. . . . . . . . "1111104521"^^ . . . . . . . . . "3780716"^^ . . . . . "Tehillat HaShem (\"lode a Dio\" in ebraico:(\u05EA\u05D4\u05DC\u05EA \u05D4' (\u05E1\u05E4\u05E8) \u00E8 un libro di preghiere (noto come siddur in ebraico) usato nelle funzioni ebraiche nelle sinagoghe e privatamente tra gli ebrei chassidici, pi\u00F9 precisamente dai membri della comunit\u00E0 Chabad-Lubavitch. Si basa sul siddur chiamato Torah Ohr curato da Shneur Zalman di Liadi (1745-1812), fondatore del movimento Chabad, e segue gli insegnamenti di Rabbi Isaac Luria. Viene pubblicato sin dagli anni quaranta dalla casa editrice Kehot, che appartiene al movimento stesso."@it . "Tehillat Hashem"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tehillat HaShem (\"lode a Dio\" in ebraico:(\u05EA\u05D4\u05DC\u05EA \u05D4' (\u05E1\u05E4\u05E8) \u00E8 un libro di preghiere (noto come siddur in ebraico) usato nelle funzioni ebraiche nelle sinagoghe e privatamente tra gli ebrei chassidici, pi\u00F9 precisamente dai membri della comunit\u00E0 Chabad-Lubavitch. Si basa sul siddur chiamato Torah Ohr curato da Shneur Zalman di Liadi (1745-1812), fondatore del movimento Chabad, e segue gli insegnamenti di Rabbi Isaac Luria. Viene pubblicato sin dagli anni quaranta dalla casa editrice Kehot, che appartiene al movimento stesso."@it . . "3532"^^ . . . . . . . "Tehillat HaShem"@it . . . . "Tehillat Hashem (\u05EA\u05B0\u05BC\u05D4\u05B4\u05DC\u05B7\u05BC\u05EA \u05D4'\u200E, \"praise of God\" in Hebrew) is the name of a prayer-book (known as a siddur in Hebrew) used for Jewish services in synagogues and privately by Hasidic Jews, specifically in the Chabad-Lubavitch community. The name of the siddur is taken from Psalm 145, verse 21, \"Praise of God shall my mouth speak, and all flesh shall bless His holy Name forever and ever.\" The siddur is a photocopy of the Siddur \"Seder HaAvodah\", published by Vilna 1901 , with corrections and additions from the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Tehillat Hashem Siddur is an edition of the Siddur Harav or , edited and published by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745\u20131812) the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, and follows the teachings of Rabbi Isaac Luria. The Siddur Ha'avoda Siddur, printed in Vilna in 1851, is the basis for this Siddur, and includes corrections and additions made by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in the first years of his arrival in the United States, when he headed the Kehot publishing house from the day it was established. (except for the edition that was printed in Rostov) Because the basis of the Siddur is taken from the Seder HaAvodah, most of the names of hashem in it are formed of two letter Yud's. However, wherever the wording was completely different, copy the wording of the Siddur 'Torah Or', where the names are the tetragrammaton name in its entirety.Later in 1945 an enlarged, completed edition of this siddur was published by the Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch in Brooklyn, New York for the use of Jewish school students.The siddur also features extracts from the Shulchan Aruch HaRav relevant to certain rituals.Some editions of the Rostov siddur, published in Rostov-on-Don, Russia in 1918\u20131920 entitled Siddur Tehillas Hashem. Another edition of Siddur Admur Hazaken is called Siddur Torah Ohr"@en . . . . . . . . . "Tehillat Hashem (\u05EA\u05B0\u05BC\u05D4\u05B4\u05DC\u05B7\u05BC\u05EA \u05D4'\u200E, \"praise of God\" in Hebrew) is the name of a prayer-book (known as a siddur in Hebrew) used for Jewish services in synagogues and privately by Hasidic Jews, specifically in the Chabad-Lubavitch community. The name of the siddur is taken from Psalm 145, verse 21, \"Praise of God shall my mouth speak, and all flesh shall bless His holy Name forever and ever.\" The siddur is a photocopy of the Siddur \"Seder HaAvodah\", published by Vilna 1901 , with corrections and additions from the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson."@en . . . . .