. . "Wax Poetic"@en . "477242"^^ . . . . . . . "*\u0130lhan Er\u015Fahin\n*Sissy Clemens\n*Gabriel Gordon\n*Kenny Wollesen\n*Tina Kristina\n*Zeke Zima"@en . "Wax Poetic"@pl . . . . . "Wax Poetic"@pt . . . . "Wax Poetic est un groupe de trip hop et un collectif musical form\u00E9 en 1997 et bas\u00E9 \u00E0 New York. Il est fond\u00E9 par Ilhan Ersahin qui joue du saxophone t\u00E9nor au sein du groupe."@fr . "*Norah Jones\n*Saul Williams\n*N'Dea Davenport\n*Lisa Rudolph\n*Jesse Murphy\n*Jochen Rueckert\n*Marla Turner"@en . . "Wax Poetic"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Wax Poetic \u00E9 uma banda nova iorquina de trip-hop."@pt . . . "Our Theory, Twin-A"@en . "4265"^^ . . . "Wax Poetic is a New York-based trip hop band. The band came together in 1997 founded by Turkish musician Ilhan Er\u015Fahin, who is still a current member, playing tenor saxophone and keys. The group originated at the now defunct club Save the Robots, and consisted of a group of musicians jamming together. The band's music is noted for its \"heavy groove of drum and bass, blended with quick dance elements.\" The band signed to Atlantic Records in the late '90s and released their debut self-titled album in June 2000."@en . . . . . . . "Wax Poetic \u2013 nowojorska grupa trip-hopowa. Zesp\u00F3\u0142 pozna\u0142 si\u0119 w roku 1997, za spraw\u0105 guru muzyki Turkish-born \u2013 Ilhana Ersahina, kt\u00F3ry nadal jest jego aktualnym cz\u0142onkiem \u2013 gra na saksofonie tenorowym. Grupa mia\u0142a swoje pocz\u0105tki w popularnym, ale ju\u017C nieistniej\u0105cym klubie Save the Robots, eksperymentuj\u0105c z miksowaniem muzyki heavy groove drumm'n'bass w po\u0142\u0105czeniu z elementami szybkiego ta\u0144ca. Ersahin i sp\u00F3\u0142ka podpisali pod koniec lat 90. kontrakt z wytw\u00F3rni\u0105 Atlantic Records i w czerwcu 2000 roku wydali debiutancki album \"Wax Poetic\"."@pl . . . . . . . "Wax Poetic est un groupe de trip hop et un collectif musical form\u00E9 en 1997 et bas\u00E9 \u00E0 New York. Il est fond\u00E9 par Ilhan Ersahin qui joue du saxophone t\u00E9nor au sein du groupe."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Wax Poetic \u2013 nowojorska grupa trip-hopowa. Zesp\u00F3\u0142 pozna\u0142 si\u0119 w roku 1997, za spraw\u0105 guru muzyki Turkish-born \u2013 Ilhana Ersahina, kt\u00F3ry nadal jest jego aktualnym cz\u0142onkiem \u2013 gra na saksofonie tenorowym. Grupa mia\u0142a swoje pocz\u0105tki w popularnym, ale ju\u017C nieistniej\u0105cym klubie Save the Robots, eksperymentuj\u0105c z miksowaniem muzyki heavy groove drumm'n'bass w po\u0142\u0105czeniu z elementami szybkiego ta\u0144ca. Ersahin i sp\u00F3\u0142ka podpisali pod koniec lat 90. kontrakt z wytw\u00F3rni\u0105 Atlantic Records i w czerwcu 2000 roku wydali debiutancki album \"Wax Poetic\". Norah Jones nale\u017Ca\u0142a do grupy jeszcze przed jej prze\u0142omowym albumem Come Away with Me. Mo\u017Cemy j\u0105 te\u017C us\u0142ysze\u0107 w dw\u00F3ch utworach z albumu NuBlu Sessions. Pozostali cz\u0142onkowie zespo\u0142u \u2013 Thor Madsen (gitara i bity), Jesse Murphy (bas), Jochen Rueckert (perkusja), and Marla Turner (wokal)."@pl . . "Wax Poetic is a New York-based trip hop band. The band came together in 1997 founded by Turkish musician Ilhan Er\u015Fahin, who is still a current member, playing tenor saxophone and keys. The group originated at the now defunct club Save the Robots, and consisted of a group of musicians jamming together. The band's music is noted for its \"heavy groove of drum and bass, blended with quick dance elements.\" The band signed to Atlantic Records in the late '90s and released their debut self-titled album in June 2000. Pop singer and pianist Norah Jones was a member before her break-out album Come Away with Me. Other former members include Lisa Rudolph who co-wrote four songs with Ilhan Ersahin on the first album titled three, N'Dea Davenport and Saul Williams. Jones can still be heard singing with them on two tracks of their 2003 release, Nublu Sessions. Copenhagen was released on November 7, 2006. Part of a three part series, this CD is followed up with Istanbul and Brasil. The band's latest album, On a Ride, was released in 2012. Besides Ilhan Er\u015Fahin, the current members include Sissy Clemens (vocals), Gabriel Gordon (vocals), Kenny Wollesen (drums), Tina Kristina (bass) and Zeke Zima (guitar). Ilhan, Thor, and Jochen combined with Erik Truffaz and Matt Penman to create the band Our Theory."@en . "group_or_band"@en . . "Wax Poetic"@en . "\u2013present"@en . . . . "New York City, New York, United States"@en . . . . . . "Wax Poetic \u00E9 uma banda nova iorquina de trip-hop."@pt . . "1004346481"^^ . .