. "William Gaskell (24 July 1805 \u2013 12 June 1884) was an English Unitarian minister, charity worker and pioneer in the education of the working class. The husband of novelist and biographer Elizabeth Gaskell, he was himself a writer and poet, and acted as the longest-serving Chair of the Portico Library from 1849 to his death in 1884."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "William Gaskell (24 juillet 1805 - 12 juin 1884) est un pasteur unitarien anglais, travailleur caritatif et pionnier de l'\u00E9ducation de la classe ouvri\u00E8re. \u00C9poux de la romanci\u00E8re et biographe Elizabeth Gaskell, il est lui-m\u00EAme \u00E9crivain et po\u00E8te et est le pr\u00E9sident le plus ancien de la biblioth\u00E8que Portico de 1849 \u00E0 sa mort en 1884."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Latchford, Cheshire, England"@en . . . "1805-07-24"^^ . . . . . . "1832"^^ . . . "William Gaskell"@en . . . . . . "1884"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "12420932"^^ . . . . . "1865"^^ . . "Manchester, England"@en . "William Gaskell"@en . "20694"^^ . . "1805"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "William Gaskell on holiday in Scotland"@en . . . "--06-12"^^ . . "William Gaskell (24 juillet 1805 - 12 juin 1884) est un pasteur unitarien anglais, travailleur caritatif et pionnier de l'\u00E9ducation de la classe ouvri\u00E8re. \u00C9poux de la romanci\u00E8re et biographe Elizabeth Gaskell, il est lui-m\u00EAme \u00E9crivain et po\u00E8te et est le pr\u00E9sident le plus ancien de la biblioth\u00E8que Portico de 1849 \u00E0 sa mort en 1884. Sa th\u00E9ologie personnelle est le rationalisme sacerdotal et il rejette la doctrine du p\u00E9ch\u00E9 originel, croyant que les humains ont une capacit\u00E9 inn\u00E9e pour le bien, et cette croyance semble avoir sous-tendu son engagement de toute une vie dans des projets caritatifs et \u00E9ducatifs . Contrairement \u00E0 beaucoup de ses contemporains de Manchester, Gaskell a toujours privil\u00E9gi\u00E9 le travail social et \u00E9ducatif au-dessus du lobbying politique pour le libre-\u00E9change ou la r\u00E9forme des usines . Sa philosophie personnelle peut se r\u00E9sumer dans la d\u00E9dicace qu'il \u00E9crit lors de la publication de son recueil de po\u00E8mes Temperance Rhymes : \u00AB aux ouvriers de Manchester... levier qui est de les \u00E9lever dans l'\u00E9chelle de l'humanit\u00E9 ."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "5"^^ . ""@en . . "1121632096"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Unitarian minister, educator"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "180"^^ . . . . "William Gaskell"@en . "William Gaskell (24 July 1805 \u2013 12 June 1884) was an English Unitarian minister, charity worker and pioneer in the education of the working class. The husband of novelist and biographer Elizabeth Gaskell, he was himself a writer and poet, and acted as the longest-serving Chair of the Portico Library from 1849 to his death in 1884. His personal theology was Priestleian rationalism; he rejected the doctrine of original sin, believing humans to have an innate capacity for good, and this belief seems to have underpinned his lifelong commitment to charitable and educational projects. Unlike many of his Manchester contemporaries, Gaskell always favoured social and educational work above political lobbying for free trade or factory reform. His personal philosophy can perhaps be summarised in his dedication which he penned at the publication of his poetry collection Temperance Rhymes: 'to the working men of Manchester ... in the hope that they may act as another small weight on the right end of that lever which is to raise them in the scale of humanity.'"@en . . . . . "1805-07-24"^^ . "William Gaskell"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . .