"El Scottish Arts Council (en espa\u00F1ol: Consejo Escoc\u00E9s de las Artes, en ga\u00E9lico escoc\u00E9s: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba, en escoc\u00E9s: Scots Airts Cooncil) fue un organismo p\u00FAblico escoc\u00E9s responsable de la financiaci\u00F3n, desarrollo y promoci\u00F3n de las artes en Escocia. El Consejo distribu\u00EDa principalmente la financiaci\u00F3n del Gobierno escoc\u00E9s, as\u00ED como los fondos de la Loter\u00EDa Nacional recibidos a trav\u00E9s del Departamento de Cultura, Medios de Comunicaci\u00F3n y Deporte del Reino Unido."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1040402946"^^ . . . . . . . . "Scots Airt Cooncil"@en . . . "5518"^^ . . "1994"^^ . "Scottish Arts Council"@it . . . "1994"^^ . . "Scottish Arts Council"@en . . . "Scottish Arts Council"@en . . . . . . . "Lo Scottish Arts Council (gaelico scozzese: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba, scots: Scots Airts Cooncil) \u00E8 stato un ente governativo scozzese responsabile del finanziamento, sviluppo e promozione delle arti e discipline umanistiche in Scozia. Come prima iniziativa, il Council distribuiva fondi del Governo scozzese e anche delle Lotterie Nazionali (\"National Lottery of the United Kingdom\") ricevuti tramite il Dipartimento di Cultura, Media e Sport. Lo Scottish Arts Council fu costituito nel 1994 dopo la ristrutturazione dell'Arts Council of Great Britain, ma esisteva come ente autonomo dal 1967. Nel 2010 si \u00E8 fuso con lo Scottish Screen per formare il nuovo ente Creative Scotland."@it . . . . . . "Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba"@en . . . . . . "2010"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Scottish Arts Council (Scottish Gaelic: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba, Scots: Scots Airts Cooncil) was a Scottish public body responsible for the funding, development and promotion of the arts in Scotland. The Council primarily distributed funding from the Scottish Government as well as National Lottery funds received via the Department for Culture, Media and Sport."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Scottish Arts Council"@pt . . "1953345"^^ . "2010"^^ . . . . "El Scottish Arts Council (en espa\u00F1ol: Consejo Escoc\u00E9s de las Artes, en ga\u00E9lico escoc\u00E9s: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba, en escoc\u00E9s: Scots Airts Cooncil) fue un organismo p\u00FAblico escoc\u00E9s responsable de la financiaci\u00F3n, desarrollo y promoci\u00F3n de las artes en Escocia. El Consejo distribu\u00EDa principalmente la financiaci\u00F3n del Gobierno escoc\u00E9s, as\u00ED como los fondos de la Loter\u00EDa Nacional recibidos a trav\u00E9s del Departamento de Cultura, Medios de Comunicaci\u00F3n y Deporte del Reino Unido. El Scottish Arts Council se form\u00F3 en 1994 tras una reestructuraci\u00F3n del , pero hab\u00EDa existido como organismo aut\u00F3nomo desde una carta real de 1967. En 2010 se fusion\u00F3 con para formar ."@es . "6.106E7"^^ . . . "12"^^ . . "Scottish Arts Council Logo 2004.png"@en . "Scottish Arts Council"@es . "Dewan Kesenian Skotlandia"@in . . . . "Scottish Arts Council"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Scots Airt Cooncil"@en . . . "The Scottish Arts Council (Scottish Gaelic: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba, Scots: Scots Airts Cooncil) was a Scottish public body responsible for the funding, development and promotion of the arts in Scotland. The Council primarily distributed funding from the Scottish Government as well as National Lottery funds received via the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. The Scottish Arts Council was formed in 1994 following a restructuring of the Arts Council of Great Britain, but had existed as an autonomous body since a royal charter of 1967. In 2010 it merged with Scottish Screen to form Creative Scotland."@en . . "Lo Scottish Arts Council (gaelico scozzese: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba, scots: Scots Airts Cooncil) \u00E8 stato un ente governativo scozzese responsabile del finanziamento, sviluppo e promozione delle arti e discipline umanistiche in Scozia. Come prima iniziativa, il Council distribuiva fondi del Governo scozzese e anche delle Lotterie Nazionali (\"National Lottery of the United Kingdom\") ricevuti tramite il Dipartimento di Cultura, Media e Sport."@it . . "Scottish Arts Council (l\u00EDngua ga\u00E9lica escocesa: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba) \u00E9 um organismo p\u00FAblico escoc\u00EAs que distribui financiamento do governo escoc\u00EAs e \u00E9 a principal organiza\u00E7\u00E3o nacional de financiamento, desenvolvimento e promo\u00E7\u00E3o das artes na Esc\u00F3cia. A maioria da verba do conselho vem do governo escoc\u00EAs, mas ele tamb\u00E9m distribui fundos da Loteria Nacional escocesa recebidos por meio do Departamento de Cultura, M\u00EDdia e Desporto."@pt . . . . "Dewan Kesenian Skotlandia (bahasa Gaelik Skotlandia: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba, bahasa Scots: Scots Airts Cooncil) adalah lembaga publik di Skotlandia yang bertanggung jawab atas pendanaan, pengembangan, dan mempromosikan kesenian di Skotlandia. Dewan ini secara khusus menyalurkan dana dari Pemerintah Skotlandia serta dana yang diterima melalui Departemen Kebudayaan, Media dan Olahraga."@in . "6.106E7"^^ . "Scottish Arts Council (l\u00EDngua ga\u00E9lica escocesa: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba) \u00E9 um organismo p\u00FAblico escoc\u00EAs que distribui financiamento do governo escoc\u00EAs e \u00E9 a principal organiza\u00E7\u00E3o nacional de financiamento, desenvolvimento e promo\u00E7\u00E3o das artes na Esc\u00F3cia. A maioria da verba do conselho vem do governo escoc\u00EAs, mas ele tamb\u00E9m distribui fundos da Loteria Nacional escocesa recebidos por meio do Departamento de Cultura, M\u00EDdia e Desporto."@pt . . "Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba"@en . . . . . . . . "Dewan Kesenian Skotlandia (bahasa Gaelik Skotlandia: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba, bahasa Scots: Scots Airts Cooncil) adalah lembaga publik di Skotlandia yang bertanggung jawab atas pendanaan, pengembangan, dan mempromosikan kesenian di Skotlandia. Dewan ini secara khusus menyalurkan dana dari Pemerintah Skotlandia serta dana yang diterima melalui Departemen Kebudayaan, Media dan Olahraga. Dewan Kesenian Skotlandia dibentuk pada tahun 1994 setelah direstrukturisasi dari , meskipun lembaga ini telah berdiri sejak tahun 1967 melalui piagam kerajaan. Pada tahun 2010, lembaga ini bergabung dengan untuk membentuk ."@in . . . .