"The Victorian Railways (VR), trading from 1974 as VicRail, was the state-owned operator of most rail transport in the Australian state of Victoria from 1859 to 1983. The first railways in Victoria were private companies, but when these companies failed or defaulted, the Victorian Railways was established to take over their operations. Most of the lines operated by the Victorian Railways were of 5 ft 3 in (1,600 mm). However, the railways also operated up to five 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) narrow gauge lines between 1898 and 1962, and a 4 ft 8+1\u20442 in (1,435 mm) standard gauge line between Albury and Melbourne from 1961."@en . . . . "Victorian Railways"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1859"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "150"^^ . "Logo used from 1952 to 1981"@en . . . . . . . . "Department of Railways"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Die Victorian Railways waren eine staatliche Eisenbahngesellschaft in Australien, die im Bundesstaat Victoria mehrere Eisenbahnstrecken betrieb. Die meisten Strecken hatten eine Spurweite von 1600 mm, es wurden aber zwischen 1898 und 1962 auch bis zu f\u00FCnf Schmalspurstrecken mit einer Spurweite von 762 mm und ab 1961 die Normalspurstrecke zwischen Albury und Melbourne betrieben."@de . . . . . "The Victorian Railways (VR), trading from 1974 as VicRail, was the state-owned operator of most rail transport in the Australian state of Victoria from 1859 to 1983. The first railways in Victoria were private companies, but when these companies failed or defaulted, the Victorian Railways was established to take over their operations. Most of the lines operated by the Victorian Railways were of 5 ft 3 in (1,600 mm). However, the railways also operated up to five 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) narrow gauge lines between 1898 and 1962, and a 4 ft 8+1\u20442 in (1,435 mm) standard gauge line between Albury and Melbourne from 1961."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Victorian Railways"@fr . . . "23952"^^ . . . "1983-07-01"^^ . . . . . "Victorian Railways"@en . . . . . "Dissolved"@en . "Victorian Railways Board"@en . "VR logo.svg"@en . . "Preserved S303 in Victorian Railways blue and gold livery in Seymour, Victoria"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "1116787391"^^ . . . "67"^^ . "1708805"^^ . . . . . . . . "Victorian Railways, VR, var ett delstats\u00E4gt j\u00E4rnv\u00E4gsbolag i delstaten Victoria i Australien. F\u00F6retaget existerade under olika organisationsformer mellan 1859 och 1983, efter 1973 under namnet VicRail. Dess uppgifter \u00F6vertogs 1983 av State Transport Authority och Metropolitan Transit Authority. Dessa slogs 1989 samman till Public Transport Corporation, som 1999 styckades upp och privatiserades."@sv . . . "Various private operators"@en . . . . ""@en . . "Le Victorian Railways erano una impresa ferroviaria pubblica dell'Australia operante nello stato di Victoria dal 1859 fino al 1983. Le prime ferrovie dello stato di Victoria erano societ\u00E0 private ma successivamente, per fallimento o dissesto economico, vennero rilevate e accorpate nelle Victorian Railways. La maggior parte delle linee erano a scartamento largo(1.600 mm) ma cinque di esse erano a scartamento ridotto da 762 mm (gestite tra 1898 e 1962). Nel 1961 si aggiunse la nuova linea a scartamento normale (1.435 mm) tra Albury e Melbourne."@it . . . ""@en . . . . . "Victorian Railways"@de . . "1859"^^ . . . . . . . "Le Victorian Railways erano una impresa ferroviaria pubblica dell'Australia operante nello stato di Victoria dal 1859 fino al 1983. Le prime ferrovie dello stato di Victoria erano societ\u00E0 private ma successivamente, per fallimento o dissesto economico, vennero rilevate e accorpate nelle Victorian Railways. La maggior parte delle linee erano a scartamento largo(1.600 mm) ma cinque di esse erano a scartamento ridotto da 762 mm (gestite tra 1898 e 1962). Nel 1961 si aggiunse la nuova linea a scartamento normale (1.435 mm) tra Albury e Melbourne."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Victorian Railways"@it . . . . . . "Victorian Railways Commissioners"@en . "Victorian Railways (les chemins de fer du Victoria) \u00E9tait une entreprise de transport ferroviaire, qui fonctionna dans l'\u00C9tat australien du Victoria entre 1859 et 1983. Les premi\u00E8res compagnies ferroviaires de cet \u00C9tat furent des compagnies priv\u00E9es, et lorsque ces compagnies firent faillite ou cess\u00E8rent leur exploitation, Victorian Railways fut fond\u00E9e pour reprendre leurs activit\u00E9s. La plupart des lignes qu'elle exploita \u00E9taient \u00E0 voie large (1 600 mm), quelques-unes cependant, exploit\u00E9es entre 1898 et 1977, \u00E9taient \u00E0 voie \u00E9troite (762 mm). Depuis 1961, la ligne entre Albury et Melbourne est en voie normale (1 435 mm)."@fr . . . . "Die Victorian Railways waren eine staatliche Eisenbahngesellschaft in Australien, die im Bundesstaat Victoria mehrere Eisenbahnstrecken betrieb. Die meisten Strecken hatten eine Spurweite von 1600 mm, es wurden aber zwischen 1898 und 1962 auch bis zu f\u00FCnf Schmalspurstrecken mit einer Spurweite von 762 mm und ab 1961 die Normalspurstrecke zwischen Albury und Melbourne betrieben. Die Victorian Railways entstanden 1859 durch die Verstaatlichung notleidender oder zahlungsunf\u00E4higer privater Bahngesellschaften. Die Gesellschaft wurde 1983 aufgeteilt in die f\u00FCr den Fernverkehr mit dem Markennamen V/Line, und die f\u00FCr den Stadt- und Vorortverkehr von Melbourne mit dem Namen MetRail."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2"^^ . "Victorian Railways, VR, var ett delstats\u00E4gt j\u00E4rnv\u00E4gsbolag i delstaten Victoria i Australien. F\u00F6retaget existerade under olika organisationsformer mellan 1859 och 1983, efter 1973 under namnet VicRail. Dess uppgifter \u00F6vertogs 1983 av State Transport Authority och Metropolitan Transit Authority. Dessa slogs 1989 samman till Public Transport Corporation, som 1999 styckades upp och privatiserades."@sv . . . . . "VicRail"@en . . . . . . . "1983-07-01"^^ . . . "Victorian Railways (les chemins de fer du Victoria) \u00E9tait une entreprise de transport ferroviaire, qui fonctionna dans l'\u00C9tat australien du Victoria entre 1859 et 1983. Les premi\u00E8res compagnies ferroviaires de cet \u00C9tat furent des compagnies priv\u00E9es, et lorsque ces compagnies firent faillite ou cess\u00E8rent leur exploitation, Victorian Railways fut fond\u00E9e pour reprendre leurs activit\u00E9s. La plupart des lignes qu'elle exploita \u00E9taient \u00E0 voie large (1 600 mm), quelques-unes cependant, exploit\u00E9es entre 1898 et 1977, \u00E9taient \u00E0 voie \u00E9troite (762 mm). Depuis 1961, la ligne entre Albury et Melbourne est en voie normale (1 435 mm)."@fr . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . "Dissolved"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Victorian Railways"@en . . . . . . . . . "Victorian Railways"@en . . . . .