. . . . . . . . . . . "Les Lois p\u00E9nales (anglais : Penal Laws, irlandais : Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe) \u00E9taient un ensemble de lois s'appliquant en Irlande impos\u00E9es par le gouvernement britannique et qui retiraient tout pouvoir \u00E0 la majorit\u00E9 catholique du pays."@fr . . . . "Leis penais da Irlanda"@pt . . . . . "Leggi penali irlandesi"@it . "Con l'espressione Leggi penali irlandesi (in gaelico: Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe) si intende una serie di norme giuridiche imposte al popolo irlandese durante il dominio inglese, con lo scopo di discriminare i cattolici e altre confessioni protestanti dissidenti (ad esempio i presbiteriani) rispetto coloro che aderivano od avrebbero aderito alla ex novo istituita confessione religiosa ufficiale, la Chiesa d'Irlanda. Esse non furono emesse in blocco in un solo breve periodo ma furono approvate in diverse occasioni e subirono numerose variazioni ed aggiustamenti nel secolo XVII e nel XVIII."@it . . . "In the history of Ireland, the Penal Laws (Irish: Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe) was a series of laws imposed in an attempt to force Irish Catholics and to lesser extent Protestant dissenter planters and Quakers to accept the established Church of Ireland. These laws notably included the Education Act 1695, the Banishment Act 1697, the Registration Act 1704, the Popery Acts 1704 and 1709, and the Disenfranchising Act 1728. The majority of the penal laws were removed in the period 1778\u20131793 with the last of them of any significance being removed in 1829. Notwithstanding those previous enactments, the Government of Ireland Act 1920 (coming into force during the Irish War of Independence) contained an all-purpose provision in section 5 removing any that might technically still then be in existence."@en . . . . . . . "\u00D3n 17\u00FA haois go deireadh an 18\u00FA haois a bh\u00ED na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe (n\u00F3 na Dl\u00EDthe Peannaideacha), a rinne leatrom ar Ghaeil agus ar Chaitlicigh go h\u00E1irithe, i bhfeidhm. Rinneadh g\u00E9arlean\u00FAint ar na hEasaont\u00F3ir\u00ED Protast\u00FAnacha chomh maith. Bh\u00ED dl\u00FAs curtha leis na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe i ndiaidh Chath na B\u00F3inne sa bhliain 1690. Bh\u00ED eagla ann go h\u00E1irithe go rachadh na Caitlicigh in \u00C9irinn dul i gcomhghuaill\u00EDocht leis na Sp\u00E1innigh. N\u00EDos d\u00E9ana\u00ED bh\u00ED deacrachta\u00ED ag muintir na h\u00C9ireann freastal ar Aifreann n\u00E1 scoil. As seo a d'eascair na scoileanna scairte n\u00F3 na scoileanna cois cla\u00ED. Deirt\u00ED an tAifreann amuigh faoin aer. C\u00E9 gur thit cuid mhaith de na dl\u00EDthe seo as feidhm faoi dheireadh na 18\u00FA haoise, d'fhan a rian i bhfad sa mh\u00E9id is go raibh na Gaeil i bhfad ar gc\u00FAl ina dhiaidh sin i gc\u00FArsa\u00ED oideachais, rialtais agus geilleagair. Tugtar Fuascailt na gCaitliceach ar an iarracht a rinne polaiteoir\u00ED ar n\u00F3s D\u00F3nall \u00D3 Conaill chun dul i ngleic leis na dl\u00EDthe seo."@ga . . . . . . "In the history of Ireland, the Penal Laws (Irish: Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe) was a series of laws imposed in an attempt to force Irish Catholics and to lesser extent Protestant dissenter planters and Quakers to accept the established Church of Ireland. These laws notably included the Education Act 1695, the Banishment Act 1697, the Registration Act 1704, the Popery Acts 1704 and 1709, and the Disenfranchising Act 1728. The majority of the penal laws were removed in the period 1778\u20131793 with the last of them of any significance being removed in 1829. Notwithstanding those previous enactments, the Government of Ireland Act 1920 (coming into force during the Irish War of Independence) contained an all-purpose provision in section 5 removing any that might technically still then be in existence."@en . . . . . . . . . "A express\u00E3o leis penais da Irlanda (Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe em irland\u00EAs) refere-se a uma s\u00E9rie de leis impostas pelo governo brit\u00E2nico que visavam discriminar a grande maioria da popula\u00E7\u00E3o cat\u00F3lica irlandesa, bem como dissidentes protestantes, e favorecer a Igreja da Irlanda, a qual reconhecia a monarquia inglesa como sua l\u00EDder espiritual."@pt . . . . . "Les Lois p\u00E9nales (anglais : Penal Laws, irlandais : Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe) \u00E9taient un ensemble de lois s'appliquant en Irlande impos\u00E9es par le gouvernement britannique et qui retiraient tout pouvoir \u00E0 la majorit\u00E9 catholique du pays."@fr . "Leyes penales de Irlanda"@es . . "31387"^^ . . . . . . . . "2007-12-15"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Las Leyes Penales o Penal Laws son el conjunto de leyes impuestas durante el dominio brit\u00E1nico de Irlanda, destinadas a marginar particularmente a la poblaci\u00F3n nativa cat\u00F3lica y, en general, a todo aquel disidente de la Iglesia de Irlanda, que reconoc\u00EDa el liderazgo espiritual de la monarqu\u00EDa brit\u00E1nica"@es . "Lois p\u00E9nales (Irlande)"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A express\u00E3o leis penais da Irlanda (Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe em irland\u00EAs) refere-se a uma s\u00E9rie de leis impostas pelo governo brit\u00E2nico que visavam discriminar a grande maioria da popula\u00E7\u00E3o cat\u00F3lica irlandesa, bem como dissidentes protestantes, e favorecer a Igreja da Irlanda, a qual reconhecia a monarquia inglesa como sua l\u00EDder espiritual."@pt . "Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe"@ga . . . . "1122077408"^^ . . "Con l'espressione Leggi penali irlandesi (in gaelico: Na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe) si intende una serie di norme giuridiche imposte al popolo irlandese durante il dominio inglese, con lo scopo di discriminare i cattolici e altre confessioni protestanti dissidenti (ad esempio i presbiteriani) rispetto coloro che aderivano od avrebbero aderito alla ex novo istituita confessione religiosa ufficiale, la Chiesa d'Irlanda. Esse non furono emesse in blocco in un solo breve periodo ma furono approvate in diverse occasioni e subirono numerose variazioni ed aggiustamenti nel secolo XVII e nel XVIII."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "5165379"^^ . . . . "\u00D3n 17\u00FA haois go deireadh an 18\u00FA haois a bh\u00ED na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe (n\u00F3 na Dl\u00EDthe Peannaideacha), a rinne leatrom ar Ghaeil agus ar Chaitlicigh go h\u00E1irithe, i bhfeidhm. Rinneadh g\u00E9arlean\u00FAint ar na hEasaont\u00F3ir\u00ED Protast\u00FAnacha chomh maith. Bh\u00ED dl\u00FAs curtha leis na P\u00E9indl\u00EDthe i ndiaidh Chath na B\u00F3inne sa bhliain 1690. Bh\u00ED eagla ann go h\u00E1irithe go rachadh na Caitlicigh in \u00C9irinn dul i gcomhghuaill\u00EDocht leis na Sp\u00E1innigh. Tugtar Fuascailt na gCaitliceach ar an iarracht a rinne polaiteoir\u00ED ar n\u00F3s D\u00F3nall \u00D3 Conaill chun dul i ngleic leis na dl\u00EDthe seo."@ga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Penal Laws"@en . . . . "Las Leyes Penales o Penal Laws son el conjunto de leyes impuestas durante el dominio brit\u00E1nico de Irlanda, destinadas a marginar particularmente a la poblaci\u00F3n nativa cat\u00F3lica y, en general, a todo aquel disidente de la Iglesia de Irlanda, que reconoc\u00EDa el liderazgo espiritual de la monarqu\u00EDa brit\u00E1nica"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .