. "* \n*"@en . "12646921"^^ . . . . . . "Niszczyciele typu Restigouche"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "111.5568"^^ . . . "T\u0159\u00EDda Restigouche byly protiponorkov\u00E9 torp\u00E9doborce kanadsk\u00E9ho kr\u00E1lovsk\u00E9ho n\u00E1mo\u0159nictva. Jednalo se o m\u00EDrn\u011B modifikovanou verzi t\u0159\u00EDdy St. Laurent. Celkem bylo postaveno sedm jednotek t\u00E9to t\u0159\u00EDdy. Ve slu\u017Eb\u011B byly v letech 1958\u20131997. Zat\u00EDmco t\u0159i plavidla byla u\u017E roku 1974 p\u0159evedena do rezervy, zbyl\u00E1 \u010Dtve\u0159ice byla n\u011Bkolikr\u00E1t modernizov\u00E1na. V\u0161echna plavidla ji\u017E byla vy\u0159azena ze slu\u017Eby. Nahradily je fregaty t\u0159\u00EDda Halifax."@cs . . . . . "*As built:\n* 1 \u00D7 DAU HF/DF \n*After IRE:\n* 1 \u00D7 ULQ-6 jammer\n* 1 \u00D7 WLR-1C radar analyzer\n* 1 \u00D7 UPD-501 radar detector\n* 1 \u00D7 SRD-501 HF/DF\n*After DELEX:\n* 1 \u00D7 CANEWS\n* 1 \u00D7 ULQ-6 jammer\n*After Gulf War:\n* 1 \u00D7 CANEWS\n* 1 \u00D7 ULQ-6 jammer\n* 1 \u00D7 ALR-74 threat warning"@en . . . . . . "* normal\n* deep load"@en . . "2900000000.0"^^ . . . . . . . . "28345"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "7"^^ . . "7"^^ . "T\u0159\u00EDda Restigouche"@cs . "Niszczyciele typu Restigouche \u2013 typ siedmiu kanadyjskich niszczycieli eskortowych (fregat), zbudowanych w latach 50. XX wieku dla Royal Canadian Navy. Cztery spo\u015Br\u00F3d siedmiu okr\u0119t\u00F3w (HMCS \"Restigouche\", HMCS \"Gatineau\", HMCS \"Kootenay\" i HMCS \"Terra Nova\") zosta\u0142y pod koniec lat 60. poddane modernizacji IRE (ang. Improved Restigouche), a pozosta\u0142e trzy (HMCS \"Chaudiere\", HMCS \"St. Croix\" i HMCS \"Columbia\"), ze wzgl\u0119du na ci\u0119cia w bud\u017Cecie Kanadyjskich Si\u0142 Zbrojnych, zosta\u0142y w 1974 roku przeniesione do rezerwy. Pod koniec lat 70. okr\u0119ty pozostaj\u0105ce w aktywnej s\u0142u\u017Cbie ponownie zmodernizowano w ramach programu DELEX (Destroyer Life Extension Project). Okr\u0119ty zako\u0144czy\u0142y s\u0142u\u017Cb\u0119 w latach 90. XX wieku."@pl . "7"^^ . . "T\u0159\u00EDda Restigouche byly protiponorkov\u00E9 torp\u00E9doborce kanadsk\u00E9ho kr\u00E1lovsk\u00E9ho n\u00E1mo\u0159nictva. Jednalo se o m\u00EDrn\u011B modifikovanou verzi t\u0159\u00EDdy St. Laurent. Celkem bylo postaveno sedm jednotek t\u00E9to t\u0159\u00EDdy. Ve slu\u017Eb\u011B byly v letech 1958\u20131997. Zat\u00EDmco t\u0159i plavidla byla u\u017E roku 1974 p\u0159evedena do rezervy, zbyl\u00E1 \u010Dtve\u0159ice byla n\u011Bkolikr\u00E1t modernizov\u00E1na. V\u0161echna plavidla ji\u017E byla vy\u0159azena ze slu\u017Eby. Nahradily je fregaty t\u0159\u00EDda Halifax."@cs . . . . "1116267579"^^ . . "12.8016"^^ . . . . . . "Restigouche-class destroyer"@en . "\u30EC\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30B4\u30FC\u30B7\u30E5\u7D1A\u99C6\u9010\u8266\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E: Restigouche-class destroyer\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30AB\u30CA\u30C0\u6D77\u8ECD\u306E\u99C6\u9010\u8266\uFF08\u8B77\u885B\u99C6\u9010\u8266\uFF09\u306E\u8266\u7D1A\u3002\u5148\u884C\u3059\u308B\u30B5\u30F3\u30FB\u30ED\u30FC\u30E9\u30F3\u7D1A\u306E\u5C0F\u6539\u6B63\u578B\u3068\u3057\u3066\u30011959\u5E74\u306B7\u96BB\u304C\u5C31\u5F79\u3057\u305F\u3002"@ja . . "\u30EC\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30B4\u30FC\u30B7\u30E5\u7D1A\u99C6\u9010\u8266"@ja . . . "at"@en . . . . "2800000000.0"^^ . . "The Restigouche-class destroyer was a class of seven destroyer escorts that served the Royal Canadian Navy and later the Canadian Forces from the late-1950s to the late-1990s. All seven vessels in the class were named after rivers in Canada. The Royal Canadian Navy began planning the St. Laurent-class destroyer in the late 1940s and originally intended to procure fourteen vessels. Delays in design and construction saw the number of vessels for the St. Laurent class halved to seven. The seven remaining vessels were redesigned as the Restigouche class, taking into account design improvements found during construction of the St. Laurents. The seven ships of the class were commissioned between 1958 and 1959."@en . . . "*As built: 249\n*After IRE/DELEX: 214"@en . . . . . . . . . "*As built:\n* 1 \u00D7 3\"/70 Mk.6 Vickers twin mount forward\n* 1 \u00D7 Mk.33 FMC twin mount aft\n* 2 \u00D7 Mk NC 10 Limbo ASW mortars\n* 2 \u00D7 single Mk.2 \"K-gun\" launchers with homing torpedoes\n* 1 \u00D7 103 mm Bofors illumination rocket launchers\n*After IRE/DELEX:\n* 1 \u00D7 3\"/70 Mk.6 Vickers twin mount forward\n* 1 \u00D7 Mk.112 ASROC octuple launcher\n* 1 \u00D7 Mk NC 10 Limbo ASW mortars\n* 2 \u00D7 Mk.32 triple torpedo launchers firing Mk.46 Mod 5 torpedoes\n*After Gulf War:\n* 1 \u00D7 3\"/70 Mk.6 Vickers twin mount forward\n* 2 \u00D7 Harpoon quad SSM launchers\n* shoulder-launched Blowpipe and Javelin SAMs\n* 1 \u00D7 Phalanx 20 mm CIWS\n* 2 \u00D7 40 mm/60 Bofors guns\n* 6 \u00D7 .50 cal. machine guns\n* 2 \u00D7 Mk.32 triple torpedo launchers firing Mk.46 Mod 5 torpedoes"@en . . . . . "51.856"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "*As built:\n* 1 \u00D7 SPS-12 air search radar\n* 1 \u00D7 SPS-10B surface search radar\n* 1 \u00D7 Sperry Mk.2 navigation radar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-501 high frequency bottom profiler sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-502 high frequency mortar control sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-503 hull mounted active search sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-10 hull mounted active search sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 Mk.69 gunnery control system with SPG-48 director forward\n* 1 \u00D7 GUNAR Mk.64 GFCS with on-mount SPG-48 director aft\n*After IRE:\n* 1 \u00D7 SPS-12 air search radar\n* 1 \u00D7 SPS-10B surface search radar\n* 1 \u00D7 Sperry Mk.2 navigation radar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-501 high frequency bottom profiler sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-502 high frequency mortar control sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-503 hull mounted active search sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-10 hull mounted active search sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 AQA-5 Jezebel passive tracer sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 Mk.69 gunnery control system with SPG-48 director forward\n*After DELEX:\n* 1 \u00D7 Marconi SPS 502 air search radar\n* 1 \u00D7 Raytheon SPS 10D surface search radar\n* 1 \u00D7 Sperry Mk.127 E navigation radar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-505 hull sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS 505 VDS sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 Mk.69 gunnery control system with SPG-515 director forward\n*After Gulf War:\n* 1 \u00D7 Marconi SPS 502 air search radar\n* 1 \u00D7 Raytheon SPS 10D surface search radar\n* 1 \u00D7 Sperry Mk.127 E navigation radar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-505 hull sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 SQS-505 VDS sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 C-Tech mine avoidance sonar\n* 1 \u00D7 Mk.69 gunnery control system with SPG-515 director forward"@en . . . . . . . . . "*2 \u00D7 shafts\n*2 \u00D7 English-Electric geared steam turbines\n*2 \u00D7 Babcock & Wilcox boilers\n*"@en . . . . . . . . . "Niszczyciele typu Restigouche \u2013 typ siedmiu kanadyjskich niszczycieli eskortowych (fregat), zbudowanych w latach 50. XX wieku dla Royal Canadian Navy. Cztery spo\u015Br\u00F3d siedmiu okr\u0119t\u00F3w (HMCS \"Restigouche\", HMCS \"Gatineau\", HMCS \"Kootenay\" i HMCS \"Terra Nova\") zosta\u0142y pod koniec lat 60. poddane modernizacji IRE (ang. Improved Restigouche), a pozosta\u0142e trzy (HMCS \"Chaudiere\", HMCS \"St. Croix\" i HMCS \"Columbia\"), ze wzgl\u0119du na ci\u0119cia w bud\u017Cecie Kanadyjskich Si\u0142 Zbrojnych, zosta\u0142y w 1974 roku przeniesione do rezerwy. Pod koniec lat 70. okr\u0119ty pozostaj\u0105ce w aktywnej s\u0142u\u017Cbie ponownie zmodernizowano w ramach programu DELEX (Destroyer Life Extension Project). Okr\u0119ty zako\u0144czy\u0142y s\u0142u\u017Cb\u0119 w latach 90. XX wieku."@pl . "The Restigouche-class destroyer was a class of seven destroyer escorts that served the Royal Canadian Navy and later the Canadian Forces from the late-1950s to the late-1990s. All seven vessels in the class were named after rivers in Canada."@en . . . . . . "2390000000.0"^^ . . "* \n*"@en . . . . . "*As built:\n* \n* \n*After IRE:\n*"@en . . . . . . . . . "111556.8"^^ . . "Restigouche class"@en . . . . . . . . "--06-07"^^ . . . "*Canadian Vickers Ltd., Montreal\n*Burrard Dry Dock Ltd., North Vancouver\n*Halifax Shipyards Ltd., Halifax\n*Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel\n*Davie Shipbuilding Ltd., Lauzon\n*Victoria Machinery Depot Ltd., Victoria"@en . . "\u30EC\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30B4\u30FC\u30B7\u30E5\u7D1A\u99C6\u9010\u8266\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E: Restigouche-class destroyer\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30AB\u30CA\u30C0\u6D77\u8ECD\u306E\u99C6\u9010\u8266\uFF08\u8B77\u885B\u99C6\u9010\u8266\uFF09\u306E\u8266\u7D1A\u3002\u5148\u884C\u3059\u308B\u30B5\u30F3\u30FB\u30ED\u30FC\u30E9\u30F3\u7D1A\u306E\u5C0F\u6539\u6B63\u578B\u3068\u3057\u3066\u30011959\u5E74\u306B7\u96BB\u304C\u5C31\u5F79\u3057\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . .