. . . . "D N PLA VALENTINIANVS P G, bust of emperor facing right, with pearl-diadem, armour and drapery."@en . . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . . . . "AV Tremissis . Hispalis mint. MEC 255."@en . . . . . "Las monedas del reino visigodo fueron acu\u00F1adas por los visigodos en Galia e Hispania entre principios del siglo V y principios del VIII. Entre ellas destacan dos monedas de oro como las m\u00E1s utilizadas, el s\u00F3lido y el trem\u00EDs. La acu\u00F1aci\u00F3n empez\u00F3 en la Galia, donde los visigodos se hab\u00EDan establecido al comienzo del s. V, y sigui\u00F3, desde la primera mitad de la centuria siguiente, en la ex Hispania romana, adonde se hab\u00EDa desplazado el centro del reino y del poder\u00EDo visigodo despu\u00E9s de la batalla de Vouill\u00E9 (507). Aquella victoria y, alg\u00FAn tiempo despu\u00E9s, la toma de Tolosa, hab\u00EDan permitido en efecto a los francos arrebatar a los visigodos la m\u00E1xima parte de sus posesiones g\u00E1licas. Las primeras monedas, por lo general llamadas pseudo-imperiales, imitaron al comienzo aquellas que circulaban en la parte occidental del Imperio romano, y tras la ca\u00EDda de \u00E9ste, las que ten\u00EDan curso legal en el Imperio bizantino, reproduciendo las efigies y nombres de los emperadores romanos, hasta que durante el reinado de Leovigildo (572-586) se empezaron a emitir monedas en las que en lugar de los emperadores bizantinos sal\u00EDan los monarcas visigodos. La acu\u00F1aci\u00F3n de monedas se detuvo en la segunda d\u00E9cada del siglo VIII, a ra\u00EDz de la conquista isl\u00E1mica de la pen\u00EDnsula ib\u00E9rica que puso t\u00E9rmino al Reino visigodo."@es . . . . . . . "Chindasuinth: tremissis"@en . "+EMERIT\u039B PIVS, cross over three steps."@en . "AV, tremissis, 15mm, 1,42 g. Mint of Narbonne or Barcelona. c. AD 527-565. Not in MEC."@en . . "#abcdef"@en . . . . . . . . . "28729"^^ . . . "Visigothic coinage"@en . "Monnaie wisigothe"@fr . . . . . . . . "King facing right, with a cross superimposed on his tunic. Blundered legend."@en . . . . . . . . "The coinage of the Visigoths was minted in Gaul and Hispania during the early Middle Ages, between the fifth century and approximately 710. The principal denominations were the solidus and the tremissis, gold coins issued in the late imperial era by both Western and Eastern emperors. The earliest coinage is from Gaul, where the Visigoths settled at the beginning of the fifth century, and was followed by coinage from Hispania in the beginning of the sixth century, which became the centre of Visigothic rule after they lost the majority of their territory in Gaul to the Franks."@en . . . . "Imitation of Valentinian III: tremissis"@en . . . . "Con monetazione visigota ci si riferisce alla produzione di monete da parte dei Visigoti, coniate in Gallia e Hispania durante il primo Medioevo, tra il V secolo e il 710 circa. Le principali monete furono il solido ed il tremisse, due monete d'oro emesse in tarda et\u00E0 imperiale e coniate successivamente dagli imperatori bizantini. La coniazione inizi\u00F2 in Gallia, dove i Visigoti si erano stabiliti all'inizio del V secolo, e prosegu\u00EC dall'inizio del VI secolo in Hispania, dove si era spostato il baricentro del regno visigoto, dopo che i Franchi si furono impossessati della maggior parte dei domini gotici in Gallia. Le prime monete, comunemente chiamate pseudo-imperiali, imitarono quelle romane occidentali prima e bizantine poi, riportandone le legende. Dopo il 580 inizi\u00F2 la monetazione reale autonoma, in cui vennero usati i nomi dei re visigoti. Questa monetazione ebbe termine nel secondo decennio dell'VIII secolo, con la conquista islamica della penisola iberica che pose fine al loro regno."@it . . . . . . "Las monedas del reino visigodo fueron acu\u00F1adas por los visigodos en Galia e Hispania entre principios del siglo V y principios del VIII. Entre ellas destacan dos monedas de oro como las m\u00E1s utilizadas, el s\u00F3lido y el trem\u00EDs. La acu\u00F1aci\u00F3n empez\u00F3 en la Galia, donde los visigodos se hab\u00EDan establecido al comienzo del s. V, y sigui\u00F3, desde la primera mitad de la centuria siguiente, en la ex Hispania romana, adonde se hab\u00EDa desplazado el centro del reino y del poder\u00EDo visigodo despu\u00E9s de la batalla de Vouill\u00E9 (507). Aquella victoria y, alg\u00FAn tiempo despu\u00E9s, la toma de Tolosa, hab\u00EDan permitido en efecto a los francos arrebatar a los visigodos la m\u00E1xima parte de sus posesiones g\u00E1licas."@es . . "La monnaie wisigothe a constitu\u00E9 un syst\u00E8me mon\u00E9taire, fond\u00E9 sur le m\u00E9tal, que les Wisigoths ont d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 en Gaule et en Hispanie et qui s'est \u00E9tendu dans la premi\u00E8re p\u00E9riode du Haut Moyen \u00C2ge (du Ve si\u00E8cle au d\u00E9but du VIIIe si\u00E8cle)."@fr . . . . . . . "D N HBIVS SEVE-RVS P F AVG, bust of emperor facing right."@en . . . . . "VICTOR[I-]A AVGGG, armoured Roma seated facing left , holding Victory on a globe with her right hand and a sword in her left hand."@en . "Imitation of Honorius: siliqua"@en . . . . . "La monnaie wisigothe a constitu\u00E9 un syst\u00E8me mon\u00E9taire, fond\u00E9 sur le m\u00E9tal, que les Wisigoths ont d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 en Gaule et en Hispanie et qui s'est \u00E9tendu dans la premi\u00E8re p\u00E9riode du Haut Moyen \u00C2ge (du Ve si\u00E8cle au d\u00E9but du VIIIe si\u00E8cle)."@fr . . . . . . "Monetazione visigota"@it . "VICTO\u039B VI\u039B IIVSTO\u0418VI, Victory facing right, holding a palm and a crown; CO\u0418OB."@en . . ". mint of Emerita . Miles 415a; MEC 267"@en . . . . . . . . "COMOB, cross within a laurel wreath."@en . . . . . . "Victory advancing with palm and crown, crescent on the line of the exeurge; ILOON."@en . . . . . . . . . "Tremissis of Erwig"@en . . . . . . "AV , c. 580-583. MEC 209."@en . . . . . "+ID IN M N ERVIGIVS RX, facing bust of Christ with a cross behind his head"@en . "+ISPALI PIVS, facing bust."@en . . . . "Liuvigild: tremissis"@en . . . . . "AV tremissis, 1,44 g, minted c. 471-507. MEC 171."@en . . . . . . . . . "right"@en . "D N HONORI-VS [P F] AVG, bust of Honorius facing right, with pearl diadem, mantle, and armour."@en . . "AR siliqua, 1,37g, minted in Gaul before 415. Unpublished."@en . "C N IVSTI\u0418IINVS IPVC, bust of emperor facing right."@en . "Monedas del reino visigodo"@es . . . . . . . . "AV solidus, 4.38 g, c. 461-466. MEC 175"@en . . . . "300"^^ . "24256484"^^ . . "The coinage of the Visigoths was minted in Gaul and Hispania during the early Middle Ages, between the fifth century and approximately 710. The principal denominations were the solidus and the tremissis, gold coins issued in the late imperial era by both Western and Eastern emperors. The earliest coinage is from Gaul, where the Visigoths settled at the beginning of the fifth century, and was followed by coinage from Hispania in the beginning of the sixth century, which became the centre of Visigothic rule after they lost the majority of their territory in Gaul to the Franks. The first coins, commonly known as the pseudo-imperial series, imitate contemporary Roman and Byzantine coinage, with copied legends. After 580 coins were issued in the name of the Visigothic kings. This royal coinage continued until the second decade of the eighth century, when Visigothic rule was ended by the Islamic conquest of Iberia."@en . "Imitation of Libius Severus: solidus"@en . . "+CN\u2022SVINLVS PX, facing bust"@en . . "VICTORIA AUGGG, standing emperor, feet on a human-headed serpent, with a cross and Victory. R-A//COMOB."@en . "Imitation of Justinian I: tremissis"@en . . . . . . . "1061609738"^^ . . . "Con monetazione visigota ci si riferisce alla produzione di monete da parte dei Visigoti, coniate in Gallia e Hispania durante il primo Medioevo, tra il V secolo e il 710 circa. Le principali monete furono il solido ed il tremisse, due monete d'oro emesse in tarda et\u00E0 imperiale e coniate successivamente dagli imperatori bizantini. La coniazione inizi\u00F2 in Gallia, dove i Visigoti si erano stabiliti all'inizio del V secolo, e prosegu\u00EC dall'inizio del VI secolo in Hispania, dove si era spostato il baricentro del regno visigoto, dopo che i Franchi si furono impossessati della maggior parte dei domini gotici in Gallia."@it . . . . .