"WWE One Night Stand was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event, produced every June by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), a professional wrestling promotion based in Connecticut. The event was created in 2005 and its name refers to its original format, that being a one-night reunion show for Extreme Championship Wrestling alumni. The first two shows were promoted under the ECW acronym; this, however, was changed for the 2007 and 2008 events. As WWE launched their own version of ECW in 2006 as a third brand alongside Raw and SmackDown, these two shows were promoted under the WWE acronym. The final event under the One Night Stand name was in 2008 before being renamed Extreme Rules in 2009. The 2009 Extreme Rules was noted by WWE to be a direct continuation of the One Night Stand"@en . . . . . . . . . . "\u0648\u0646 \u0646\u0627\u064A\u062A \u0633\u062A\u0627\u0646\u062F \u0628\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062C\u0644\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0629 (One Night Stand) \u0647\u0648 \u0623\u062D\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0647\u0631\u062C\u0627\u0646\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u062A\u0642\u062F\u0645\u0647\u0627 \u0645\u0624\u0633\u0633\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0635\u0627\u0631\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062D\u0631\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0631\u0641\u064A\u0647\u064A\u0629 wwe . \u062A\u0645 \u0639\u0631\u0636 \u0623\u0648\u0644 \u062D\u062F\u062B \u0639\u0627\u0645 2005 ."@ar . . . . . . . . . . . "One Night Stand \u2013 zako\u0144czony cykl gal profesjonalnego wrestlingu produkowanych co czerwiec w latach 2005-2008 przez World Wrestling Entertainment i nadawanych na \u017Cywo w systemie pay-per-view. Nazwa gali odnosi si\u0119 do jego oryginalnego formatu, b\u0119d\u0105c powrotem na jedn\u0105 noc dla federacji Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). Cykl zosta\u0142 og\u0142oszony w 2005, kiedy to wydanym przez WWE DVD o nazwie \u201EThe Rise and Fall of ECW\u201D Paul Heyman, Rob Van Dam i Tommy Dreamer dyskutowali i asystowali przy zatwierdzeniu konceptu przez szef\u00F3w WWE. Dwie pierwsze gale odby\u0142y si\u0119 pod akronimem ECW, ale by\u0142y zorganizowane przez WWE. Kiedy w 2006 utworzono brand ECW, One Night Stand sta\u0142o si\u0119 od przysz\u0142ego roku gal\u0105 wszystkich trzech brand\u00F3w (Raw, SmackDown i ECW). Ostatnia gala zosta\u0142a zorganizowana w 2008 i p\u00F3\u017Aniej zmieniona na Extreme Rules w 2009. Event z owego roku jest uznawany jako bezpo\u015Brednia kontynuacja One Night Stand, lecz gala z 2010 by\u0142a promowana ju\u017C jako oddzielny cykl ze swoj\u0105 chronologi\u0105, oficjalnie anuluj\u0105c One Night Stand."@pl . . . "WWE One Night Stand was een jaarlijks professioneel worstel-pay-per-view (PPV) dat georganiseerd werd door Amerikaanse worstelorganisatie World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Het evenement debuteerde in 2005 en werd vernoemd naar een re\u00FCnie van \u00E9\u00E9n nacht voor worstelorganisatie, Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). De eerste 2 evenementen waren voor ECW, maar dit veranderde in 2007 en 2008. WWE lanceerde ECW als hun 3e brand (merk) naast Raw en SmackDown. In 2009 werd het evenement hernoemd naar Extreme Rules. Het evenement in 2009 zou continueren onder de One Night Stand chronologie, maar in 2010 werd de chronologie echter voortgezet onder de naam Extreme Rules, wat betekende dat continu\u00EFteit onder One Night Stand stopte."@nl . . . "One Night Stand (WWE)"@it . "WWE\u30EF\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30A4\u30C8\u30FB\u30B9\u30BF\u30F3\u30C9(WWE One Night Stand)\u306F\u3001\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u306E\u30D7\u30ED\u30EC\u30B9\u56E3\u4F53WWEECW\u306E\u4E3B\u50AC\u3059\u308B\u30D7\u30ED\u30EC\u30B9\u8208\u884C\u3002\u304A\u3088\u3073\u305D\u308C\u3092\u6271\u3063\u305FPPV\u30022005\u5E74\u304B\u3089\u65B0\u8A2D\u3055\u308C\u305FPPV\u5927\u4F1A\u3067\u3001\u304B\u3064\u3066\u30CF\u30FC\u30C9\u30B3\u30A2\u8DEF\u7DDA\u3067\u4E00\u5927\u30D6\u30FC\u30E0\u3092\u5DFB\u304D\u8D77\u3053\u3057\u305F\u30D7\u30ED\u30EC\u30B9\u56E3\u4F53ECW\u306E\u30E1\u30F3\u30D0\u30FC\u3092\u4E00\u591C\u9650\u308A\u3067\u518D\u96C6\u7D50\u3055\u305B\u3066\u8A66\u5408\u3092\u884C\u3063\u305F\u3002WWE\u304C\u767A\u58F2\u3057\u305FDVD\u300CRise & Fall of Ecw\u300D\u306E\u58F2\u4E0A\u306E\u597D\u8ABF\u3084\u5143ECW\u306E\u30E1\u30F3\u30D0\u30FC\u30ED\u30D6\u30FB\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3\u30FB\u30C0\u30E0\u7B49\u306E\u63D0\u5531\u306B\u3088\u308A\u958B\u50AC\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30022009\u5E74\u3088\u308A\u3001\u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30EA\u30FC\u30E0\u30FB\u30EB\u30FC\u30EB\u30BA(Extreme Rules)\u3068PPV\u306E\u540D\u79F0\u304C\u5909\u66F4\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . . "WWE One Night Stand \u00E9tait un pay per view de la Extreme Championship Wrestling puis de la World Wrestling Entertainment. Il a remplac\u00E9 WWE Bad Blood. D\u00E8s 2009, One Night Stand change de nom pour WWE Extreme Rules."@fr . . . . "WWE One Night Stand fue un evento anual de pago por visi\u00F3n producido por la empresa de lucha libre profesional World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)."@es . . "WWE One Night Stand"@es . . . . "\u0648\u0646 \u0646\u0627\u064A\u062A \u0633\u062A\u0627\u0646\u062F \u0628\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062C\u0644\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0629 (One Night Stand) \u0647\u0648 \u0623\u062D\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0647\u0631\u062C\u0627\u0646\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u062A\u0642\u062F\u0645\u0647\u0627 \u0645\u0624\u0633\u0633\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0635\u0627\u0631\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062D\u0631\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0631\u0641\u064A\u0647\u064A\u0629 wwe . \u062A\u0645 \u0639\u0631\u0636 \u0623\u0648\u0644 \u062D\u062F\u062B \u0639\u0627\u0645 2005 ."@ar . "WWE\u30EF\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30A4\u30C8\u30FB\u30B9\u30BF\u30F3\u30C9"@ja . . . . "25053214"^^ . . . . "One Night Stand \u00E8 stato un evento in pay-per-view di wrestling organizzato annualmente dalla World Wrestling Entertainment tra il 2005 e il 2008. La prima edizione dell'evento risale al 2005 come tributo alla vecchia Extreme Championship Wrestling; nel 2009 \u00E8 stato rimosso dal calendario e sostituito da Extreme Rules."@it . "One Night Stand \u00E8 stato un evento in pay-per-view di wrestling organizzato annualmente dalla World Wrestling Entertainment tra il 2005 e il 2008. La prima edizione dell'evento risale al 2005 come tributo alla vecchia Extreme Championship Wrestling; nel 2009 \u00E8 stato rimosso dal calendario e sostituito da Extreme Rules."@it . . "\u72C2\u6F6E\u518D\u8D77"@zh . . . . "One Night Stand \u2013 zako\u0144czony cykl gal profesjonalnego wrestlingu produkowanych co czerwiec w latach 2005-2008 przez World Wrestling Entertainment i nadawanych na \u017Cywo w systemie pay-per-view. Nazwa gali odnosi si\u0119 do jego oryginalnego formatu, b\u0119d\u0105c powrotem na jedn\u0105 noc dla federacji Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). Cykl zosta\u0142 og\u0142oszony w 2005, kiedy to wydanym przez WWE DVD o nazwie \u201EThe Rise and Fall of ECW\u201D Paul Heyman, Rob Van Dam i Tommy Dreamer dyskutowali i asystowali przy zatwierdzeniu konceptu przez szef\u00F3w WWE. Dwie pierwsze gale odby\u0142y si\u0119 pod akronimem ECW, ale by\u0142y zorganizowane przez WWE. Kiedy w 2006 utworzono brand ECW, One Night Stand sta\u0142o si\u0119 od przysz\u0142ego roku gal\u0105 wszystkich trzech brand\u00F3w (Raw, SmackDown i ECW). Ostatnia gala zosta\u0142a zorganizowana w 2008 i p\u00F3\u017Ani"@pl . "WWE One Night Stand"@en . "Extreme Rules \u00E9s un esdeveniment anual de pagament per visi\u00F3 (PPV) produ\u00EFt per l'empresa de lluita lliure professional World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) el mes de juny. Fins a l'edici\u00F3 del 2009, l'esdeveniment s'anomenava One Night Stand. L'esdeveniment es va crear el 2005 sota el nom de ECW One Night Stand, ja que es va fer amb la intenci\u00F3 de ser un PPV exclusivament de la marca ECW. El 2007, es va establir com un PPV amb la participaci\u00F3 de les tres marques seguint el format de WrestleMania. Aquest \u00E9s l'\u00FAnic PPV on tots els combats es disputen amb normes extremes."@ca . . "WWE One Night Stand was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event, produced every June by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), a professional wrestling promotion based in Connecticut. The event was created in 2005 and its name refers to its original format, that being a one-night reunion show for Extreme Championship Wrestling alumni. The first two shows were promoted under the ECW acronym; this, however, was changed for the 2007 and 2008 events. As WWE launched their own version of ECW in 2006 as a third brand alongside Raw and SmackDown, these two shows were promoted under the WWE acronym. The final event under the One Night Stand name was in 2008 before being renamed Extreme Rules in 2009. The 2009 Extreme Rules was noted by WWE to be a direct continuation of the One Night Stand chronology; however, the 2010 event was later promoted as only the second event under a new Extreme Rules chronology, one that is no longer a direct continuation of the One Night Stand event. Extreme Rules, however, continued the theme of featuring various hardcore-based matches."@en . "WWE One Night Stand foi um evento pay-per-view de luta profissional (PPV), produzido todo m\u00EAs de junho pela World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), uma promo\u00E7\u00E3o de wrestling profissional com sede em Connecticut. O evento foi criado em 2005 e seu nome se refere ao seu formato original, que \u00E9 um show de reuni\u00E3o de uma noite para ex-empregados da Extreme Championship Wrestling. Os dois primeiros shows foram promovidos sob a sigla ECW; isso, no entanto, foi alterado para os eventos de 2007 e 2008. Como a em 2006 como uma terceira marca ao lado de Raw e SmackDown, esses dois shows foram promovidos sob a sigla WWE. O evento final sob o nome One Night Stand foi em 2008 antes de ser renomeado Extreme Rules em 2009. O Extreme Rules de 2009 foi observado pela WWE como uma continua\u00E7\u00E3o direta da cronolo"@pt . . . . "\u0648\u0646 \u0646\u0627\u064A\u062A \u0633\u062A\u0627\u0646\u062F"@ar . "12068"^^ . "WWE One Night Stand"@pt . . "ECW One Night Stand"@en . . . . . . . "\u72C2\u6F6E\u518D\u8D77\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AOne Night Stand\uFF09\u6216ECW \u72C2\u6F6E\u518D\u8D77\uFF08ECW One Night Stand\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u4E16\u754C\u6454\u89D2\u5A1B\u6A02\uFF08WWE\uFF09\u6BCF\u5E74\u4E00\u5EA6\u7684\u4E16\u754C\u6454\u89D2\u5A1B\u6A02\u4ED8\u8CBB\u6536\u770B\u7BC0\u76EE\uFF08WWE Pay-Per-View\uFF09\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u901A\u5E38\u65BC\u6BCF\u5E746\u6708\u6642\u8209\u884C\u3002\u6B64\u8CFD\u4E8B\u65BC2004\u5E74\u6642\u7B2C\u4E00\u6B21\u8209\u8FA6\uFF0C\u53D6\u4EE3\u4E86\u5927\u8CFD\u3002\u6B64\u8CFD\u4E8B\u662F\u6240\u6709\u4ED8\u8CBB\u6536\u770B\u8CFD\u4E8B\u4E2D\u66B4\u529B\u98A8\u683C\u6700\u6FC3\u539A\u7684\u30022009\u5E74\u5F8C\uFF0C\u56E0\u61C9\u6975\u9650\u51A0\u8ECD\u6454\u89D2\u5DF2\u6210\u70BA\u56FA\u5B9A\u54C1\u724C\u7BC0\u76EE\uFF0C\u56E0\u6B64\u8CFD\u4E8B\u578B\u614B\u6539\u8B8A\uFF0C\u540D\u7A31\u4E5F\u6539\u70BA\u6975\u9650\u898F\u5247\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AExtreme Rules\uFF09\u3002"@zh . . "WWE One Night Stand"@nl . . "WWE\u30EF\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30A4\u30C8\u30FB\u30B9\u30BF\u30F3\u30C9(WWE One Night Stand)\u306F\u3001\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u306E\u30D7\u30ED\u30EC\u30B9\u56E3\u4F53WWEECW\u306E\u4E3B\u50AC\u3059\u308B\u30D7\u30ED\u30EC\u30B9\u8208\u884C\u3002\u304A\u3088\u3073\u305D\u308C\u3092\u6271\u3063\u305FPPV\u30022005\u5E74\u304B\u3089\u65B0\u8A2D\u3055\u308C\u305FPPV\u5927\u4F1A\u3067\u3001\u304B\u3064\u3066\u30CF\u30FC\u30C9\u30B3\u30A2\u8DEF\u7DDA\u3067\u4E00\u5927\u30D6\u30FC\u30E0\u3092\u5DFB\u304D\u8D77\u3053\u3057\u305F\u30D7\u30ED\u30EC\u30B9\u56E3\u4F53ECW\u306E\u30E1\u30F3\u30D0\u30FC\u3092\u4E00\u591C\u9650\u308A\u3067\u518D\u96C6\u7D50\u3055\u305B\u3066\u8A66\u5408\u3092\u884C\u3063\u305F\u3002WWE\u304C\u767A\u58F2\u3057\u305FDVD\u300CRise & Fall of Ecw\u300D\u306E\u58F2\u4E0A\u306E\u597D\u8ABF\u3084\u5143ECW\u306E\u30E1\u30F3\u30D0\u30FC\u30ED\u30D6\u30FB\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3\u30FB\u30C0\u30E0\u7B49\u306E\u63D0\u5531\u306B\u3088\u308A\u958B\u50AC\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30022009\u5E74\u3088\u308A\u3001\u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30EA\u30FC\u30E0\u30FB\u30EB\u30FC\u30EB\u30BA(Extreme Rules)\u3068PPV\u306E\u540D\u79F0\u304C\u5909\u66F4\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . "\u72C2\u6F6E\u518D\u8D77\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AOne Night Stand\uFF09\u6216ECW \u72C2\u6F6E\u518D\u8D77\uFF08ECW One Night Stand\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u4E16\u754C\u6454\u89D2\u5A1B\u6A02\uFF08WWE\uFF09\u6BCF\u5E74\u4E00\u5EA6\u7684\u4E16\u754C\u6454\u89D2\u5A1B\u6A02\u4ED8\u8CBB\u6536\u770B\u7BC0\u76EE\uFF08WWE Pay-Per-View\uFF09\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u901A\u5E38\u65BC\u6BCF\u5E746\u6708\u6642\u8209\u884C\u3002\u6B64\u8CFD\u4E8B\u65BC2004\u5E74\u6642\u7B2C\u4E00\u6B21\u8209\u8FA6\uFF0C\u53D6\u4EE3\u4E86\u5927\u8CFD\u3002\u6B64\u8CFD\u4E8B\u662F\u6240\u6709\u4ED8\u8CBB\u6536\u770B\u8CFD\u4E8B\u4E2D\u66B4\u529B\u98A8\u683C\u6700\u6FC3\u539A\u7684\u30022009\u5E74\u5F8C\uFF0C\u56E0\u61C9\u6975\u9650\u51A0\u8ECD\u6454\u89D2\u5DF2\u6210\u70BA\u56FA\u5B9A\u54C1\u724C\u7BC0\u76EE\uFF0C\u56E0\u6B64\u8CFD\u4E8B\u578B\u614B\u6539\u8B8A\uFF0C\u540D\u7A31\u4E5F\u6539\u70BA\u6975\u9650\u898F\u5247\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AExtreme Rules\uFF09\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . "WWE One Night Stand was een jaarlijks professioneel worstel-pay-per-view (PPV) dat georganiseerd werd door Amerikaanse worstelorganisatie World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Het evenement debuteerde in 2005 en werd vernoemd naar een re\u00FCnie van \u00E9\u00E9n nacht voor worstelorganisatie, Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). De eerste 2 evenementen waren voor ECW, maar dit veranderde in 2007 en 2008. WWE lanceerde ECW als hun 3e brand (merk) naast Raw en SmackDown. In 2009 werd het evenement hernoemd naar Extreme Rules. Het evenement in 2009 zou continueren onder de One Night Stand chronologie, maar in 2010 werd de chronologie echter voortgezet onder de naam Extreme Rules, wat betekende dat continu\u00EFteit onder One Night Stand stopte."@nl . . . . . . "WWE One Night Stand \u00E9tait un pay per view de la Extreme Championship Wrestling puis de la World Wrestling Entertainment. Il a remplac\u00E9 WWE Bad Blood. D\u00E8s 2009, One Night Stand change de nom pour WWE Extreme Rules."@fr . . . . . "WWE One Night Stand"@en . . . . . . "2008"^^ . . . . . "WWE One Night Stand foi um evento pay-per-view de luta profissional (PPV), produzido todo m\u00EAs de junho pela World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), uma promo\u00E7\u00E3o de wrestling profissional com sede em Connecticut. O evento foi criado em 2005 e seu nome se refere ao seu formato original, que \u00E9 um show de reuni\u00E3o de uma noite para ex-empregados da Extreme Championship Wrestling. Os dois primeiros shows foram promovidos sob a sigla ECW; isso, no entanto, foi alterado para os eventos de 2007 e 2008. Como a em 2006 como uma terceira marca ao lado de Raw e SmackDown, esses dois shows foram promovidos sob a sigla WWE. O evento final sob o nome One Night Stand foi em 2008 antes de ser renomeado Extreme Rules em 2009. O Extreme Rules de 2009 foi observado pela WWE como uma continua\u00E7\u00E3o direta da cronologia One Night Stand; no entanto, o evento de 2010 foi posteriormente promovido como apenas o segundo evento sob uma nova cronologia Extreme Rules, que n\u00E3o \u00E9 mais uma continua\u00E7\u00E3o direta do evento One Night Stand. Extreme Rules, no entanto, continuou o tema de apresentar v\u00E1rias partidas baseadas em hardcore."@pt . . . . . . "WWE One Night Stand"@fr . . . . "Extreme Rules \u00E9s un esdeveniment anual de pagament per visi\u00F3 (PPV) produ\u00EFt per l'empresa de lluita lliure professional World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) el mes de juny. Fins a l'edici\u00F3 del 2009, l'esdeveniment s'anomenava One Night Stand. L'esdeveniment es va crear el 2005 sota el nom de ECW One Night Stand, ja que es va fer amb la intenci\u00F3 de ser un PPV exclusivament de la marca ECW. El 2007, es va establir com un PPV amb la participaci\u00F3 de les tres marques seguint el format de WrestleMania. Aquest \u00E9s l'\u00FAnic PPV on tots els combats es disputen amb normes extremes."@ca . . . . . . . . "WWE One Night Stand"@ca . . "WWE One Night Stand"@pl . . "WWE One Night Stand fue un evento anual de pago por visi\u00F3n producido por la empresa de lucha libre profesional World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)."@es . . . . . . . . . . "2005"^^ . "1115349995"^^ .