. . . . . . . . "88.0"^^ . "50314509"^^ . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc (ur. 29 listopada 1938 w Zagrzebiu) \u2013 chorwacki pi\u0142karz wodny. W barwach Jugos\u0142awii srebrny medalista olimpijski z Tokio. Mierz\u0105cy 186 cm wzrostu zawodnik w 1964 w Tokio wsp\u00F3lnie z kolegami zaj\u0105\u0142 drugie miejsce. By\u0142y to jego drugie igrzyska - cztery lata wcze\u015Bniej Jugos\u0142awia by\u0142a czwarta. Raz by\u0142 srebrnym (1958), a dwukrotnie br\u0105zowym medalist\u0105 mistrzostw Europy (1962 i 1966). Jego syn Dubravko tak\u017Ce by\u0142 waterpolist\u0105 i medalist\u0105 olimpijskim."@pl . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc, n\u00E9 le 29 novembre 1938 \u00E0 Zagreb, est un joueur de water-polo yougoslave. Il est le p\u00E8re de Dubravko \u0160imenc, lui aussi joueur de water-polo."@fr . . . . . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc, n\u00E9 le 29 novembre 1938 \u00E0 Zagreb, est un joueur de water-polo yougoslave. Il est le p\u00E8re de Dubravko \u0160imenc, lui aussi joueur de water-polo."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "4406"^^ . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc"@en . "Zlatko \u0160imenc"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc (born 29 November 1938) is a retired Croatian water polo player and coach (1969-1975) of Slovenian origin. He was part of the Yugoslav teams that won a silver medal at the 1964 Olympics and placed fourth in 1960. He won three more medals at the European championships in 1958\u20131966. \u0160imenc's parents moved from Slovenia to Croatia before he was born. They had three sons and one daughter, with Zlatko being the youngest child. He took up swimming aged 11, and in his twenties changed to water polo and handball. He trained as a water polo defender in the summer and as a handball striker in the winter, and won national titles in both sports with his club Mladost. Between 1955 and 1975 he played 101 water polo and 24 handball matches for the national Yugoslav teams. In 1958, \u0160imenc enrolled to study law, but next year changed to the newly established in Zagreb institute of physical education, and graduated in 1966. He later earned a master's degree in social sciences and defended a PhD in kinesiology. Since 1966 until retirement he worked at the Department of Team Sports of the University of Zagreb, and published ca. 60 scientific papers and books on handball and water polo. In parallel he served as a sports official at the Yugoslav (1980\u201382) and Croatian (1992\u201396) water polo federations and was a member of the Croatian Olympic Committee (1991\u201395). His son Dubravko also became an Olympic medalist in water polo, while his daughter Iva is a coach and former competitor in synchronized swimming."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Zagreb, Sava Banovina, Kingdom ofYugoslavia"@en . . . . . . . "\u5179\u62C9\u7279\u79D1\u00B7\u5E0C\u95E8\u8328"@zh . . . . . . "\u5179\u62C9\u7279\u79D1\u00B7\u5E0C\u95E8\u8328\uFF08\u514B\u7F85\u57C3\u897F\u4E9E\u8A9E\uFF1AZlatko \u0160imenc\uFF0C1938\u5E7411\u670829\u65E5\uFF0D\uFF09\uFF0C\u514B\u7F57\u5730\u4E9A\u7537\u5B50\u6C34\u7403\u8FD0\u52A8\u5458\u3002\u4ED6\u66FE\u4EE3\u8868\u5357\u65AF\u62C9\u592B\u56FD\u5BB6\u961F\u53C2\u52A01960\u5E74\u548C1964\u5E74\u590F\u5B63\u5965\u6797\u5339\u514B\u8FD0\u52A8\u4F1A\u6C34\u7403\u6BD4\u8D5B\uFF0C\u5176\u4E2D1964\u5E74\u5965\u8FD0\u4F1A\u83B7\u5F97\u4E00\u679A\u94F6\u724C\u3002"@zh . "Zlatko \u0160imenc"@it . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc (ur. 29 listopada 1938 w Zagrzebiu) \u2013 chorwacki pi\u0142karz wodny. W barwach Jugos\u0142awii srebrny medalista olimpijski z Tokio. Mierz\u0105cy 186 cm wzrostu zawodnik w 1964 w Tokio wsp\u00F3lnie z kolegami zaj\u0105\u0142 drugie miejsce. By\u0142y to jego drugie igrzyska - cztery lata wcze\u015Bniej Jugos\u0142awia by\u0142a czwarta. Raz by\u0142 srebrnym (1958), a dwukrotnie br\u0105zowym medalist\u0105 mistrzostw Europy (1962 i 1966). Jego syn Dubravko tak\u017Ce by\u0142 waterpolist\u0105 i medalist\u0105 olimpijskim."@pl . . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc (born 29 November 1938) is a retired Croatian water polo player and coach (1969-1975) of Slovenian origin. He was part of the Yugoslav teams that won a silver medal at the 1964 Olympics and placed fourth in 1960. He won three more medals at the European championships in 1958\u20131966."@en . "1938-11-29"^^ . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc"@en . . . . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc (Zagabria, 29 novembre 1938) \u00E8 un ex pallanuotista jugoslavo, vincitore di una medaglia d'argento alle olimpiadi di Tokyo 1964."@it . "Zlatko \u0160imenc, f\u00F6dd 29 november 1938 i Zagreb, \u00E4r en f\u00F6re detta jugoslavisk vattenpolospelare och -tr\u00E4nare. Han tog OS-silver 1964 med Jugoslaviens landslag. Han tr\u00E4nade det jugoslaviska landslaget 1969\u20131971. Han \u00E4r far till Dubravko \u0160imenc. \u0160imenc spelade sju matcher och gjorde fyra m\u00E5l i den olympiska vattenpoloturneringen i Rom d\u00E4r Jugoslavien var fyra. Han spelade sedan sju matcher och gjorde tre m\u00E5l i den olympiska vattenpoloturneringen i Tokyo d\u00E4r Jugoslavien tog silver."@sv . "Zlatko \u0160imenc"@sv . . . . . . . "1020974966"^^ . . . . . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc (Zagabria, 29 novembre 1938) \u00E8 un ex pallanuotista jugoslavo, vincitore di una medaglia d'argento alle olimpiadi di Tokyo 1964."@it . "1.86 m"@en . "Zlatko \u0160imenc, f\u00F6dd 29 november 1938 i Zagreb, \u00E4r en f\u00F6re detta jugoslavisk vattenpolospelare och -tr\u00E4nare. Han tog OS-silver 1964 med Jugoslaviens landslag. Han tr\u00E4nade det jugoslaviska landslaget 1969\u20131971. Han \u00E4r far till Dubravko \u0160imenc. \u0160imenc spelade sju matcher och gjorde fyra m\u00E5l i den olympiska vattenpoloturneringen i Rom d\u00E4r Jugoslavien var fyra. Han spelade sedan sju matcher och gjorde tre m\u00E5l i den olympiska vattenpoloturneringen i Tokyo d\u00E4r Jugoslavien tog silver."@sv . . . "\u5179\u62C9\u7279\u79D1\u00B7\u5E0C\u95E8\u8328\uFF08\u514B\u7F85\u57C3\u897F\u4E9E\u8A9E\uFF1AZlatko \u0160imenc\uFF0C1938\u5E7411\u670829\u65E5\uFF0D\uFF09\uFF0C\u514B\u7F57\u5730\u4E9A\u7537\u5B50\u6C34\u7403\u8FD0\u52A8\u5458\u3002\u4ED6\u66FE\u4EE3\u8868\u5357\u65AF\u62C9\u592B\u56FD\u5BB6\u961F\u53C2\u52A01960\u5E74\u548C1964\u5E74\u590F\u5B63\u5965\u6797\u5339\u514B\u8FD0\u52A8\u4F1A\u6C34\u7403\u6BD4\u8D5B\uFF0C\u5176\u4E2D1964\u5E74\u5965\u8FD0\u4F1A\u83B7\u5F97\u4E00\u679A\u94F6\u724C\u3002"@zh . . "Zlatko \u0160imenc"@pl . . . .