. . . . . . . "RACE PCR (od ang. rapid amplification of cDNA ends PCR), szybka amplifikacja ko\u0144c\u00F3w cDNA \u2013 technika biologii molekularnej, odmiana \u0142a\u0144cuchowej reakcji polimerazy (PCR), kt\u00F3rej celem jest poznanie dok\u0142adnej sekwencji jednego z ko\u0144c\u00F3w RNA. W zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od analizowanego ko\u0144ca stosowana jest metoda 3'RACE lub 5'RACE."@pl . . . "1323803"^^ . . . . . . . . "\u5FEB\u901F\u6269\u589EcDNA\u672B\u7AEF\uFF08Rapid amplification of cDNA ends\uFF0C\u7E2E\u5BEBRACE\uFF09\u6280\u672F\uFF0C\u6307\u7684\u662F\u5229\u7528\u5206\u5B50\u751F\u7269\u5B66\u83B7\u5F97RNA\u8F6C\u5F55\u672C3'\u62165'\u5E8F\u5217\u7684\u6280\u672F\u3002\u8BE5\u6280\u672F\u662F\u57FA\u4E8EPCR\u6280\u672F\uFF0C\u5FEB\u901F\u6269\u589EcDNA\uFF08RNA\u53CD\u8F6C\u5F55\u83B7\u5F97\uFF09\u672B\u7AEF\u4ECE\u800C\u83B7\u5F97\u5DF2\u77E5mRNA\u5185\u4E00\u6BB5\u5C0F\u5E8F\u5217\u4E0E3'\u62165'\u5E8F\u5217\u7684\u6280\u672F\u3002\u8BE5\u6280\u672F\u4E5F\u79F0\u5355\u4FA7PCR\u6216\u8005\u951A\u5F0FPCR\u3002"@zh . . . . "1123483934"^^ . . . "RACE PCR"@pl . . . . "RACE"@it . . . . . . . . . "RACE-PCR"@de . "\u5FEB\u901F\u6269\u589EcDNA\u672B\u7AEF\uFF08Rapid amplification of cDNA ends\uFF0C\u7E2E\u5BEBRACE\uFF09\u6280\u672F\uFF0C\u6307\u7684\u662F\u5229\u7528\u5206\u5B50\u751F\u7269\u5B66\u83B7\u5F97RNA\u8F6C\u5F55\u672C3'\u62165'\u5E8F\u5217\u7684\u6280\u672F\u3002\u8BE5\u6280\u672F\u662F\u57FA\u4E8EPCR\u6280\u672F\uFF0C\u5FEB\u901F\u6269\u589EcDNA\uFF08RNA\u53CD\u8F6C\u5F55\u83B7\u5F97\uFF09\u672B\u7AEF\u4ECE\u800C\u83B7\u5F97\u5DF2\u77E5mRNA\u5185\u4E00\u6BB5\u5C0F\u5E8F\u5217\u4E0E3'\u62165'\u5E8F\u5217\u7684\u6280\u672F\u3002\u8BE5\u6280\u672F\u4E5F\u79F0\u5355\u4FA7PCR\u6216\u8005\u951A\u5F0FPCR\u3002"@zh . "RACE-PCR est l'acronyme de l'expression anglaise \u00AB rapid amplification of cDNA-ends by polymerase chain reaction \u00BB et qui signifie en fran\u00E7ais \u00AB amplification rapide d'extr\u00E9mit\u00E9s de cDNA par r\u00E9action en cha\u00EEne par polym\u00E9rase \u00BB. La premi\u00E8re partie de l'acronyme \u00AB RACE \u00BB est un jeu de mot (\u00AB course \u00BB en fran\u00E7ais) qui fait allusion \u00E0 la rapidit\u00E9 de la m\u00E9thode. Le but de la RACE-PCR tient dans l'isolement des extr\u00E9mit\u00E9s 3' ou 5' de g\u00E8nes afin de d\u00E9terminer la s\u00E9quence d'initiation ou de terminaison de la traduction par exemple. C'est une technique d\u00E9riv\u00E9e de la RT-PCR."@fr . . . . "8025"^^ . "RACE-PCR est l'acronyme de l'expression anglaise \u00AB rapid amplification of cDNA-ends by polymerase chain reaction \u00BB et qui signifie en fran\u00E7ais \u00AB amplification rapide d'extr\u00E9mit\u00E9s de cDNA par r\u00E9action en cha\u00EEne par polym\u00E9rase \u00BB. La premi\u00E8re partie de l'acronyme \u00AB RACE \u00BB est un jeu de mot (\u00AB course \u00BB en fran\u00E7ais) qui fait allusion \u00E0 la rapidit\u00E9 de la m\u00E9thode. Le but de la RACE-PCR tient dans l'isolement des extr\u00E9mit\u00E9s 3' ou 5' de g\u00E8nes afin de d\u00E9terminer la s\u00E9quence d'initiation ou de terminaison de la traduction par exemple. C'est une technique d\u00E9riv\u00E9e de la RT-PCR. \n* Portail de la biologie cellulaire et mol\u00E9culaire"@fr . . . . . "Als RACE oder RACE-PCR (englisch rapid amplification of cDNA-ends und polymerase chain reaction) wird in der Molekularbiologie eine Kombination von Methoden zur schnellen Vervielf\u00E4ltigung von cDNA-Enden mit Hilfe der Polymerase-Kettenreaktion bezeichnet."@de . . . . "Rapid amplification of cDNA ends"@en . . . . . . . . "La sigla RACE \u00E8 l'abbreviazione di rapid amplification of cDNA ends (in italiano: amplificazione rapida delle estremit\u00E0 del cDNA) ed \u00E8 una tecnica di biologia molecolare che serve ad estendere la porzione di sequenza nota di un RNA messaggero all'estremit\u00E0 (5'-RACE) o (3'-RACE). Le classiche tecniche di clonaggio del cDNA infatti spesso producono soltanto frammenti della sequenza, che possono essere estesi tramite le tecniche di RACE."@it . . "Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) is a technique used in molecular biology to obtain the full length sequence of an RNA transcript found within a cell. RACE results in the production of a cDNA copy of the RNA sequence of interest, produced through reverse transcription, followed by PCR amplification of the cDNA copies (see RT-PCR). The amplified cDNA copies are then sequenced and, if long enough, should map to a unique genomic region. RACE is commonly followed up by cloning before sequencing of what was originally individual RNA molecules. A more high-throughput alternative which is useful for identification of novel transcript structures, is to sequence the RACE-products by next generation sequencing technologies."@en . . "\u5FEB\u901F\u6269\u589EcDNA\u672B\u7AEF"@zh . . . "La sigla RACE \u00E8 l'abbreviazione di rapid amplification of cDNA ends (in italiano: amplificazione rapida delle estremit\u00E0 del cDNA) ed \u00E8 una tecnica di biologia molecolare che serve ad estendere la porzione di sequenza nota di un RNA messaggero all'estremit\u00E0 (5'-RACE) o (3'-RACE). Le classiche tecniche di clonaggio del cDNA infatti spesso producono soltanto frammenti della sequenza, che possono essere estesi tramite le tecniche di RACE. Il metodo si basa sull'uso della reazione a catena della polimerasi; il problema maggiore \u00E8 quindi quello di individuare due primer ai lati della sequenza da amplificare. Uno dei primer pu\u00F2 essere basato sulla sequenza nucleotidica gi\u00E0 nota, che deve venire estesa. Il secondo primer invece \u00E8 pi\u00F9 problematico e tecniche diverse si utilizzano, come si vedr\u00E0 nella sezione successiva, per le estremit\u00E0 3' e 5'. L'uso della sigla RACE \u00E8 anche un gioco di parole, in quanto in inglese il termine race significa corsa; corsa appunto in una o nell'altra direzione della sequenza nucleotidica."@it . "RACE PCR (od ang. rapid amplification of cDNA ends PCR), szybka amplifikacja ko\u0144c\u00F3w cDNA \u2013 technika biologii molekularnej, odmiana \u0142a\u0144cuchowej reakcji polimerazy (PCR), kt\u00F3rej celem jest poznanie dok\u0142adnej sekwencji jednego z ko\u0144c\u00F3w RNA. W zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od analizowanego ko\u0144ca stosowana jest metoda 3'RACE lub 5'RACE."@pl . . . "Als RACE oder RACE-PCR (englisch rapid amplification of cDNA-ends und polymerase chain reaction) wird in der Molekularbiologie eine Kombination von Methoden zur schnellen Vervielf\u00E4ltigung von cDNA-Enden mit Hilfe der Polymerase-Kettenreaktion bezeichnet. Eine RACE-PCR ist zumeist eine Form bzw. eine Abwandlung der RT-PCR, mit der die Enden von Genen erfasst werden k\u00F6nnen. Ein Ziel der RACE besteht oft in der Erfassung eines Gens als Locus im Genom (als Abschnitt im Erbgut). W\u00E4hrend die Start- und Endpunkte der codierenden Sequenz von Genen meist durch die DNA-Sequenz selbst erkennbar sind (z. B. mit Hilfe von offenen Leserahmen), lassen sich die untranslatierten Regionen (UTRs) an den beiden Enden eines Gens nicht direkt aus der Genomsequenz ableiten. Die untranslatierten Regionen enthalten jedoch wichtige regulatorische Elemente, die die Translation der mRNA und deren Stabilit\u00E4t beeinflussen und sind daher von gro\u00DFem Interesse."@de . . "Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) is a technique used in molecular biology to obtain the full length sequence of an RNA transcript found within a cell. RACE results in the production of a cDNA copy of the RNA sequence of interest, produced through reverse transcription, followed by PCR amplification of the cDNA copies (see RT-PCR). The amplified cDNA copies are then sequenced and, if long enough, should map to a unique genomic region. RACE is commonly followed up by cloning before sequencing of what was originally individual RNA molecules. A more high-throughput alternative which is useful for identification of novel transcript structures, is to sequence the RACE-products by next generation sequencing technologies."@en . . . . . . . . "RACE-PCR"@fr . . . .