00E1jil expanzi na americk\u00FD trh. \u010Casopis Forbes za\u0159adil Pavla Tyka\u010De v roce 2021 na dev\u00E1t\u00E9 m\u00EDsto v \u017Eeb\u0159\u00ED\u010Dku nejbohat\u0161\u00EDch \u010Cech\u016F, jeho majetek odhadl na 37 miliard korun. Pavel Tyka\u010D se spole\u010Dn\u011B se svou man\u017Eelkou v\u00FDznamn\u011B anga\u017Euje v charitativn\u00EDch projektech a podpo\u0159e severo\u010Desk\u00E9ho a pardubick\u00E9ho regionu. Pavel Tyka\u010D zah\u00E1jil svou podnikatelskou kari\u00E9ru po revoluci prodejem v\u00FDpo\u010Detn\u00ED techniky. Na za\u010D\u00E1tku 90. let zalo\u017Eil s dal\u0161\u00EDmi partnery spole\u010Dnost Vikomt, kter\u00E1 se v\u00FDrazn\u011B prosadila na trhu. V polovin\u011B 90. let sv\u016Fj pod\u00EDl prodal a z\u00EDskan\u00E9 pen\u00EDze pou\u017Eil k n\u00E1kupu tehdy mal\u00E9 kr\u00E1lov\u00E9hradeck\u00E9 Regiobanky (dnes Hypote\u010Dn\u00ED banka), kterou n\u00E1sledn\u011B velmi v\u00FDhodn\u011B prodal IPB. V roce 1995 se pak \u00FA\u010Dastnil vzniku voln\u00E9ho spole\u010Denstv\u00ED investor\u016F kolem spole\u010Dnosti Motoinvest. D\u00EDky sv\u00E9 investi\u010Dn\u00ED firm\u011B Motoinvest z\u00EDskal Tyka\u010D pod\u00EDly v \u010Detn\u00FDch bank\u00E1ch . V l\u00E9t\u011B 1996 nakoupil akcie \u010Cesk\u00E9 spo\u0159itelny a \u017E\u00E1dal st\u00E1t a dal\u0161\u00ED akcion\u00E1\u0159e, aby mu umo\u017Enili m\u00EDt sv\u00E9ho z\u00E1stupce ve statut\u00E1rn\u00EDch org\u00E1nech banky. Na p\u0159elomu tis\u00EDcilet\u00ED, po n\u011Bkolika letech v \u00FAstran\u00ED, se pak Tyka\u010D vr\u00E1til do sv\u011Bta velk\u00E9ho byznysu. Obchody s akciemi (jmenovit\u011B elektr\u00E1rensk\u00E9 spole\u010Dnosti \u010CEZ a spole\u010Dnosti Telef\u00F3nica) a spekulace na pohyb m\u011Bn jsou pravd\u011Bpodobn\u011B nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED zdroje Tyka\u010Dova miliardov\u00E9ho majetku. V roce 2006 vstoupil do energetick\u00E9ho sektoru, kdy\u017E investoval do men\u0161inov\u00E9ho pod\u00EDlu v t\u011B\u017Ea\u0159sk\u00E9 skupin\u011B Czech Coal. V roce 2010 se stal jej\u00EDm jedin\u00FDm majitelem. V roce 2013 koupil Elektr\u00E1rnu Chvaletice a vytvo\u0159il \u201Enov\u00FD\u201C subjekt na tuzemsk\u00E9m energetick\u00E9m trhu rebrandingem Czech Coal na Sev.en Group."@cs . "Pavel Tyka\u010D, n\u00E9 le 15 mai 1964 \u00E0 \u010Cel\u00E1kovice, est un entrepreneur et investisseur tch\u00E8que travaillant entre autres dans le secteur de l\u2019\u00E9nergie. Actuellement[Quand ?], il est le seul propri\u00E9taire du Sev.en Energy Group, un acteur majeur sur le march\u00E9 tch\u00E8que de l\u2019\u00E9nergie, qui envisage un d\u00E9veloppement de ses activit\u00E9s \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9chelle europ\u00E9enne. Selon le classement du magazine Forbes publi\u00E9 en 2015, il est le cinqui\u00E8me homme le plus riche de la R\u00E9publique tch\u00E8que."@fr . . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D (born 15 May 1964 in \u010Cel\u00E1kovice) is a Czech entrepreneur and investor with long-term experience in the energy sector. At present, he is the sole owner of Sev.en Energy Group, a major player in the Czech energy market which is planning to expand to the European energy market. His wealth is estimated at US$1.03 billion, which according to Forbes magazine makes him the fifth richest person in the Czech Republic (Forbes rankings 2015). Together with his wife, Pavel Tyka\u010D is significantly engaged in charity projects and support for the North Bohemian Region and the Pardubice Region. Pavel Tyka\u010D started his entrepreneurial career after the Revolution by sale of computer technology. In the beginning of the 90s he and his partners established Vikomt company which had a great break through on the market. He sold his share of the company in the middle of the 90s. He used the acquired money to buy at the time small Regiobanka in Karlovy Vary (today's Hypote\u010Dn\u00ED banka); he subsequently sold it to IPB at a very advantageous price. Already at that time he was considered to be a very rich man. In 1995 he participated in the creation of free community of investors around Motoinvest whose participants gained shares in several banks and investment funds thanks to buying cheap shares after the privatization. Forced termination of their activities has led to the rapid sale of assets of the majority of participants in this community. At the turn of the millennium, after several years in seclusion, Tyka\u010D returned to the world of big business. Share trades (mainly electricity company \u010CEZ and Telef\u00F3nica) and currency rate movement speculations are probably the biggest source of Tyka\u010D`s billion-dollar assets. In 2006, he entered the energy sector by investing in a minority stake in the Czech Coal mining group. In 2010, he became its sole owner. During that period, Pavel Tyka\u010D significantly developed the company in the energy sector and, primarily, invested in the know-how in assets and energy market. In 2013, he bought the Chvaletice Power Station, creating a new entity in the domestic energy market. In 2017, he completed a commercially successful period with several major contracts, rebranding Czech Coal to Sev.en Group. In 2018, he decided to enter the European energy market through the emerging Sev.en Energy (SE) holding, which relies on renowned experts. The new company will focus on investing in innovative technologies in energy, as well as in operating and innovating conventional resources that will enable European energy systems to switch to renewable resources in the long run."@en . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D"@en . . . "1964-05-15"^^ . . "36093"^^ . . . . "45630395"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1964"^^ . . . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D (* 15. kv\u011Btna 1964 \u010Cel\u00E1kovice) je \u010Desk\u00FD podnikatel a investor s dlouhodob\u00FDmi zku\u0161enostmi v sektoru energetiky. V sou\u010Dasnosti je jedin\u00FDm majitelem Sev.en Energy AG, v\u00FDznamn\u00E9ho hr\u00E1\u010De na \u010Desk\u00E9m energetick\u00E9m trhu, kter\u00FD pl\u00E1nuje expanzi na evropsk\u00FD energetick\u00FD trh a v roce 2020 zah\u00E1jil expanzi na americk\u00FD trh. \u010Casopis Forbes za\u0159adil Pavla Tyka\u010De v roce 2021 na dev\u00E1t\u00E9 m\u00EDsto v \u017Eeb\u0159\u00ED\u010Dku nejbohat\u0161\u00EDch \u010Cech\u016F, jeho majetek odhadl na 37 miliard korun. Pavel Tyka\u010D se spole\u010Dn\u011B se svou man\u017Eelkou v\u00FDznamn\u011B anga\u017Euje v charitativn\u00EDch projektech a podpo\u0159e severo\u010Desk\u00E9ho a pardubick\u00E9ho regionu."@cs . . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D"@fr . . . . . . "1112036364"^^ . . . . . . "investor"@en . . . . . . "Ivana Tyka\u010D , Daniela Kuchtov\u00E1"@en . "Viktorie Tyka\u010D, Valerie Tyka\u010D, +2"@en . . . . . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D"@cs . "Pavel Tyka\u010D, n\u00E9 le 15 mai 1964 \u00E0 \u010Cel\u00E1kovice, est un entrepreneur et investisseur tch\u00E8que travaillant entre autres dans le secteur de l\u2019\u00E9nergie. Actuellement[Quand ?], il est le seul propri\u00E9taire du Sev.en Energy Group, un acteur majeur sur le march\u00E9 tch\u00E8que de l\u2019\u00E9nergie, qui envisage un d\u00E9veloppement de ses activit\u00E9s \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9chelle europ\u00E9enne. Selon le classement du magazine Forbes publi\u00E9 en 2015, il est le cinqui\u00E8me homme le plus riche de la R\u00E9publique tch\u00E8que."@fr . . . . . . . "1964-05-15"^^ . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D"@en . . . . "Pavel Tyka\u010D (born 15 May 1964 in \u010Cel\u00E1kovice) is a Czech entrepreneur and investor with long-term experience in the energy sector. At present, he is the sole owner of Sev.en Energy Group, a major player in the Czech energy market which is planning to expand to the European energy market. His wealth is estimated at US$1.03 billion, which according to Forbes magazine makes him the fifth richest person in the Czech Republic (Forbes rankings 2015). Together with his wife, Pavel Tyka\u010D is significantly engaged in charity projects and support for the North Bohemian Region and the Pardubice Region."@en . . .