. . "17.0"^^ . . . . . "18535"^^ . . . . . "SMS Budapest"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1896-04-27"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1092639923"^^ . . . . "Le SMS Budapest \u00E9tait un vaisseau de d\u00E9fense c\u00F4ti\u00E8re de classe Monarch construit par l'Autriche-Hongrie en 1893."@fr . "SMS Budapest \u2013 pancernik obrony wybrze\u017Ca typu Monarch, zbudowany dla Austro-W\u0119gierskiej Marynarki Wojennej w latach 90. XIX wieku. Po wej\u015Bciu do s\u0142u\u017Cby, SMS \u201EBudapest\u201D i dwa pozosta\u0142e okr\u0119ty z tego typu odby\u0142y kilka rejs\u00F3w treningowych po Morzu \u015Ar\u00F3dziemnym w pierwszych latach XX wieku. \u201EBudapest\u201D oraz jego siostrzane okr\u0119ty tworzy\u0142y I Dywizjon Okr\u0119t\u00F3w Marynarki Austro-W\u0119gier, dop\u00F3ki nie zosta\u0142y zast\u0105pione przez przeddrednoty typu Habsburg na prze\u0142omie wieku. W 1906 roku trzy okr\u0119ty typu Monarch zosta\u0142y przeniesione do rezerwy i by\u0142y przywracane do s\u0142u\u017Cby liniowej jedynie podczas corocznych manewr\u00F3w treningowych. Po wybuchu I wojny \u015Bwiatowej okr\u0119ty zosta\u0142y przywr\u00F3cone do s\u0142u\u017Cby i utworzy\u0142y V Dywizjon Okr\u0119t\u00F3w."@pl . . . . "SMS Budapest\u2009 (\"His Majesty's Ship Budapest\") was a Monarch-class coastal defense ship built for the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the 1890s. After their commissioning, Budapest and the two other Monarch-class ships made several training cruises in the Mediterranean Sea in the early 1900s. Budapest and her sisters formed the 1st Capital Ship Division of the Austro-Hungarian Navy until they were replaced by the newly commissioned Habsburg-class pre-dreadnought battleships at the turn of the century. In 1906 the three Monarchs were placed in reserve and only recommissioned during the annual summer training exercises. After the start of World War I, Budapest was recommissioned and assigned to 5th Division together with her sisters. The division was sent to Cattaro in August 1914 to attack Montenegrin and French artillery that was bombarding the port, and they remained there until mid-1917. Budapest and her sister Wien were sent to Trieste in August and bombarded Italian fortifications in the Gulf of Trieste. The ship was briefly decommissioned in early 1918 and became an accommodation ship, but she was fitted with a large siege howitzer for shore bombardment shortly afterwards and recommissioned. A shortage of ammunition caused the gun to be removed before it could be used, and Budapest reverted to her previous role. The ship was awarded to Great Britain by the Paris Peace Conference in 1920. The British sold her for scrap, and she was broken up in Italy beginning in 1921."@en . . . . . "* 2 \u00D7 2 - Krupp guns\n* 6 \u00D7 1 - \u0160koda guns\n* 1 \u00D7 anti-aircraft gun\n* 10 \u00D7 1 - \u0160koda guns\n* 4 \u00D7 1 - Hotchkiss guns\n* 2 \u00D7 torpedo tubes"@en . . . "Scrapped, 1921" . . . "La SMS Budapest \u00E8 stata una nave da battaglia classe Monarch della k.u.k. Kriegsmarine, la marina militare dell'Impero Austroungarico. Costruita nei cantieri dello Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino, fu impostata nel 1893 e varata il 7 luglio 1896, classificata come \"nave da battaglia da difesa costiera\". Dal dicembre 1912 al marzo 1913 fu comandata da Mikl\u00F3s Horthy."@it . . . . "SMS Budapest"@pl . . "SMS Budapest"@en . . . . . "SMS Budapest var ett pansarskepp som tillh\u00F6rde den \u00F6sterrikisk-ungerska marinen. Hon var det sist f\u00E4rdigst\u00E4llda fartyget i , som hon utgjorde tillsammans med systerfartygen SMS Monarch och. Fartyget sj\u00F6sattes den 27 april 1896 och togs i tj\u00E4nst den 12 maj 1898. Hon tillbringade st\u00F6rre delen av sin karri\u00E4r till taktiska \u00F6vningar i Adriatiska havet. Under f\u00F6rsta v\u00E4rldskriget deltog hon, liksom sina systrar, i bombardemanget av den italienska flottbasen Cattaro. Efter krigsslutet \u00F6vertogs hon av britterna som en del av \u00D6sterrikes krigsskadest\u00E5nd och skrotades i Italien 1920."@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1898-05-12"^^ . . . . . . "1918-03-11"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Countess Marie Sz\u00E9ch\u00E9ny\u00ED-Andr\u00E1ssy"@en . . "29154283"^^ . . "Le SMS Budapest \u00E9tait un vaisseau de d\u00E9fense c\u00F4ti\u00E8re de classe Monarch construit par l'Autriche-Hongrie en 1893."@fr . "*Waterline belt: \n*Deck: \n*Gun turrets: \n*Casemate: \n*Conning tower:"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "SMS Budapest\u2009 (\"His Majesty's Ship Budapest\") was a Monarch-class coastal defense ship built for the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the 1890s. After their commissioning, Budapest and the two other Monarch-class ships made several training cruises in the Mediterranean Sea in the early 1900s. Budapest and her sisters formed the 1st Capital Ship Division of the Austro-Hungarian Navy until they were replaced by the newly commissioned Habsburg-class pre-dreadnought battleships at the turn of the century. In 1906 the three Monarchs were placed in reserve and only recommissioned during the annual summer training exercises. After the start of World War I, Budapest was recommissioned and assigned to 5th Division together with her sisters."@en . . . "SMS Budapest \u2013 pancernik obrony wybrze\u017Ca typu Monarch, zbudowany dla Austro-W\u0119gierskiej Marynarki Wojennej w latach 90. XIX wieku. Po wej\u015Bciu do s\u0142u\u017Cby, SMS \u201EBudapest\u201D i dwa pozosta\u0142e okr\u0119ty z tego typu odby\u0142y kilka rejs\u00F3w treningowych po Morzu \u015Ar\u00F3dziemnym w pierwszych latach XX wieku. \u201EBudapest\u201D oraz jego siostrzane okr\u0119ty tworzy\u0142y I Dywizjon Okr\u0119t\u00F3w Marynarki Austro-W\u0119gier, dop\u00F3ki nie zosta\u0142y zast\u0105pione przez przeddrednoty typu Habsburg na prze\u0142omie wieku. W 1906 roku trzy okr\u0119ty typu Monarch zosta\u0142y przeniesione do rezerwy i by\u0142y przywracane do s\u0142u\u017Cby liniowej jedynie podczas corocznych manewr\u00F3w treningowych. Po wybuchu I wojny \u015Bwiatowej okr\u0119ty zosta\u0142y przywr\u00F3cone do s\u0142u\u017Cby i utworzy\u0142y V Dywizjon Okr\u0119t\u00F3w. W sierpniu 1914 roku dywizjon zosta\u0142 wys\u0142any do Kotoru w celu ostrzelania francuskiej i czarnog\u00F3rskiej artylerii, kt\u00F3ra atakowa\u0142a tamtejszy port. \u201EWien\u201D i \u201EBudapest\u201D pozosta\u0142y tam do po\u0142owy 1917 r. We wrze\u015Bniu oba okr\u0119ty zosta\u0142y wys\u0142ane do Triestu w celu wykonania bombardowania artyleryjskiego w\u0142oskich fortyfikacji w Zatoce Trieste\u0144skiej. W nocy z 9 na 10 grudnia 1917 roku dwie w\u0142oskie \u0142odzie torpedowe zdo\u0142a\u0142y wej\u015B\u0107 niezauwa\u017Cone do portu i odpali\u0107 torpedy w stron\u0119 zacumowanych pancernik\u00F3w. \u201EBudapest\u201D nie otrzyma\u0142 trafie\u0144, ale \u201EWien\u201D zosta\u0142 ugodzony dwiema torpedami i zaton\u0105\u0142 w ci\u0105gu nieca\u0142ych pi\u0119ciu minut, trac\u0105c 46 cz\u0142onk\u00F3w za\u0142ogi. \u201EBudapest\u201D zosta\u0142 wycofany ze s\u0142u\u017Cby na pocz\u0105tku 1918 r. i zosta\u0142 przerobiony na hulk mieszkalny dla za\u0142\u00F3g niemieckich U-Boot\u00F3w. W czerwcu okr\u0119t zosta\u0142 wyposa\u017Cony w haubic\u0119 obl\u0119\u017Cnicz\u0105 kal. 380 mm do ostrza\u0142u wybrze\u017Ca. Ze wzgl\u0119du na brak amunicji haubica zosta\u0142a zdemontowana, zanim kiedykolwiek zosta\u0142a u\u017Cyta i \u201EBudapest\u201D powr\u00F3ci\u0142 do swojej poprzedniej roli."@pl . . . . . . "* 2 \u00D7 Shafts\n* 2 \u00D7 Vertical triple-expansion steam engines"@en . "1896-04-27"^^ . . . "26"^^ . "La SMS Budapest \u00E8 stata una nave da battaglia classe Monarch della k.u.k. Kriegsmarine, la marina militare dell'Impero Austroungarico. Costruita nei cantieri dello Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino, fu impostata nel 1893 e varata il 7 luglio 1896, classificata come \"nave da battaglia da difesa costiera\". Dal dicembre 1912 al marzo 1913 fu comandata da Mikl\u00F3s Horthy. Partecip\u00F2 alla prima guerra mondiale dai porti dell'Adriatico. Alla fine del mese di agosto 1915 appoggi\u00F2 gli sbarchi austriaci a , nella zona di Cattaro. Nell'agosto 1917 insieme alla sorella SMS Wien venne assegnata a Trieste ed il 6 novembre successivo attacc\u00F2 la batteria costiera di Cortellazzo. Il 9 dicembre 1917 la nave fu attaccata con la sua gemella Wien nel porto di Trieste da MAS italiani; il MAS 9 al comando di Luigi Rizzo affond\u00F2 la Wien, mentre i siluri del MAS 13 di Ferrarini mancarono la Budapest centrando la banchina.La nave sopravvisse al conflitto e venne destinata alla Royal Navy, che la rifiut\u00F2. Venne demolita in Italia nel 1920."@it . "Scrapped, 1921"@en . "5785000000.0"^^ . . . . . . "1918-03-11"^^ . . . "99.22"^^ . . . . "SMS Budapest var ett pansarskepp som tillh\u00F6rde den \u00F6sterrikisk-ungerska marinen. Hon var det sist f\u00E4rdigst\u00E4llda fartyget i , som hon utgjorde tillsammans med systerfartygen SMS Monarch och. Fartyget sj\u00F6sattes den 27 april 1896 och togs i tj\u00E4nst den 12 maj 1898. Hon tillbringade st\u00F6rre delen av sin karri\u00E4r till taktiska \u00F6vningar i Adriatiska havet. Under f\u00F6rsta v\u00E4rldskriget deltog hon, liksom sina systrar, i bombardemanget av den italienska flottbasen Cattaro. Efter krigsslutet \u00F6vertogs hon av britterna som en del av \u00D6sterrikes krigsskadest\u00E5nd och skrotades i Italien 1920."@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . "@"@en . . . . "SMS Budapest"@sv . . . . . . . "SMS Budapest"@en . "1893-02-16"^^ . . . . . . . . "1898-05-12"^^ . . . "May 1892"@en . . . . . "SMS Budapest"@en . "32.9656"^^ . "*\n*16 \u00D7 Belleville boilers"@en . . . . . . . . . . "99220.0"^^ . . "SMS Budapest"@it . . "1893-02-16"^^ . . .