"The Yugadanavi Power Station (also known as Kerawalapitiya Power Station) is a large oil-fired power station in Sri Lanka. The 300 MW power station is located in Kerawalapitiya, in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Construction of the power station began in November 2007, and progressed in two phases, with the first 200 MW phase completing in a record 10 months, and the second phase completing later in February 2010. Phase 1 of the power station was ceremonially inaugurated by President Mahinda Rajapakse on 8 December 2008."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La centrale \u00E9lectrique de Yugadanavi, aussi connu sous le nom de centrale \u00E9lectrique de Kerawalapitiya, est une centrale thermique situ\u00E9e au Sri Lanka dans la Province de l'Ouest."@fr . . . . . . . . "Centrale \u00E9lectrique de Yugadanavi"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "1111624007"^^ . . . . . . "The Yugadanavi Power Station (also known as Kerawalapitiya Power Station) is a large oil-fired power station in Sri Lanka. The 300 MW power station is located in Kerawalapitiya, in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Construction of the power station began in November 2007, and progressed in two phases, with the first 200 MW phase completing in a record 10 months, and the second phase completing later in February 2010. Phase 1 of the power station was ceremonially inaugurated by President Mahinda Rajapakse on 8 December 2008. The US$300 million power station was supported by a \u20AC152 million debt component through HSBC, which was supported by export credit agencies in the United States, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, France, and Austria."@en . . . "Yugadanavi Power Station"@en . . . . "40779685"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La centrale \u00E9lectrique de Yugadanavi, aussi connu sous le nom de centrale \u00E9lectrique de Kerawalapitiya, est une centrale thermique situ\u00E9e au Sri Lanka dans la Province de l'Ouest."@fr . . . . "4128"^^ .