. . . . . . . . . "SilverFin"@en . "0-14-131859-7" . . . . . . . . . . "Puffin Books 2005 British paperback edition"@en . . . "2005-03-05"^^ . "1093530964"^^ . . . . "Op\u00E9ration SilverFin"@fr . . . . "Silverfin \u00E4r den f\u00F6rsta i en serie om fem planerade ungdomsromaner om Ian Flemings karakt\u00E4r James Bond som ung, skrivna av Charlie Higson. Boken utkom tidigt 2005 i England och USA, medan Sverige f\u00E5r v\u00E4nta tills v\u00E5ren 2006, d\u00E5 den utges under titeln Silverfena."@sv . . . "372"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0"^^ . "59011406"^^ . . "Silverfin"@en . "Print"@en . "977508"^^ . . . . . "United Kingdom"@en . "Op\u00E9ration SilverFin (SilverFin) est le premier livre de la s\u00E9rie La Jeunesse de James Bond \u00E9crite par Charlie Higson. Dans ce roman, on en apprend plus sur l'adolescent et la famille du c\u00E9l\u00E8bre agent secret. Il y aura plusieurs \"suites\". L'histoire se d\u00E9roule en 1933, James Bond a 13 ans et se retrouve \u00E0 enqu\u00EAter sur la disparition d'un enfant autour d'un sombre ch\u00E2teau."@fr . . "Op\u00E9ration SilverFin (SilverFin) est le premier livre de la s\u00E9rie La Jeunesse de James Bond \u00E9crite par Charlie Higson. Dans ce roman, on en apprend plus sur l'adolescent et la famille du c\u00E9l\u00E8bre agent secret. Il y aura plusieurs \"suites\". L'histoire se d\u00E9roule en 1933, James Bond a 13 ans et se retrouve \u00E0 enqu\u00EAter sur la disparition d'un enfant autour d'un sombre ch\u00E2teau."@fr . . . . . . . . . "12512"^^ . . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . "English"@en . . . . . "SilverFin is the first novel in the Young Bond series that depicts Ian Fleming's superspy James Bond as a teenager in the 1930s. It was written by Charlie Higson and released in the United Kingdom on March 3, 2005 by Puffin Books in conjunction with a large marketing campaign; a Canadian release of the same edition occurred in late March. The United States edition, which was slightly edited for content, was released on April 27, 2005 by Miramax Books. SilverFin's success spawned a mobile game published by on January 5, 2006 in conjunction with the release of the second novel in the Young Bond series, Blood Fever. The game features three locations, 15 levels, and a variety of enemies that the player must avoid. Because Fleming never explicitly said when James Bond was born, Ian Fleming Publications and Charlie Higson chose the year 1920 as his birth year. SilverFin takes place in 1933."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Silverfin. Missione segreta"@it . . . "Nel 2005 nasce la serie dedicate ad un James Bond negli anni in cui era studente ad Eton. Charlie Higson \u00E8 l'autore scelto per questa iniziativa e Silverfin. missione segreta (o SilverFin) il primo romanzo della nuova saga."@it . . . "SilverFin is the first novel in the Young Bond series that depicts Ian Fleming's superspy James Bond as a teenager in the 1930s. It was written by Charlie Higson and released in the United Kingdom on March 3, 2005 by Puffin Books in conjunction with a large marketing campaign; a Canadian release of the same edition occurred in late March. The United States edition, which was slightly edited for content, was released on April 27, 2005 by Miramax Books."@en . . "2005-03-05"^^ . . "Silverfena"@sv . . . "Silverfin \u00E4r den f\u00F6rsta i en serie om fem planerade ungdomsromaner om Ian Flemings karakt\u00E4r James Bond som ung, skrivna av Charlie Higson. Boken utkom tidigt 2005 i England och USA, medan Sverige f\u00E5r v\u00E4nta tills v\u00E5ren 2006, d\u00E5 den utges under titeln Silverfena."@sv . . "59011406" . . . . . "372"^^ . . . . . "Puffin Books" . . . . "Silverfin"@en . . . . . "Nel 2005 nasce la serie dedicate ad un James Bond negli anni in cui era studente ad Eton. Charlie Higson \u00E8 l'autore scelto per questa iniziativa e Silverfin. missione segreta (o SilverFin) il primo romanzo della nuova saga."@it . .