. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Roberts Bartholow"@en . . . . . "Faradic electric currents to the exposed dura mater of a patient"@en . . . . "1904-05-10"^^ . . . . "Robert Bartholow"@de . . . "Roberts Bartholow"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Roberts Bartholow (ur. 28 listopada 1831 w New Windsor, zm. 10 maja 1904 w Filadelfii) \u2013 ameryka\u0144ski lekarz, neurolog. Uko\u0144czy\u0142 Calvert College w 1850, tytu\u0142 M.D. otrzyma\u0142 na University of Maryland. Od 1855 do 1864 praktykowa\u0142 jako lekarz wojskowy. Od 1864 do 1878 wyk\u0142ada\u0142 w College of Ohio w Cincinnati. W 1878 zosta\u0142 profesorem w Jefferson Medical College w Filadelfii."@pl . . . "Roberts Bartholow"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "15832"^^ . . . . . . . . "Roberts Bartholow (ur. 28 listopada 1831 w New Windsor, zm. 10 maja 1904 w Filadelfii) \u2013 ameryka\u0144ski lekarz, neurolog. Uko\u0144czy\u0142 Calvert College w 1850, tytu\u0142 M.D. otrzyma\u0142 na University of Maryland. Od 1855 do 1864 praktykowa\u0142 jako lekarz wojskowy. Od 1864 do 1878 wyk\u0142ada\u0142 w College of Ohio w Cincinnati. W 1878 zosta\u0142 profesorem w Jefferson Medical College w Filadelfii. W 1874 Bartholow opublikowa\u0142 opis swoich do\u015Bwiadcze\u0144, w kt\u00F3rych dra\u017Cni\u0142 pr\u0105dem elektrycznym odkryt\u0105 powierzchni\u0119 m\u00F3zgu u op\u00F3\u017Anionej psychicznie pacjentki, Mary Rafferty. Naciek nowotworowy zniszczy\u0142 u niej cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 pokrywy czaszki, ods\u0142aniaj\u0105c m\u00F3zgowie. Bartholow potwierdzi\u0142 swoim do\u015Bwiadczeniem teori\u0119 lokalizacyjn\u0105 Ferriera. Powtarzane eksperymenty spowodowa\u0142y u pacjentki napad drgawkowy i \u015Bpi\u0105czk\u0119, z kt\u00F3rej wybudzi\u0142a si\u0119 po trzech dniach, ale zmar\u0142a nast\u0119pnego dnia. Do\u015Bwiadczenie Bartholowa skrytykowa\u0142a American Medical Association."@pl . "3621536"^^ . . . . "1831-11-28"^^ . . "Roberts Bartholow or Robert Bartholow (November 28, 1831 \u2013 May 10, 1904) was an American physician and a professor at several American medical colleges. He is best known for his experiments involving a 30-year-old patient named Mary Rafferty. Rafferty was admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1874 with a 2-inch-diameter (51 mm) hole in her skull caused by a cancerous ulcer. Bartholow experimented with applying current to Rafferty's exposed dura using needle electrodes. His report detailed the first observations of how electrical stimulation of the brain affects motor functions of the body, but many ethical concerns were raised about the way in which he carried out his experiments. Rafferty went into a coma for three days and then died the day after coming out of the coma from a massive seizure."@en . "Robert Bartholow oder Roberts Bartholow (* 28. November 1831; \u2020 1904) war ein amerikanischer Arzt aus , Maryland."@de . . . . . . . "American"@en . "1831-11-28"^^ . . . . . "Roberts Bartholow"@en . "1054715460"^^ . . . "Roberts Bartholow or Robert Bartholow (November 28, 1831 \u2013 May 10, 1904) was an American physician and a professor at several American medical colleges. He is best known for his experiments involving a 30-year-old patient named Mary Rafferty. Rafferty was admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1874 with a 2-inch-diameter (51 mm) hole in her skull caused by a cancerous ulcer. Bartholow experimented with applying current to Rafferty's exposed dura using needle electrodes. His report detailed the first observations of how electrical stimulation of the brain affects motor functions of the body, but many ethical concerns were raised about the way in which he carried out his experiments. Rafferty went into a coma for three days and then died the day after coming out of the co"@en . . . "Roberts Bartholow"@pl . "Robert Bartholow oder Roberts Bartholow (* 28. November 1831; \u2020 1904) war ein amerikanischer Arzt aus , Maryland."@de . . . . . . "1904-05-10"^^ . . . . . . "150"^^ . . . .