. . . . . "--09-01"^^ . . . . "La loi Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (PEPUDA), \u00E9galement connue sous le nom de Equality Act est un texte l\u00E9gislatif sud-africain visant \u00E0 r\u00E9primer et \u00E0 emp\u00EAcher toute discrimination. En fran\u00E7ais, la traduction de l'intitul\u00E9 de la loi est Loi sur la promotion de l'\u00E9galit\u00E9 et de la pr\u00E9vention de la discrimination. Cette loi interdit la discrimination injuste de la part du gouvernement et des organisations priv\u00E9es et des particuliers et interdit les discours de haine et le harc\u00E8lement. La loi \u00E9num\u00E8re diff\u00E9rents crit\u00E8res sur lesquels toute discrimination est ill\u00E9gale, \u00E0 savoir la race, le sexe, le genre, la grossesse, la responsabilit\u00E9 ou le statut familial, l'\u00E9tat matrimonial, l'origine ethnique ou sociale, le statut s\u00E9rologique relatif au VIH / sida,"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Amendment Act, 2002"@en . . "1999-10-25"^^ . "B57\u20141999"@en . "La loi Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (PEPUDA), \u00E9galement connue sous le nom de Equality Act est un texte l\u00E9gislatif sud-africain visant \u00E0 r\u00E9primer et \u00E0 emp\u00EAcher toute discrimination. En fran\u00E7ais, la traduction de l'intitul\u00E9 de la loi est Loi sur la promotion de l'\u00E9galit\u00E9 et de la pr\u00E9vention de la discrimination. Cette loi interdit la discrimination injuste de la part du gouvernement et des organisations priv\u00E9es et des particuliers et interdit les discours de haine et le harc\u00E8lement. La loi \u00E9num\u00E8re diff\u00E9rents crit\u00E8res sur lesquels toute discrimination est ill\u00E9gale, \u00E0 savoir la race, le sexe, le genre, la grossesse, la responsabilit\u00E9 ou le statut familial, l'\u00E9tat matrimonial, l'origine ethnique ou sociale, le statut s\u00E9rologique relatif au VIH / sida, la couleur de peau, l'orientation sexuelle, l'\u00E2ge, le handicap, la religion, la conscience, les croyances, la culture, la langue et la naissance. comme \u00ABmotifs interdits\u00BB de discrimination, mais contient \u00E9galement des crit\u00E8res que les tribunaux peuvent appliquer pour d\u00E9terminer quelles autres caract\u00E9ristiques sont des motifs interdits. La loi \u00E9tablit les divisions de la Haute Cour et d\u00E9signe les tribunaux de premi\u00E8re instance comme \u00AB tribunaux de l'\u00E9galit\u00E9 \u00BB pour traiter les plaintes pour discrimination, discours de haine et harc\u00E8lement. La discrimination en mati\u00E8re d'emploi est exclue du champ d'application de la loi car celle-ci est d\u00E9j\u00E0 couverte par une autre l\u00E9gislation adopt\u00E9e en 1998, le Employment Equity Act (Loi sur l'\u00E9quit\u00E9 en mati\u00E8re d'emploi)."@fr . . "Act to give effect to section 9 read with item 23 of Schedule 6 to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, so as to prevent and prohibit unfair discrimination and harassment; to promote equality and eliminate unfair discrimination; to prevent and prohibit hate speech; and to provide for matters connected therewith."@en . "Equality Act (Afrique du Sud)"@fr . . . . "The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (PEPUDA or the Equality Act, Act No. 4 of 2000) is a comprehensive South African anti-discrimination law. It prohibits unfair discrimination by the government and by private organisations and individuals and forbids hate speech and harassment. The act specifically lists race, gender, sex, pregnancy, family responsibility or status, marital status, ethnic or social origin, HIV/AIDS status, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth as \"prohibited grounds\" for discrimination, but also contains criteria that courts may apply to determine which other characteristics are prohibited grounds. Employment discrimination is excluded from the ambit of the act because it is addressed by the . The act establishes the divisions of the High Court and designated Magistrates' Courts as \"Equality Courts\" to hear complaints of discrimination, hate speech and harassment."@en . "2000-02-02"^^ . . . . . . . "The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (PEPUDA or the Equality Act, Act No. 4 of 2000) is a comprehensive South African anti-discrimination law. It prohibits unfair discrimination by the government and by private organisations and individuals and forbids hate speech and harassment. The act specifically lists race, gender, sex, pregnancy, family responsibility or status, marital status, ethnic or social origin, HIV/AIDS status, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth as \"prohibited grounds\" for discrimination, but also contains criteria that courts may apply to determine which other characteristics are prohibited grounds. Employment discrimination is excluded from the ambit of the act because"@en . . . . . . "Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Bill"@en . . "15750886"^^ . . . . "1114717935"^^ . . "Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000"@en . "in force"@en . . . . . "Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000"@en . . "4748"^^ . . . "2021-04-18"^^ . . . . .