"75"^^ . "77"^^ . "0"^^ . "3.7"^^ . "8.800000000000001"^^ . "Paepae Kapeli Sua"@en . "24.4"^^ . "1019"^^ . "31.4"^^ . "49"^^ . . "Agaseata Livi"@en . "17.9"^^ . "4.8"^^ . . "Peseta Toleafoa Lua Nafoi"@en . "62"^^ . "64.3"^^ . "Samoan Democratic United Party"@en . "33"^^ . "Lefaga & Falese'ela"@en . "Solamalemalo Keneti Sio"@en . "Misa Telefoni Retzlaff"@en . . "Tupuanai Avaioi Imoasina"@en . "16.6"^^ . "26.8"^^ . "7.8"^^ . "38"^^ . . "Faamatuainu Tala Mailei"@en . . "39.9"^^ . . . "Tooala Tulouna"@en . "980"^^ . . "9.199999999999999"^^ . "25.7"^^ . . "Sala Fata Pinati"@en . "5.4"^^ . "1.5"^^ . "24.3"^^ . "23"^^ . "1186"^^ . "26"^^ . "27"^^ . "28"^^ . "Leilua Punivalu"@en . "29"^^ . . "Lep\u0101"@en . "Semaoa Feausi"@en . "Tuisugaletaua Sofara Aveau"@en . "14.9"^^ . "Fogamomi Tomanogi Sapati Moeono"@en . "Tofa Eteuati Siitia"@en . "7"^^ . "10"^^ . "Samoa"@en . "30.9"^^ . "14"^^ . "Ulu Vaomalo Ulu Kini"@en . "498"^^ . "Mamea Minnie lofa Tumanuvao Matalavea"@en . "2.9"^^ . "931"^^ . . "505"^^ . "Pipi Samasina"@en . . . "Tuiletufuga Siaosi Tuiletufuga"@en . "73.40000000000001"^^ . "480"^^ . "50.2"^^ . "481"^^ . "21.5"^^ . "Saena Tialino Penaia II"@en . "Gaina Aukusitino"@en . . . "6.3"^^ . . . . "490"^^ . "3.4"^^ . "34.8"^^ . "Taimalelagi Naotala"@en . "3.1"^^ . "464"^^ . "76.2"^^ . "1149"^^ . "Fuimaono Puleimanufiu Faasopo"@en . "32.8"^^ . . "897"^^ . "19.8"^^ . . "Palusalue Fa\u2019apo II"@en . . "82114"^^ . "Le Mamea Roptai .jpg"@en . "25.37"^^ . "32.4"^^ . . . "Tolofuaivalelei Falemoe Lei\u2019ataua"@en . . . "Samoa Pita"@en . "Seve Leu Ruta Tofaeono"@en . "883"^^ . "Leao Talalelei Tuitama"@en . "459"^^ . . "460"^^ . . "Fata Siaosi"@en . "Fui Tifaga"@en . . . "1114"^^ . "Utuga Faamanatu Faaaliga"@en . "Sala Vaimili II Uili Ioane"@en . "26.6"^^ . "Results by constituency."@en . "434"^^ . "Le Mamea Ropati"@en . "0.7"^^ . "436"^^ . . "437"^^ . "867"^^ . "New"@en . . "Toiaivao Faimafili Lauano"@en . "Christian Party"@en . "Sauvao Taueva Sio Vaauli"@en . "Sua Ioelu"@en . "1.1"^^ . "417"^^ . . "419"^^ . "420"^^ . "36.9"^^ . "+10"@en . "Tuila'epa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi"@en . "Vaatiuola Lautolo Misi"@en . "4.5"^^ . . "852"^^ . "425"^^ . "All 49 seats in the Legislative Assembly"@en . "Lepou Petelo II"@en . . "36.1"^^ . "Masinalupe Tusipa Masinalupe"@en . "4509"^^ . "Unasa Felise Moors"@en . "18.4"^^ . "14937"^^ . "Talimatasi Setu"@en . "404"^^ . "New"@en . "Independent"@en . "834"^^ . "12.1"^^ . . "17.4"^^ . . "Maiava Visekota Peteru"@en . "Des \u00E9lections l\u00E9gislatives se sont tenues aux Samoa le 31 mars 2006. Il s'agissait de renouveler l'ensemble des 49 si\u00E8ges de l'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative monocam\u00E9rale (Fono), \u00E0 l'\u00E9ch\u00E9ance du mandat de cinq ans de la l\u00E9gislature \u00E9lue en 2001. Il y eut 210 candidats (dont 18 femmes) pour ces 49 si\u00E8ges. 47 si\u00E8ges sont r\u00E9serv\u00E9s aux matai (chefs de famille) autochtones, \u00E9lus au suffrage universel direct par les citoyens autochtones, par circonscription. Les deux autres si\u00E8ges sont r\u00E9serv\u00E9s \u00E0 des d\u00E9put\u00E9s non-autochtones, \u00E9lus au suffrage universel direct par les citoyens non-autochtones. Il y avait 79 284 \u00E9lecteurs inscrits. Le Parti pour la Protection des Droits de l'Homme (PPDH), parti du gouvernement du Premier ministre Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, fit campagne sur \u00AB ses r\u00E9alisations pass\u00E9es, en mettant l'accent sur les progr\u00E8s \u00E9conomiques r\u00E9alis\u00E9s par le pays et sur les 6 pour cent de croissance enregistr\u00E9s en 2005 \u00BB. Le (PDSU), principal parti d'opposition et h\u00E9ritier du , dirig\u00E9 par , attira l'attention des \u00E9lecteurs sur \u00AB les soup\u00E7ons de corruption pesant sur le gouvernement et sur le co\u00FBt \u00E9lev\u00E9 de la vie \u00BB. Le PPDH remporta une majorit\u00E9 absolue des si\u00E8ges, avec 33 d\u00E9put\u00E9s, tandis que le PDSU en obtint 10. Les autres partis (dont le de , ou le de ) n'en obtinrent aucun. En juillet et ao\u00FBt, la Cour supr\u00EAme invalida les r\u00E9sultats dans trois circonscriptions remport\u00E9es par le PDSU, \u00AB pour cause de corruption \u00BB. De nouvelles \u00E9lections eurent lieu pour ces trois si\u00E8ges, qui - \u00E0 la suite d'une scission dans le PDSU - furent remport\u00E9s par le PPDH. Ainsi, les r\u00E9sultats finaux furent les suivants :"@fr . "Tofilau Semeli Sinai"@en . "1065"^^ . "Anauli Pofitu Fesili"@en . "2006 Samoan general election"@en . "66.09999999999999"^^ . "5.3"^^ . "1068"^^ . "386"^^ . "19.9"^^ . "388"^^ . "1.3"^^ . "389"^^ . "20.5"^^ . "819"^^ . "Amiatu Sagato Amiatu"@en . "393"^^ . . "2.8"^^ . "19.5"^^ . . "Fonoti Faagalu Taeao-o-alii"@en . "11.3"^^ . "369"^^ . "List of members of the Legislative Assembly of Samoa"@en . "Leota Semisi"@en . "2006-03-31"^^ . "Siligatusa Semi Lesa"@en . "Fuataga Kasimani"@en . . "Letaa Tanielu"@en . . "352"^^ . "37.4"^^ . "Safuneituuga Paaga Neri"@en . "11.7"^^ . "Lesa Tominiko Lesa Niko"@en . "6.2"^^ . . . "2006-03-31"^^ . "General elections were held in Samoa on 31 March 2006 to determine the composition of the 14th Parliament. The main contesting parties were that of incumbent Prime Minister Tuila'epa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi, of the Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP); and the Samoan Democratic United Party (SDUP). In addition, three other parties, the Christian Party (SCP), the Samoa Party (SP), and the Samoa Progressive Party (SPP), competed in the election. The result was a landslide victory for the HRPP, which won 33 of the 49 seats. The newly founded SDUP secured ten seats, and the remaining six were won by independents. After the election, three independents joined the HRPP, increasing the party's seat count to 36."@en . "Seve Sung Chan Chui"@en . "361"^^ . "34.4"^^ . "8.1"^^ . "363"^^ . "3.6"^^ . "365"^^ . "366"^^ . . . "367"^^ . "795"^^ . . . "21303"^^ . "Tupuola Tevaseu Mano Sola Siaosi Hunt"@en . "343"^^ . "Alaimoana Esau Ropati"@en . . "3.2"^^ . "348"^^ . "Leilua Tavas Leota"@en . "350"^^ . "5.38"^^ . "781"^^ . . "21303"^^ . "26.9"^^ . "325"^^ . . . . "33"^^ . . "331"^^ . "7.6"^^ . "332"^^ . "2003-12-30"^^ . . "Maiava Faafuata"@en . "334"^^ . "17.8"^^ . "Talamatavao Malua"@en . . "Leauanae Makiasi S"@en . "27.2"^^ . "New"@en . "308"^^ . "1114602140"^^ . "Tulilo Paulo Leutele"@en . . "Savea Sione"@en . "312"^^ . "Moala Samasoni Pomare"@en . "Galuvao Viliamu Sepulona"@en . . . "Fagafagamanualii Theresa McCarthy"@en . "289"^^ . "General elections were held in Samoa on 31 March 2006 to determine the composition of the 14th Parliament. The main contesting parties were that of incumbent Prime Minister Tuila'epa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi, of the Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP); and the Samoan Democratic United Party (SDUP). In addition, three other parties, the Christian Party (SCP), the Samoa Party (SP), and the Samoa Progressive Party (SPP), competed in the election. The result was a landslide victory for the HRPP, which won 33 of the 49 seats. The newly founded SDUP secured ten seats, and the remaining six were won by independents. After the election, three independents joined the HRPP, increasing the party's seat count to 36."@en . "Taumanupepe Keleso"@en . "Ulugia Aukuso Ulugia"@en . "1.7"^^ . "20.4"^^ . "10.7"^^ . "6"^^ . "0"^^ . "297"^^ . . . "Mulitalo Sealiimalietoa Siafausa Vui"@en . "2001"^^ . "1.2"^^ . "Toleafoa Apulu Fa'afisi"@en . "302"^^ . "Leiataualesa Niko Fidow"@en . "Tuilimu Manuele Paletasala"@en . "Taito Aliifaalogo Faitele"@en . "20.9"^^ . "\u2013"@en . "Sooalo Siliga"@en . . "Seiuli Saoaumaga Lino"@en . "10"^^ . "2001"^^ . "Levaa Sauaso"@en . "Fesolai Logomalieimatagi Tepa Toloa"@en . "277"^^ . . "281"^^ . "10"^^ . . "284"^^ . "27.6"^^ . "Des \u00E9lections l\u00E9gislatives se sont tenues aux Samoa le 31 mars 2006. Il s'agissait de renouveler l'ensemble des 49 si\u00E8ges de l'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative monocam\u00E9rale (Fono), \u00E0 l'\u00E9ch\u00E9ance du mandat de cinq ans de la l\u00E9gislature \u00E9lue en 2001. Ainsi, les r\u00E9sultats finaux furent les suivants :"@fr . "Taloaina Moana Tuala Tamalelagi"@en . "10.2"^^ . "1.6"^^ . "257"^^ . "258"^^ . "Lavatai Mailagi"@en . . "9.6"^^ . "0.5"^^ . "264"^^ . "266"^^ . "Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi 1.jpg"@en . "269"^^ . "270"^^ . "271"^^ . "3.9"^^ . . . "22.2"^^ . "756"^^ . "Human Rights Protection Party"@en . "757"^^ . "23.8"^^ . "760"^^ . "Faasootauloa Pati"@en . "Leasnapapa Laki"@en . . "Gaono Silino"@en . "Leniu Fea Tionisio Seinafolava Hunt"@en . . "Tafemalii Suluvale Alofoe"@en . "Fuimaono Esera Rimoni"@en . . "738"^^ . "Letiu Elisapeta Tali Lee"@en . "Manu Falaula"@en . "1422"^^ . . "Taua Kitiona Seuala"@en . . "748"^^ . . "Tusa Misi Tupuola"@en . "\u00C9lections l\u00E9gislatives samoanes de 2006"@fr . "5.5"^^ . "parliamentary"@en . "29.5"^^ . "Toala Tanielu"@en . "Patea Satini Epati"@en . "Fiam\u0113 Naomi Mata\u02BBafa"@en . "Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi"@en . "Pau Sefo Pau"@en . . "Tofele Lata Tavui"@en . "Manuleleua Lalagofaatasi Falaniko Leleua"@en . "Human Rights Protection Party"@en . "731"^^ . "Sili Alapati"@en . "Gatoloaifaana Amataga Alesana-Gidlow"@en . "15.2"^^ . "707"^^ . "Peseta Senio Lauvao"@en . "710"^^ . "6.9"^^ . "9.800000000000001"^^ . . "Panoa Easter Ah Kuoi"@en . . "Tofilau Tauvaga"@en . "38.4"^^ . "689"^^ . "Moefaauo Lufilufi"@en . "690"^^ . "Unasa Mesi Galo"@en . "Aiono Tile Gafa"@en . "Leaana Sosaiete"@en . "Tiata Pulufana Saunoa"@en . "Leofo Aipovi Aiono"@en . "Faumuina Laneselota"@en . "2006"^^ . . . "Aanamaaitu Pasitale Afamasaga"@en . . "Samoa Progressive Political Party"@en . "2011"^^ . "Fonotoe Pierre Lauofo"@en . "Tupai Kelly"@en . . "24.5"^^ . "Faalafeitele Alofiotaoa Natuitasina Tugaga"@en . "246"^^ . "22.5"^^ . . . "676"^^ . "10.4"^^ . "Leota-Suatele Manusegi Suatele"@en . "252"^^ . "679"^^ . "Sililoto Tolo Tuaifaiva"@en . "254"^^ . "2011"^^ . "255"^^ . "Letelemaaana Talalelei"@en . "225"^^ . "Afoa Fetulima Nonu"@en . . "Olomoutu Salapu Asalele"@en . "Tuiloma Lameko"@en . "14"^^ . "Unopposed"@en . "8.5"^^ . "15"^^ . "10999048"^^ . . "658"^^ . "Muaiava Tuaitino Umu Toeava"@en . "11"^^ . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . "4"^^ . "238"^^ . . "Subsequent Prime Minister"@en . "15.3"^^ . "5"^^ . "22.6"^^ . . "211"^^ . "41.4"^^ . . "0.9"^^ . "30"^^ . "Toeta Toafa"@en . "1322"^^ . . . "10.1"^^ . "Sagauga Sabu Utaileuo"@en . "10.9"^^ . . "218"^^ . "25"^^ . "219"^^ . "222"^^ . "14.6"^^ . "19"^^ . "193"^^ . . "653"^^ . "16"^^ . "195"^^ . "654"^^ . "Lemaluafaitoaga Sauni Felise"@en . "Suafoa Fuimaono Lautasi II"@en . . "627"^^ . . "628"^^ . "43"^^ . "23.1"^^ . . "630"^^ . "Tuilagi Iakopo James Bartley"@en . "36"^^ . "13.5"^^ . "1286"^^ . "177"^^ . "35"^^ . . "Saofia Omeli Sealiimalietoa"@en . "41.9"^^ . "Fuimaono Naoia Tei"@en . "16.1"^^ . . "Talauega Lafi"@en . "Leaupepetele Denis Leaupepetele"@en . "Feo Nemaia Esau"@en . . "614"^^ . "187"^^ . "Papalii Memea Samuelu Petaia"@en . "35.3"^^ . "55"^^ . "617"^^ . "618"^^ . "8.300000000000001"^^ . "Leota Lu II"@en . "163"^^ . "38.7"^^ . "165"^^ . "1.8"^^ . . "2.5"^^ . "Tautoloitua Farani Posala"@en . "5.6"^^ . "28.2"^^ . "172"^^ . "44.82"^^ . . "Iputau Sami Lemalu"@en . . "12.7"^^ . "29.7"^^ . . "Leiataualesa Vaiao"@en . "Auseugaefa Tuvaifale Vaasatia Poloma Komiti"@en . "60.7"^^ . "Tuilo'a Anitelea"@en . "Vaeolenofoafia Tapasu"@en . "150"^^ . "40.5"^^ . "42156"^^ . . "Maposua Fealofani"@en . "579"^^ . . "153"^^ . "36.2"^^ . "Levaopolo Talatonu Va\u2019ai"@en . "Muagututagata Peter Ah Him"@en . "Fata Saifoloi"@en . "158"^^ . "587"^^ . "42156"^^ . "129"^^ . "7.3"^^ . "590"^^ . . "Suemalo Lipa Vaoga"@en . "Human Rights Protection Party"@en . . "565"^^ . "8.9"^^ . "40.3"^^ . "Togiai Fuatau Eteuati Faiilagi"@en . "Su'a Rimoni Ah Chong"@en . "1.4"^^ . . "3.8"^^ . "Tuia Pua Fuatogi Letoa"@en . "545"^^ . "119"^^ . "120"^^ . "Pauli Taavili"@en . "548"^^ . "\u20146"@en . "Luafatasaga Maanaima Sega"@en . "4.9"^^ . "Fiu Loimata II"@en . "555"^^ . "96"^^ . "Leatupue Pili"@en . "25"^^ . "98"^^ . "Taliaoa Pita Ulia"@en . . "102"^^ . "Fuimaono Naoia Fereti Tupua"@en . "6.4"^^ . "103"^^ . "55.5"^^ . "104"^^ . "531"^^ . "Manu Taialofa Tuitofa Naseri"@en . "105"^^ . "1998-11-23"^^ . "106"^^ . "15.5"^^ . "109"^^ . "Tofilau Saolele"@en . "372"^^ . . . "80"^^ . "Tauiliili Joe Kolose Fruean"@en . . "11.6"^^ . "Tuu'u Anasi'i Leota"@en . "Polutele Solomona Matiu"@en . "Toalepaialii Siu Pose Salesa III"@en . "515"^^ . "Samoa Party"@en . "89"^^ . "Mulipola Oliva"@en . "Lealaisalanoa Francis Hugo Siliva Nickel"@en . "90"^^ . "56.9"^^ . "519"^^ . "92"^^ . "List of members of the Legislative Assembly of Samoa"@en . "95"^^ . "Manuta Lavamaile"@en . . "4.1"^^ . "32.5"^^ . "12.9"^^ . . . "69"^^ . "Seuamuli Sapio Tooala"@en . "72"^^ . "65.09999999999999"^^ . "25.4"^^ . "14.7"^^ . "73"^^ .