. . . . . . . . . . "862335"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Plymouth Caravelle is a mid-size sedan that was introduced by Plymouth as a 1983 Canadian model. The Caravelle came to the United States in 1985 to replace the Chrysler E-Class. It was essentially identical to the concurrent Dodge 600. It was replaced by the Plymouth Acclaim in 1989. The Caravelle was Plymouth's first front wheel drive mid-size sedan. The name of the vehicle was inspired by the word Caravel, a 15th-century sailing ship used by the Portuguese; the ship was noted for its speed and agility."@en . "Plymouth Caravelle"@en . . "Plymouth Caravelle \u2013 samoch\u00F3d osobowy klasy \u015Bredniej produkowany pod ameryka\u0144sk\u0105 mark\u0105 Plymouth w latach 1983\u20131988."@pl . . . . . . . . "La Caravelle de Plymouth est une berline familiale qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sent\u00E9e par Plymouth comme mod\u00E8le canadien de 1983. La Caravelle est arriv\u00E9e aux \u00C9tats-Unis en 1985 pour remplacer la Chrysler E-Class. Elle \u00E9tait essentiellement identique \u00E0 la Dodge 600. Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 remplac\u00E9e par la Plymouth Acclaim en 1989. La Caravelle \u00E9tait la premi\u00E8re berline interm\u00E9diaire \u00E0 traction avant de Plymouth. Le nom du v\u00E9hicule est inspir\u00E9 du mot Caravelle, un voilier du XVe si\u00E8cle utilis\u00E9 par les Portugais; le navire a \u00E9t\u00E9 not\u00E9 pour sa vitesse et agilit\u00E9."@fr . . "Plymouth Caravelle \u2013 samoch\u00F3d osobowy klasy \u015Bredniej produkowany pod ameryka\u0144sk\u0105 mark\u0105 Plymouth w latach 1983\u20131988."@pl . "The Plymouth Caravelle is a mid-size sedan that was introduced by Plymouth as a 1983 Canadian model. The Caravelle came to the United States in 1985 to replace the Chrysler E-Class. It was essentially identical to the concurrent Dodge 600. It was replaced by the Plymouth Acclaim in 1989. The Caravelle was Plymouth's first front wheel drive mid-size sedan. The name of the vehicle was inspired by the word Caravel, a 15th-century sailing ship used by the Portuguese; the ship was noted for its speed and agility."@en . . . . . . . . "Plymouth Caravelle"@fr . . "Plymouth Caravelle"@it . . "Plymouth Caravelle"@pl . . . . . . . . "2.2"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1983"^^ . "Plymouth Caravelle"@en . . "7004"^^ . . . "La Caravelle \u00E8 un'autovettura mid-size prodotta dalla Plymouth dal 1983 al 1988. Negli Stati Uniti fu introdotta pi\u00F9 tardi, nel 1985. Dal 1983 al 1985 fu invece commercializzata solo in Canada. Entrambe le versioni montavano il motore in posizione anteriore ed avevano la trazione all\u2019avantreno."@it . "2.6"^^ . . . . . . . "Die Plymouth Caravelle war eine von 1983 bis 1988 von dem US-amerikanischen Automobilhersteller Plymouth angebotene Limousine der Mittelklasse mit Frontantrieb. Von diesem Modell zu unterscheiden waren heckgetriebene Fahrzeuge gleichen Namens, die Chrysler auf dem kanadischen Markt anbot."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Die Plymouth Caravelle war eine von 1983 bis 1988 von dem US-amerikanischen Automobilhersteller Plymouth angebotene Limousine der Mittelklasse mit Frontantrieb. Von diesem Modell zu unterscheiden waren heckgetriebene Fahrzeuge gleichen Namens, die Chrysler auf dem kanadischen Markt anbot."@de . "La Caravelle \u00E8 un'autovettura mid-size prodotta dalla Plymouth dal 1983 al 1988. Negli Stati Uniti fu introdotta pi\u00F9 tardi, nel 1985. Dal 1983 al 1985 fu invece commercializzata solo in Canada. Entrambe le versioni montavano il motore in posizione anteriore ed avevano la trazione all\u2019avantreno. Era essenzialmente identica alla Dodge 600. La Caravelle fu la prima berlina mid-size Plymouth a trazione anteriore. Venne sostituita nel 1989 dalla Plymouth Acclaim. Il nome della Caravelle deriv\u00F2 da un tipo di imbarcazione introdotta dai portoghesi nel XV secolo, la caravella, e che fu utilizzata in seguito da Cristoforo Colombo per i suoi viaggi verso le Americhe. Il nome non fu scelto a caso, dato che questo tipo di imbarcazione era agile e veloce."@it . . . . . . "La Caravelle de Plymouth est une berline familiale qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sent\u00E9e par Plymouth comme mod\u00E8le canadien de 1983. La Caravelle est arriv\u00E9e aux \u00C9tats-Unis en 1985 pour remplacer la Chrysler E-Class. Elle \u00E9tait essentiellement identique \u00E0 la Dodge 600. Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 remplac\u00E9e par la Plymouth Acclaim en 1989. La Caravelle \u00E9tait la premi\u00E8re berline interm\u00E9diaire \u00E0 traction avant de Plymouth. Le nom du v\u00E9hicule est inspir\u00E9 du mot Caravelle, un voilier du XVe si\u00E8cle utilis\u00E9 par les Portugais; le navire a \u00E9t\u00E9 not\u00E9 pour sa vitesse et agilit\u00E9."@fr . "5"^^ . . . . . . . . . "3"^^ . . "2"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . "1985"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Plymouth"@en . . . "2.5"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1072584588"^^ . . . . "Plymouth Caravelle"@de . .