. "30.0457 31.2882" . . "Osuni\u0119cie ska\u0142 w Kairze w 2008 roku \u2013 6 wrze\u015Bnia 2008 w kairskiej dzielnicy slums\u00F3w zniszczeniu uleg\u0142 sze\u015Bciopi\u0119trowy budynek i ok. 50 mniejszych. Przyczyn\u0105 by\u0142a lawina ska\u0142 z pobliskiej g\u00F3ry Mukattam. Na dzielnic\u0119 spad\u0142y g\u0142azy, niekt\u00F3re o ci\u0119\u017Carze 60\u201370 ton. W wyniku kataklizmu \u015Bmier\u0107 ponios\u0142o 119 os\u00F3b. Po dw\u00F3ch dniach (8 wrze\u015Bnia) na miejsce tragedii dotar\u0142 ci\u0119\u017Cki sprz\u0119t budowlany. Wcze\u015Bniej akcja ratownicza by\u0142a prowadzona mi\u0119dzy innymi przez krewnych os\u00F3b zasypanych, kt\u00F3rzy go\u0142ymi r\u0119kami starali si\u0119 odkopa\u0107 swych bliskich."@pl . "1018770093"^^ . "Osuni\u0119cie ska\u0142 w Kairze w 2008 roku \u2013 6 wrze\u015Bnia 2008 w kairskiej dzielnicy slums\u00F3w zniszczeniu uleg\u0142 sze\u015Bciopi\u0119trowy budynek i ok. 50 mniejszych. Przyczyn\u0105 by\u0142a lawina ska\u0142 z pobliskiej g\u00F3ry Mukattam. Na dzielnic\u0119 spad\u0142y g\u0142azy, niekt\u00F3re o ci\u0119\u017Carze 60\u201370 ton. W wyniku kataklizmu \u015Bmier\u0107 ponios\u0142o 119 os\u00F3b. Po dw\u00F3ch dniach (8 wrze\u015Bnia) na miejsce tragedii dotar\u0142 ci\u0119\u017Cki sprz\u0119t budowlany. Wcze\u015Bniej akcja ratownicza by\u0142a prowadzona mi\u0119dzy innymi przez krewnych os\u00F3b zasypanych, kt\u00F3rzy go\u0142ymi r\u0119kami starali si\u0119 odkopa\u0107 swych bliskich. Amnesty International oceni\u0142a, \u017Ce w \u015Bledztwie prowadzonym w tej sprawie dosz\u0142o do nieprawid\u0142owo\u015Bci, i stwierdzi\u0142a, \u017Ce rok po tragedii nadal tysi\u0105ce os\u00F3b \u017Cy\u0142o w podobnie niebezpiecznych warunkach w egipskich slumsach. W maju 2010 s\u0105d uzna\u0142 Mahmouda Yassina i siedmiu innych kairskich urz\u0119dnik\u00F3w za winnych zaniedba\u0144 i skaza\u0142 ich na kary pozbawienia wolno\u015Bci (jego na 5 lat, pozosta\u0142ych \u2013 na 3 lata)."@pl . "The 2008 Cairo landslide happened on September 6, 2008 at , an informal settlement in the Manshiyat Naser neighborhood of east Cairo, Egypt; 119 people died in the rockslide. Some people blamed for the landslide were arrested and held accountable. Boulders weighing as much as 70 tons rolled into the shanty town following the landslide. After most of the neighborhood had been flattened, those families still living in the slum were evicted and any remaining buildings were flattened by the government. As a result, hundreds of families were left homeless and many still live in squalor near the site of the disaster, despite government promises to find them homes. The cause of the landslide has not been definitively determined, but theories included leaked sewage from development projects that eroded rocks. An internal investigation determined that the slide was caused by \"fate\" and no one would be blamed for it. Amnesty International reports that thousands of Egyptians still continue to live in unsafe slums. According to Amnesty International, authorities failed to evacuate the impoverished residents and provide them with temporary or alternative housing. People living in areas deemed unsafe in Al-Duwayqa and Ezbet Bekhit were forced out in a manner which breached the international standards that states must observe while carrying out evictions. In May 2010, a court found Mahmoud Yassin, a Cairo deputy governor, guilty of negligence and sentenced him for five years of imprisonment. Seven other officials were sentenced to three years each."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "3686"^^ . . "19388445"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Osuni\u0119cie ska\u0142 w Kairze (2008)"@pl . . . "30.04570007324219"^^ . "POINT(31.288200378418 30.045700073242)"^^ . . . "2008 Cairo landslide"@en . . . . . . . . . . "31.28820037841797"^^ . . "The 2008 Cairo landslide happened on September 6, 2008 at , an informal settlement in the Manshiyat Naser neighborhood of east Cairo, Egypt; 119 people died in the rockslide. Some people blamed for the landslide were arrested and held accountable. The cause of the landslide has not been definitively determined, but theories included leaked sewage from development projects that eroded rocks. An internal investigation determined that the slide was caused by \"fate\" and no one would be blamed for it. Amnesty International reports that thousands of Egyptians still continue to live in unsafe slums."@en . . . . . . . . .