"Sottoceneri"@en . "Sottoceneri"@it . . . . . . . "37707209"^^ . . . "45.979166666666664 8.958333333333334" . . . . . . . . "1547"^^ . . . . "\uC18C\uD1A0\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC(Sottoceneri, \uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC \uC544\uB798)\uB294 \uB8E8\uAC00\uB178 \uD504\uB808\uC54C\uD504\uC2A4\uB97C \uD1B5\uD574 \uBAAC\uD14C \uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC \uACE0\uAC1C\uC758 \uB0A8\uCABD\uC5D0 \uC788\uB294 \uC2A4\uC704\uC2A4 \uD2F0\uCE58\uB178\uC8FC\uC758 \uC77C\uBD80\uC774\uB2E4. \uC5EC\uAE30\uC5D0\uB294 \uB8E8\uAC00\uB178 \uD638\uC218\uC758 \uC2A4\uC704\uC2A4 \uD574\uC548\uACFC \uB8E8\uAC00\uB178, \uBA58\uB4DC\uB9AC\uC2DC\uC624 \uBC0F \uD0A4\uC544\uC18C\uC758 \uB3C4\uC2DC\uC640 \uB9C8\uC744\uC774 \uD3EC\uD568\uB41C\uB2E4. \uC18C\uD1A0\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC\uB294 \uACF5\uC2DD\uC801\uC73C\uB85C \uC815\uC758\uB41C \uACBD\uACC4\uAC00 \uC788\uB294 \uBC18\uC8FC\uAC00 \uC544\uB2C8\uB77C \uB300\uB7B5\uC801\uC73C\uB85C \uB8E8\uAC00\uB178 \uBC0F \uBA58\uB4DC\uB9AC\uC2A4\uC624\uAD6C\uC5D0 \uB9E4\uD551\uB41C\uB2E4. \uC8FC\uC758 \uB098\uBA38\uC9C0 \uBD80\uBD84\uC740 \uC18C\uD504\uB77C\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC(\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC \uC704)\uB85C \uC124\uBA85\uB418\uBA70 \uD2F0\uCE58\uB178\uAC15\uC758 \uACC4\uACE1\uACFC \uBCA8\uB9B0\uCD08\uB098, \uBE44\uC544\uC2A4\uCE74, \uB9AC\uBE44\uC5D0\uB77C \uBC0F \uB85C\uCE74\uB974\uB178\uC758 \uB9C8\uC744\uC744 \uD3EC\uD568\uD55C\uB2E4. \uC18C\uD1A0\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC\uB294 432K\u33A1\uB85C \uAD6C\uC131\uB418\uC5B4 \uC788\uC73C\uBA70, \uC774\uB294 \uC8FC \uBA74\uC801\uC758 \uC57D 15%\uC5D0 \uBD88\uACFC\uD558\uC9C0\uB9CC, 189,123\uBA85 \uB610\uB294 \uC8FC \uC778\uAD6C\uC758 57%(2008 \uAE30\uC900)\uB97C \uCC28\uC9C0\uD55C\uB2E4. \uB530\uB77C\uC11C \uC18C\uD504\uB77C\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC\uC640 \uBE44\uAD50\uD560 \uB54C \uC778\uAD6C \uBC00\uB3C4\uC640 \uACBD\uC81C \uD65C\uB3D9 \uC218\uC900\uC774 \uD604\uC800\uD788 \uB192\uB2E4\uB294 \uD2B9\uC9D5\uC774 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . "\uC18C\uD1A0\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC"@ko . . . . "POINT(8.9583330154419 45.979167938232)"^^ . . . . "1107151059"^^ . . . "45.97916793823242"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "8.958333015441895"^^ . . "The Sottoceneri (under the Ceneri, lombard: Sotascender) is the part of the Swiss canton of Ticino that lies to the south of the Monte Ceneri Pass through the Lugano Prealps. It includes the Swiss shore of Lake Lugano, and the cities and towns of Lugano, Mendrisio and Chiasso. The Sottoceneri is not a half-canton with formally defined boundaries, but roughly maps to the districts of Lugano and Mendrisio. The remainder of the canton is described as the Sopraceneri (above the Ceneri), and includes the valley of the Ticino river and the towns of Bellinzona, Biasca, Riviera and Locarno. Whilst the Sottoceneri comprises 432 square kilometres (167 sq mi), or only about 15% of the land area of the canton, it contains 189,123 people, or 57% of the cantonal population (2008). It is therefore characterised by a markedly higher population density and level of economic activity, when compared to the Sopraceneri."@en . "\uC18C\uD1A0\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC(Sottoceneri, \uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC \uC544\uB798)\uB294 \uB8E8\uAC00\uB178 \uD504\uB808\uC54C\uD504\uC2A4\uB97C \uD1B5\uD574 \uBAAC\uD14C \uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC \uACE0\uAC1C\uC758 \uB0A8\uCABD\uC5D0 \uC788\uB294 \uC2A4\uC704\uC2A4 \uD2F0\uCE58\uB178\uC8FC\uC758 \uC77C\uBD80\uC774\uB2E4. \uC5EC\uAE30\uC5D0\uB294 \uB8E8\uAC00\uB178 \uD638\uC218\uC758 \uC2A4\uC704\uC2A4 \uD574\uC548\uACFC \uB8E8\uAC00\uB178, \uBA58\uB4DC\uB9AC\uC2DC\uC624 \uBC0F \uD0A4\uC544\uC18C\uC758 \uB3C4\uC2DC\uC640 \uB9C8\uC744\uC774 \uD3EC\uD568\uB41C\uB2E4. \uC18C\uD1A0\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC\uB294 \uACF5\uC2DD\uC801\uC73C\uB85C \uC815\uC758\uB41C \uACBD\uACC4\uAC00 \uC788\uB294 \uBC18\uC8FC\uAC00 \uC544\uB2C8\uB77C \uB300\uB7B5\uC801\uC73C\uB85C \uB8E8\uAC00\uB178 \uBC0F \uBA58\uB4DC\uB9AC\uC2A4\uC624\uAD6C\uC5D0 \uB9E4\uD551\uB41C\uB2E4. \uC8FC\uC758 \uB098\uBA38\uC9C0 \uBD80\uBD84\uC740 \uC18C\uD504\uB77C\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC(\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC \uC704)\uB85C \uC124\uBA85\uB418\uBA70 \uD2F0\uCE58\uB178\uAC15\uC758 \uACC4\uACE1\uACFC \uBCA8\uB9B0\uCD08\uB098, \uBE44\uC544\uC2A4\uCE74, \uB9AC\uBE44\uC5D0\uB77C \uBC0F \uB85C\uCE74\uB974\uB178\uC758 \uB9C8\uC744\uC744 \uD3EC\uD568\uD55C\uB2E4. \uC18C\uD1A0\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC\uB294 432K\u33A1\uB85C \uAD6C\uC131\uB418\uC5B4 \uC788\uC73C\uBA70, \uC774\uB294 \uC8FC \uBA74\uC801\uC758 \uC57D 15%\uC5D0 \uBD88\uACFC\uD558\uC9C0\uB9CC, 189,123\uBA85 \uB610\uB294 \uC8FC \uC778\uAD6C\uC758 57%(2008 \uAE30\uC900)\uB97C \uCC28\uC9C0\uD55C\uB2E4. \uB530\uB77C\uC11C \uC18C\uD504\uB77C\uCCB4\uB124\uB9AC\uC640 \uBE44\uAD50\uD560 \uB54C \uC778\uAD6C \uBC00\uB3C4\uC640 \uACBD\uC81C \uD65C\uB3D9 \uC218\uC900\uC774 \uD604\uC800\uD788 \uB192\uB2E4\uB294 \uD2B9\uC9D5\uC774 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . "Sottoceneri"@de . . "The Sottoceneri (under the Ceneri, lombard: Sotascender) is the part of the Swiss canton of Ticino that lies to the south of the Monte Ceneri Pass through the Lugano Prealps. It includes the Swiss shore of Lake Lugano, and the cities and towns of Lugano, Mendrisio and Chiasso. The Sottoceneri is not a half-canton with formally defined boundaries, but roughly maps to the districts of Lugano and Mendrisio. The remainder of the canton is described as the Sopraceneri (above the Ceneri), and includes the valley of the Ticino river and the towns of Bellinzona, Biasca, Riviera and Locarno."@en . . . "Als Sottoceneri wird der s\u00FCdliche Teil des Schweizer Kantons Tessin bezeichnet, im Gegensatz zum n\u00F6rdlichen Teil Sopraceneri. Der Name Sottoceneri bedeutet \u00ABunterhalb des Monte Ceneri\u00BB, des H\u00F6henzuges, der die Magadinoebene vom Vedeggiotal trennt. Zum Sottoceneri geh\u00F6ren die Bezirke Lugano und Mendrisio (letzterer auch als Mendrisiotto bezeichnet)."@de . . . . "Il Sottoceneri (in lombardo Sotascender) \u00E8 la regione del Canton Ticino posta a sud del passo del Monte Ceneri. Questa regione pi\u00F9 piccola territorialmente rispetto al Sopraceneri \u00E8 per\u00F2 pi\u00F9 abitata. L'orografia prealpina ha favorito insediamenti e sfruttamento pi\u00F9 intensivo del territorio. Grazie a centri quali Lugano, Mendrisio e Chiasso, rinomate piazze finanziarie, \u00E8 anche il polo economico del Canton Ticino."@it . . . "Il Sottoceneri (in lombardo Sotascender) \u00E8 la regione del Canton Ticino posta a sud del passo del Monte Ceneri. Questa regione pi\u00F9 piccola territorialmente rispetto al Sopraceneri \u00E8 per\u00F2 pi\u00F9 abitata. L'orografia prealpina ha favorito insediamenti e sfruttamento pi\u00F9 intensivo del territorio. Grazie a centri quali Lugano, Mendrisio e Chiasso, rinomate piazze finanziarie, \u00E8 anche il polo economico del Canton Ticino."@it . "Als Sottoceneri wird der s\u00FCdliche Teil des Schweizer Kantons Tessin bezeichnet, im Gegensatz zum n\u00F6rdlichen Teil Sopraceneri. Der Name Sottoceneri bedeutet \u00ABunterhalb des Monte Ceneri\u00BB, des H\u00F6henzuges, der die Magadinoebene vom Vedeggiotal trennt. Zum Sottoceneri geh\u00F6ren die Bezirke Lugano und Mendrisio (letzterer auch als Mendrisiotto bezeichnet)."@de .