. . "Viale Aventino is a street that links Piazza di Porta Capena and Piazza Albania in Rome (Italy).It marks the boundary between the Rione Ripa (towards the Aventine Hill) and San Saba (towards the Baths of Caracalla). The street was built in the 1930s as a major route intended for the linking between Via Ostiense, the station of the Rome\u2013Lido railway at Porta San Paolo and the Roma Ostiense railway station: it started from Piazza del Circo Massimo (now Piazza di Porta Capena) and ended in Via Marmorata.The first stretch of the street \u2013 giving a view over the Circus Maximus \u2013 houses the palace of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), formerly built as the seat of the Ministry of the Colonies; for this reason, the first name of the street, adopted in 1938, was Viale Africa. At that time the urbanization of the surrounding area was just at its first steps, so the street had been conceived as an urban promenade, with large sidewalks, four rows of buttonwoods and a tram-line in the middle. The former denomination was suppressed in 1945 and replaced with the present one. In 1955 the name of the last stretch, between Piazza Albania and Via Marmorata, was changed into Viale Manlio Gelsomini. The buttonwoods, which in the 1990s were infected by ceratocystis fimbriata, have been replaced at the beginning of the 2000s with lime trees and oaks. Viale della Piramide Cestia, that lengthen the street from Piazza Albania to Piazza di Porta San Paolo, cuts the circle of the Servian Wall, built during the Roman Republic: some remains are still visible in the surroundings of Piazza Albania."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Viale Aventino \u00E8 una strada che collega piazza di Porta Capena e piazza Albania, a Roma, separando i rioni Ripa (verso l'Aventino) e San Saba (verso le Terme di Caracalla). Il viale fu aperto negli anni trenta come grande arteria stradale di collegamento con la via Ostiense, la stazione della Ferrovia Roma-Lido a Porta San Paolo, la Stazione di Roma Ostiense: andava infatti da piazza del Circo Massimo (l'attuale piazza di Porta Capena) a via Marmorata. All'inizio, con vista sul Circo Massimo, sorge quello che \u00E8 oggi il palazzo della FAO, nato come sede del Ministero delle colonie; per questo la sua prima denominazione, adottata con delibera del 1938, fu viale Africa. Essendo la zona del tracciato, all'epoca, appena in via di urbanizzazione, il viale era stato concepito come passeggiata urbana, con ampi marciapiedi e un'alberata da quattro filari di platani, con al centro la sede tramviaria. La denominazione fu soppressa nel 1945, e sostituita con l'attuale viale Aventino. L'ultimo tratto, da piazza Albania a via Marmorata, fu rinominato nel 1955 in viale Manlio Gelsomini. I platani, ammalatisi negli anni novanta di cancro colorato, sono stati sostituiti nei primi anni 2000 da tigli e da farnie. Il susseguente viale della Piramide Cestia, che conduce da piazza Albania a piazza di Porta San Paolo, taglia il tracciato delle mura serviane di et\u00E0 repubblicana. Alcuni resti sono ancora visibili nei dintorni di piazza Albania."@it . . . "2641"^^ . . . . . "43127200"^^ . . . . . . "1100796426"^^ . . . "Viale Aventino"@it . . . "\u963F\u6587\u63D0\u8BFA\u8857"@zh . . . . "Viale Aventino is a street that links Piazza di Porta Capena and Piazza Albania in Rome (Italy).It marks the boundary between the Rione Ripa (towards the Aventine Hill) and San Saba (towards the Baths of Caracalla). The former denomination was suppressed in 1945 and replaced with the present one. In 1955 the name of the last stretch, between Piazza Albania and Via Marmorata, was changed into Viale Manlio Gelsomini. The buttonwoods, which in the 1990s were infected by ceratocystis fimbriata, have been replaced at the beginning of the 2000s with lime trees and oaks."@en . . . . "\u963F\u6587\u63D0\u8BFA\u8857\uFF08Viale Aventino\uFF09\u662F\u610F\u5927\u5229\u7F57\u9A6C\u7684\u4E00\u6761\u8857\u9053\uFF0C\u5F00\u59CB\u4E8E\u5361\u4F69\u7EB3\u95E8\u5E7F\u573A\uFF0C\u7ED3\u675F\u4E8E\u963F\u5C14\u5DF4\u5C3C\u4E9A\u5E7F\u573A \u3002\u5B83\u6807\u5FD7\u7740\u91CC\u5E15\u533A(\u963F\u6587\u63D0\u8BFA\u5C71\u4E00\u4FA7) \u4E0E\u5723\u6492\u5DF4\u533A (\u5361\u62C9\u5361\u62C9\u6D74\u573A\u4E00\u4FA7\uFF09\u4E4B\u95F4\u7684\u8FB9\u754C\u3002 \u8FD9\u6761\u8857\u5EFA\u4E8E20\u4E16\u7EAA30\u5E74\u4EE3\uFF0C\u4F5C\u4E3A\u8054\u7CFB\u5965\u65AF\u8482\u4E9A\u5927\u9053\u3001\u5723\u4FDD\u7984\u95E8\u706B\u8F66\u7AD9\u548C\u7F57\u9A6C\u5965\u65AF\u8482\u4E9A\u706B\u8F66\u7AD9\u7684\u4E3B\u8981\u9014\u5F84\u3002\u8FD9\u6761\u8857\u7684\u4E00\u7AEF\u6BD7\u90BB\u99AC\u514B\u897F\u7A46\u65AF\u7AF6\u6280\u5834\uFF0C\u8FD8\u8BBE\u6709\u8054\u5408\u56FD\u7CAE\u98DF\u53CA\u519C\u4E1A\u7EC4\u7EC7\u5927\u697C\uFF0C\u539F\u4E3A\u6B96\u6C11\u90E8\u5927\u697C\uFF1B\u56E0\u6B64\uFF0C\u8FD9\u6761\u8857\u57281938\u5E74\u6700\u521D\u7684\u540D\u79F0\u662F\u201C\u975E\u6D32\u8857\u201D\uFF08Viale Africa\uFF09\u3002"@zh . "Viale Aventino"@en . "Viale Aventino \u00E8 una strada che collega piazza di Porta Capena e piazza Albania, a Roma, separando i rioni Ripa (verso l'Aventino) e San Saba (verso le Terme di Caracalla). Il viale fu aperto negli anni trenta come grande arteria stradale di collegamento con la via Ostiense, la stazione della Ferrovia Roma-Lido a Porta San Paolo, la Stazione di Roma Ostiense: andava infatti da piazza del Circo Massimo (l'attuale piazza di Porta Capena) a via Marmorata. All'inizio, con vista sul Circo Massimo, sorge quello che \u00E8 oggi il palazzo della FAO, nato come sede del Ministero delle colonie; per questo la sua prima denominazione, adottata con delibera del 1938, fu viale Africa. Essendo la zona del tracciato, all'epoca, appena in via di urbanizzazione, il viale era stato concepito come passeggiata urb"@it . . "\u963F\u6587\u63D0\u8BFA\u8857\uFF08Viale Aventino\uFF09\u662F\u610F\u5927\u5229\u7F57\u9A6C\u7684\u4E00\u6761\u8857\u9053\uFF0C\u5F00\u59CB\u4E8E\u5361\u4F69\u7EB3\u95E8\u5E7F\u573A\uFF0C\u7ED3\u675F\u4E8E\u963F\u5C14\u5DF4\u5C3C\u4E9A\u5E7F\u573A \u3002\u5B83\u6807\u5FD7\u7740\u91CC\u5E15\u533A(\u963F\u6587\u63D0\u8BFA\u5C71\u4E00\u4FA7) \u4E0E\u5723\u6492\u5DF4\u533A (\u5361\u62C9\u5361\u62C9\u6D74\u573A\u4E00\u4FA7\uFF09\u4E4B\u95F4\u7684\u8FB9\u754C\u3002 \u8FD9\u6761\u8857\u5EFA\u4E8E20\u4E16\u7EAA30\u5E74\u4EE3\uFF0C\u4F5C\u4E3A\u8054\u7CFB\u5965\u65AF\u8482\u4E9A\u5927\u9053\u3001\u5723\u4FDD\u7984\u95E8\u706B\u8F66\u7AD9\u548C\u7F57\u9A6C\u5965\u65AF\u8482\u4E9A\u706B\u8F66\u7AD9\u7684\u4E3B\u8981\u9014\u5F84\u3002\u8FD9\u6761\u8857\u7684\u4E00\u7AEF\u6BD7\u90BB\u99AC\u514B\u897F\u7A46\u65AF\u7AF6\u6280\u5834\uFF0C\u8FD8\u8BBE\u6709\u8054\u5408\u56FD\u7CAE\u98DF\u53CA\u519C\u4E1A\u7EC4\u7EC7\u5927\u697C\uFF0C\u539F\u4E3A\u6B96\u6C11\u90E8\u5927\u697C\uFF1B\u56E0\u6B64\uFF0C\u8FD9\u6761\u8857\u57281938\u5E74\u6700\u521D\u7684\u540D\u79F0\u662F\u201C\u975E\u6D32\u8857\u201D\uFF08Viale Africa\uFF09\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . .