. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3437876"^^ . . . "Vivekachudamani"@en . . "51477985" . "Sanskrit"@en . . . . . "51477985"^^ . . . "Original: 8th century or later; Modern: T.K. Balasubramania Iyer"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Viveka Chudamani"@fr . "Vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i"@it . . . . . . . . . . . "Das ber\u00FChmte Sanskritgedicht Vivekachudamani (Sanskrit \u0935\u093F\u0935\u0947\u0915\u091A\u0942\u0921\u093E\u092E\u0923\u093F vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i) stammt aus dem 8. Jahrhundert und wird Adi Shankara zugesprochen. In 580 Versen mit Shardula-Vikridita-Metrik erkl\u00E4rt es die monistische Philosophie des Advaita Vedanta."@de . . . . . "24766"^^ . . . "1113592388"^^ . . . . . . "Many"@en . . . "Das ber\u00FChmte Sanskritgedicht Vivekachudamani (Sanskrit \u0935\u093F\u0935\u0947\u0915\u091A\u0942\u0921\u093E\u092E\u0923\u093F vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i) stammt aus dem 8. Jahrhundert und wird Adi Shankara zugesprochen. In 580 Versen mit Shardula-Vikridita-Metrik erkl\u00E4rt es die monistische Philosophie des Advaita Vedanta."@de . "Attributed to Adi Shankara"@en . . . . . . "India"@en . "The Vivekachudamani (Sanskrit: \u0935\u093F\u0935\u0947\u0915\u091A\u0942\u0921\u093E\u092E\u0923\u093F; IAST: Vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i) is an introductory treatise within the Advaita Vedanta tradition of Hinduism, traditionally attributed to Adi Shankara of the eighth century, though this attribution has been questioned and mostly rejected by scholarship. It is in the form of a poem in the Shardula Vikridita metre, and for many centuries has been celebrated as a prakara\u1E47a grantha (teaching manual) of Advaita. Vivekachudamani literally means the 'crest-jewel of discrimination'. The text discusses key concepts and the viveka or discrimination or discernment between real (unchanging, eternal) and unreal (changing, temporal), Prakriti and Atman, the oneness of Atman and Brahman, and self-knowledge as the central task of the spiritual life and for Moksha. It expounds the Advaita Vedanta philosophy in the form of a self-teaching manual, with many verses in the form of a dialogue between a student and a spiritual teacher. Through the centuries, the Vivekachudamani has been translated into several languages and has been the topic of many commentaries and expositions."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Il Vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i (lett. Il grande gioiello della discriminazione) \u00E8 un trattato filosofico-spirituale attribuito a \u015Aa\u1E45kara, antico filosofo indiano, uno dei principali esponenti della scuola induista della non-dualit\u00E0. Vi vengono esposti i princ\u00ECpi fondanti dell'Advaita Ved\u0101nta: si susseguono tematiche relative a religione, spiritualit\u00E0, metafisica, filosofia, con lo scopo di aiutare l'individuo a liberarsi (attraverso l'uso della discriminazione) dall'illusione, considerata la fonte della dualit\u00E0 e quindi di tutte le sofferenze."@it . . . "The Vivekachudamani (Sanskrit: \u0935\u093F\u0935\u0947\u0915\u091A\u0942\u0921\u093E\u092E\u0923\u093F; IAST: Vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i) is an introductory treatise within the Advaita Vedanta tradition of Hinduism, traditionally attributed to Adi Shankara of the eighth century, though this attribution has been questioned and mostly rejected by scholarship. It is in the form of a poem in the Shardula Vikridita metre, and for many centuries has been celebrated as a prakara\u1E47a grantha (teaching manual) of Advaita. Through the centuries, the Vivekachudamani has been translated into several languages and has been the topic of many commentaries and expositions."@en . . . . "Vivekachudamani"@de . . . . "Vivekachudamani"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Original: 8th century or later; Modern: T.K. Balasubramania Iyer (1910)" . . "Viveka C\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i ou Vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i litt\u00E9ralement \u00AB le supr\u00EAme joyau de la discrimination \u00BB est l'un des grands textes sanskrits du philosophe et mystique indien \u0100di \u015Aa\u1E45kara qui v\u00E9cut entre le VIIIe si\u00E8cle et le IXe si\u00E8cle de notre \u00E8re. Celui-ci est compos\u00E9 de cinq cent quatre-vingts versets \u00E9crits en sanskrit. Il traite de la non-dualit\u00E9 propre \u00E0 la philosophie de l'Advaita Ved\u0101nta qui est une des \u00E9coles philosophiques hindouistes les mieux connues du Ved\u0101nta"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "Viveka C\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i ou Vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i litt\u00E9ralement \u00AB le supr\u00EAme joyau de la discrimination \u00BB est l'un des grands textes sanskrits du philosophe et mystique indien \u0100di \u015Aa\u1E45kara qui v\u00E9cut entre le VIIIe si\u00E8cle et le IXe si\u00E8cle de notre \u00E8re. Celui-ci est compos\u00E9 de cinq cent quatre-vingts versets \u00E9crits en sanskrit. Il traite de la non-dualit\u00E9 propre \u00E0 la philosophie de l'Advaita Ved\u0101nta qui est une des \u00E9coles philosophiques hindouistes les mieux connues du Ved\u0101nta"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Il Vivekac\u016B\u1E0D\u0101ma\u1E47i (lett. Il grande gioiello della discriminazione) \u00E8 un trattato filosofico-spirituale attribuito a \u015Aa\u1E45kara, antico filosofo indiano, uno dei principali esponenti della scuola induista della non-dualit\u00E0. Vi vengono esposti i princ\u00ECpi fondanti dell'Advaita Ved\u0101nta: si susseguono tematiche relative a religione, spiritualit\u00E0, metafisica, filosofia, con lo scopo di aiutare l'individuo a liberarsi (attraverso l'uso della discriminazione) dall'illusione, considerata la fonte della dualit\u00E0 e quindi di tutte le sofferenze."@it . . . . . . . . "Vivekachudamani"@en . . . . .