. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u5F7C\u5F97\u00B7\u5C3C\u52A0\u5FB7\uFF08\u745E\u5178\u8A9E\uFF1APeter Nyg\u00E5rd, 1941\u5E747\u670824\u65E5\uFF0D\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u4F4D\u82AC\u5170\u88D4\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u4F01\u4E1A\u5BB6\u3002"@zh . . . . "5721661"^^ . . "Peter Nyg\u00E5rd"@en . . ""@en . . "Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd (n\u00E9 Pekka Juhani Nyg\u00E5rd) est un ancien dirigeant de mode finno-canadien n\u00E9 le 24 juillet 1941 \u00E0 Helsinki. Il a fond\u00E9 , une entreprise qui fabrique des v\u00EAtements pour femmes, en 1967. Il a d\u00E9missionn\u00E9 de son poste de pr\u00E9sident en f\u00E9vrier 2020 apr\u00E8s que le FBI eut perquisitionn\u00E9 le si\u00E8ge de l'entreprise dans le cadre de son enqu\u00EAte sur les accusations de trafic sexuel port\u00E9es contre lui par plusieurs femmes. Nyg\u00E5rd est arr\u00EAt\u00E9 pour trafic sexuel et racket en d\u00E9cembre de la m\u00EAme ann\u00E9e."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd (born Pekka Juhani Nyg\u00E5rd; born July 24, 1941) is a Finnish-Canadian fashion executive. In 1967, he founded Nyg\u00E5rd International, a Winnipeg-based company that made women's apparel. In 2020, Nyg\u00E5rd was accused of long-term sex trafficking, rape, and racketeering after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided his company's offices in New York City. Later that year, he was formally charged and was arrested on sex trafficking and racketeering charges, including allegations of sex trafficking involving minors. In October 2021, Nyg\u00E5rd was charged by Toronto police with multiple counts of sexual assault and forcible confinement in incidents that occurred between the mid-1980s and mid-2000s; accusations of sexual misconduct by Nyg\u00E5rd date as far back as 1968. As of September 2022, Nyg\u00E5rd's criminal trials are ongoing and he has not been convicted of any crimes."@en . . "1941-07-24"^^ . . . . . . . "\u30D4\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30CA\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"@ja . "Peter Nyg\u00E5rd"@sv . . . . . . "Finnish-Canadian"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd (Pekka Juhani Nyg\u00E5rd), f\u00F6dd 24 juli 1941 i Helsingfors, \u00E4r en finskf\u00F6dd aff\u00E4rsman som numera \u00E4r kanadensisk medborgare. Han var styrelseordf\u00F6rande f\u00F6r Nygard International, som han grundade, tills anklagelser om v\u00E5ldt\u00E4kt och trakasserier under \u00E5rtionden tvingade honom att avg\u00E5 i februari 2020. 120 kvinnor anklagar Nyg\u00E5rd f\u00F6r sexuella \u00F6vertr\u00E4delser i en grupptalan. Nyg\u00E5rd bodde fr\u00E4mst p\u00E5 Bahamas, men han hade ocks\u00E5 l\u00E4genheter i Los Angeles och Winnipeg . \u00C5r 2014 uppgick v\u00E4rdet av hans personliga tillg\u00E5ngar till cirka 944 miljoner kanadensiska dollar. Enligt New York Times har Nyg\u00E5rd tio barn med \u00E5tta kvinnor, men han har bara ber\u00E4ttat f\u00F6r allm\u00E4nheten om sju barn med fyra kvinnor."@sv . . . . . . . . . . "1118801271"^^ . . . "Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd (* 24. Juli 1941 in Helsinki) ist ein finnisch-kanadischer Unternehmer in der Modebranche und Textilwirtschaft."@de . "Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd (Pekka Juhani Nyg\u00E5rd), f\u00F6dd 24 juli 1941 i Helsingfors, \u00E4r en finskf\u00F6dd aff\u00E4rsman som numera \u00E4r kanadensisk medborgare. Han var styrelseordf\u00F6rande f\u00F6r Nygard International, som han grundade, tills anklagelser om v\u00E5ldt\u00E4kt och trakasserier under \u00E5rtionden tvingade honom att avg\u00E5 i februari 2020. 120 kvinnor anklagar Nyg\u00E5rd f\u00F6r sexuella \u00F6vertr\u00E4delser i en grupptalan. Nyg\u00E5rd bodde fr\u00E4mst p\u00E5 Bahamas, men han hade ocks\u00E5 l\u00E4genheter i Los Angeles och Winnipeg . \u00C5r 2014 uppgick v\u00E4rdet av hans personliga tillg\u00E5ngar till cirka 944 miljoner kanadensiska dollar. Enligt New York Times har Nyg\u00E5rd tio barn med \u00E5tta kvinnor, men han har bara ber\u00E4ttat f\u00F6r allm\u00E4nheten om sju barn med fyra kvinnor."@sv . . . . . . . . "Peter Nyg\u00E5rd"@de . "\u5F7C\u5F97\u00B7\u5C3C\u52A0\u5FB7"@zh . . "Businessman"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "10"^^ . . . . . "\u5F7C\u5F97\u00B7\u5C3C\u52A0\u5FB7\uFF08\u745E\u5178\u8A9E\uFF1APeter Nyg\u00E5rd, 1941\u5E747\u670824\u65E5\uFF0D\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u4F4D\u82AC\u5170\u88D4\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u4F01\u4E1A\u5BB6\u3002"@zh . . "Nyg\u00E5rd in 2016"@en . . "Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd (born Pekka Juhani Nyg\u00E5rd; born July 24, 1941) is a Finnish-Canadian fashion executive. In 1967, he founded Nyg\u00E5rd International, a Winnipeg-based company that made women's apparel. In 2020, Nyg\u00E5rd was accused of long-term sex trafficking, rape, and racketeering after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided his company's offices in New York City. Later that year, he was formally charged and was arrested on sex trafficking and racketeering charges, including allegations of sex trafficking involving minors. In October 2021, Nyg\u00E5rd was charged by Toronto police with multiple counts of sexual assault and forcible confinement in incidents that occurred between the mid-1980s and mid-2000s; accusations of sexual misconduct by Nyg\u00E5rd date as far back as 1968. As of Septemb"@en . . "Peter Nyg\u00E5rd"@en . . . . . . . . . . "\u30D4\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC\u30FBJ\u30FB\u30CA\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF08Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd\u30011941\u5E747\u670824\u65E5 - \uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30A6\u30A3\u30CB\u30DA\u30B0\u306B\u62E0\u70B9\u3092\u7F6E\u304F\u5A66\u4EBA\u670D\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30C9\u306E\u3001\u30CA\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\u30FB\u30A4\u30F3\u30BF\u30FC\u30CA\u30B7\u30E7\u30CA\u30EB\u306E\u5275\u7ACB\u8005\u304A\u3088\u3073\u4F1A\u9577\u3092\u52D9\u3081\u308B\u3001\u30D5\u30A3\u30F3\u30E9\u30F3\u30C9\u7CFB\u30AB\u30CA\u30C0\u4EBA\u306E\u30D5\u30A1\u30C3\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u30A8\u30B0\u30BC\u30AF\u30C6\u30A3\u30D6\u30022009\u5E74\u306E\u300E\u300F\u306B\u3088\u308B\u3068\u3001\u5F7C\u306F8\u51041700\u4E07\u30C9\u30EB\u306E\u7D14\u8CC7\u7523\u3092\u4FDD\u6709\u3057\u3066\u304A\u308A\u300170\u756A\u76EE\u306B\u5BCC\u88D5\u306A\u30AB\u30CA\u30C0\u4EBA\u3067\u3042\u308B\u30022020\u5E742\u6708\u300110\u4EBA\u306E\u5973\u6027\u304C\u3001\u30CA\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\u304C\u30D0\u30CF\u30DE\u306E\u6D77\u8FBA\u306E\u5C4B\u6577\u3067\u5F7C\u5973\u3089\u3092\u5F37\u59E6\u3057\u3001\u300C\u6027\u7684\u4EBA\u8EAB\u58F2\u8CB7\u7D44\u7E54\u300D\u3092\u904B\u55B6\u3057\u305F\u3068\u3057\u3066\u8A34\u8A1F\u3092\u8D77\u3053\u3057\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . "Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd (* 24. Juli 1941 in Helsinki) ist ein finnisch-kanadischer Unternehmer in der Modebranche und Textilwirtschaft."@de . . "Peter Nyg\u00E5rd"@fr . "fashion designer"@en . "Founding Nyg\u00E5rd International"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "57131"^^ . . . . . . . . "Pekka Juhani Nyg\u00E5rd"@en . "Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd (n\u00E9 Pekka Juhani Nyg\u00E5rd) est un ancien dirigeant de mode finno-canadien n\u00E9 le 24 juillet 1941 \u00E0 Helsinki. Il a fond\u00E9 , une entreprise qui fabrique des v\u00EAtements pour femmes, en 1967. Il a d\u00E9missionn\u00E9 de son poste de pr\u00E9sident en f\u00E9vrier 2020 apr\u00E8s que le FBI eut perquisitionn\u00E9 le si\u00E8ge de l'entreprise dans le cadre de son enqu\u00EAte sur les accusations de trafic sexuel port\u00E9es contre lui par plusieurs femmes. Nyg\u00E5rd est arr\u00EAt\u00E9 pour trafic sexuel et racket en d\u00E9cembre de la m\u00EAme ann\u00E9e. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 class\u00E9 70e Canadien le plus riche par le Canadian Business Magazine en 2009 avec une fortune nette \u00E9valu\u00E9e \u00E0 817 millions de dollars canadiens (580 millions d'euros)."@fr . . . . . . . "Helsinki, Finland"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "clothing manufacturer"@en . . . . . "1967"^^ . . . . . . "\u30D4\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC\u30FBJ\u30FB\u30CA\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF08Peter J. Nyg\u00E5rd\u30011941\u5E747\u670824\u65E5 - \uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30A6\u30A3\u30CB\u30DA\u30B0\u306B\u62E0\u70B9\u3092\u7F6E\u304F\u5A66\u4EBA\u670D\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30C9\u306E\u3001\u30CA\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\u30FB\u30A4\u30F3\u30BF\u30FC\u30CA\u30B7\u30E7\u30CA\u30EB\u306E\u5275\u7ACB\u8005\u304A\u3088\u3073\u4F1A\u9577\u3092\u52D9\u3081\u308B\u3001\u30D5\u30A3\u30F3\u30E9\u30F3\u30C9\u7CFB\u30AB\u30CA\u30C0\u4EBA\u306E\u30D5\u30A1\u30C3\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u30A8\u30B0\u30BC\u30AF\u30C6\u30A3\u30D6\u30022009\u5E74\u306E\u300E\u300F\u306B\u3088\u308B\u3068\u3001\u5F7C\u306F8\u51041700\u4E07\u30C9\u30EB\u306E\u7D14\u8CC7\u7523\u3092\u4FDD\u6709\u3057\u3066\u304A\u308A\u300170\u756A\u76EE\u306B\u5BCC\u88D5\u306A\u30AB\u30CA\u30C0\u4EBA\u3067\u3042\u308B\u30022020\u5E742\u6708\u300110\u4EBA\u306E\u5973\u6027\u304C\u3001\u30CA\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\u304C\u30D0\u30CF\u30DE\u306E\u6D77\u8FBA\u306E\u5C4B\u6577\u3067\u5F7C\u5973\u3089\u3092\u5F37\u59E6\u3057\u3001\u300C\u6027\u7684\u4EBA\u8EAB\u58F2\u8CB7\u7D44\u7E54\u300D\u3092\u904B\u55B6\u3057\u305F\u3068\u3057\u3066\u8A34\u8A1F\u3092\u8D77\u3053\u3057\u305F\u3002"@ja .