. . . . . . . . . . . "Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012"@it . "Il Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012 \u00E8 stato un torneo di tennis giocato sul cemento indoor. \u00C8 stata la 4\u00AA edizione dell'evento precedentemente chiamato Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions, che fa parte della categoria International nell'ambito del WTA Tour 2012. Il torneo \u00E8 stato spostato a Sofia in Bulgaria e si \u00E8 giocato all'Arena Armeec tra il 30 ottobre e il 4 novembre 2012. Ana Ivanovi\u0107 era la detentrice del torneo ma non ha preso parte al torneo per la concomitante finale di Fed Cup. Nadia Petrova ha sconfitto in finale Caroline Wozniacki per 6-2, 6-1."@it . . . . . . . . "Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012"@de . . . . . . . . . . "Das Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012 (auch als International Tournament of Champions bekannt) war ein Damentennis-Einladungsturnier, das als Einzelbewerb auf Hartplatz vom 30. Oktober bis 4. November 2012 in Sofia (Bulgarien) ausgetragen wurde. Das zur WTA Tour 2012 z\u00E4hlende Turnier erlebte seine vierte Auflage, bis zum Jahr 2011 wurde es in Bali (Indonesien) ausgespielt. Titelverteidigerin war die Serbin Ana Ivanovi\u0107, die das Turnier bereits zweimal gewinnen konnte. Das Preisgeld wurde von bisher 600.000 US-Dollar im Jahr 2012 auf 750.000 US-Dollar erh\u00F6ht."@de . "El Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions Sofia fue un torneo de tenis individual femenino jugado en pista dura indoor. Fue la cuarta edici\u00F3n del WTA Tournament of Champions y form\u00F3 parte del circuito de la WTA. El torneo tuvo lugar por primera vez en la ciudad de Sofia, Bulgaria, y se jug\u00F3 en el ARENA ARMEEC Sofia, del 30 de octubre al 4 de noviembre de 2012."@es . . "Le tournoi de tennis des championnes est un tournoi de tennis professionnel f\u00E9minin. L'\u00E9dition 2012, class\u00E9e en cat\u00E9gorie International, se dispute \u00E0 Sofia du 30 octobre au 4 novembre 2012. Nadia Petrova remporte le simple dames. En finale, elle bat Caroline Wozniacki, d\u00E9crochant \u00E0 cette occasion le 13e titre de sa carri\u00E8re sur le circuit WTA."@fr . . . . . . . . . "Tournoi de tennis des championnes (WTA 2012)"@fr . . . "El Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions Sofia fue un torneo de tenis individual femenino jugado en pista dura indoor. Fue la cuarta edici\u00F3n del WTA Tournament of Champions y form\u00F3 parte del circuito de la WTA. El torneo tuvo lugar por primera vez en la ciudad de Sofia, Bulgaria, y se jug\u00F3 en el ARENA ARMEEC Sofia, del 30 de octubre al 4 de noviembre de 2012."@es . "34280234"^^ . . . . . . "2012 was a singles-only tennis tournament that was, \u0449\u043E \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u0432 \u043D\u0430 \u0437\u0430\u043A\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0445 \u043A\u043E\u0440\u0442\u0430\u0445 \u0437 \u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0434\u0438\u043C \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0442\u044F\u043C in \u0421\u043E\u0444\u0456\u044F. \u0422\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0456\u0440 \u0432\u0456\u0434\u0431\u0443\u0432\u0441\u044F \u0432\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0435 and was part \u0432 \u0440\u0430\u043C\u043A\u0430\u0445 \u0422\u0443\u0440\u0443 WTA 2012. The 2012 edition was the first held in Sofia, having been relocated from , where the tournament was held for the previous three years and called the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions. The tournament was played between 30 \u0436\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043D\u044F and 4 \u043B\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043E\u043F\u0430\u0434\u0430. \u0410\u043D\u0430 \u0406\u0432\u0430\u043D\u043E\u0432\u0438\u0447 did not defend her title this year for two reasons: She did not win, or reach, a single final this year in order to gain direct acceptance, and she did not receive a wild card due to her participation in the finals."@uk . . "Qatar Airways Tournament Of Champions Sofia 2012"@pl . . . . "Tenisov\u00FD turnaj WTA Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012 se konal ve dnech 30. \u0159\u00EDjna a\u017E 4. listopadu poprv\u00E9 v bulharsk\u00E9m hlavn\u00EDm m\u011Bst\u011B Sofii. Hr\u00E1lo se na kryt\u00FDch dvorc\u00EDch s tvrd\u00FDm povrchem. \u0158adil se do kategorie WTA International. Jednalo se o \u010Dtvrt\u00FD ro\u010Dn\u00EDk jednoho ze dvou z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00FDch turnaj\u016F \u017Eensk\u00E9 profesion\u00E1ln\u00ED sez\u00F3ny pro nejlep\u0161\u00ED hr\u00E1\u010Dky okruhu, kdy\u017E n\u00E1sledoval t\u00FDden po Turnaji mistry\u0148. Hern\u00ED syst\u00E9m m\u011Bl form\u00E1t dvou z\u00E1kladn\u00EDch skupin. Dv\u011B nejlep\u0161\u00ED tenistky z ka\u017Ed\u00E9 skupiny postoupily do semifin\u00E1le, kter\u00E9 se hr\u00E1lo vy\u0159azovac\u00EDm syst\u00E9mem. Odm\u011Bny \u010Dinily 750 000 USD."@cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "33541"^^ . . . . . . . . "Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012"@uk . "Das Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012 (auch als International Tournament of Champions bekannt) war ein Damentennis-Einladungsturnier, das als Einzelbewerb auf Hartplatz vom 30. Oktober bis 4. November 2012 in Sofia (Bulgarien) ausgetragen wurde. Das zur WTA Tour 2012 z\u00E4hlende Turnier erlebte seine vierte Auflage, bis zum Jahr 2011 wurde es in Bali (Indonesien) ausgespielt. Titelverteidigerin war die Serbin Ana Ivanovi\u0107, die das Turnier bereits zweimal gewinnen konnte. Das Preisgeld wurde von bisher 600.000 US-Dollar im Jahr 2012 auf 750.000 US-Dollar erh\u00F6ht. Siegerin wurde die an Nummer zwei gesetzte Russin Nadja Petrowa, die alle ihre Spiele in der Vorrunde gewann, im Halbfinale die an Nummer vier gesetzte Italienerin Roberta Vinci bezwang, bevor sie sich dann im Finale gegen die topgesetzte D\u00E4nin Caroline Wozniacki klar mit 6:2 und 6:1 durchsetzen konnte."@de . . . . . . . "Qatar Airways Tournament Of Champions Sofia 2012 \u2014 \u0436\u0435\u043D\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0444\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0442\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438\u0441\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0442\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0438\u0440, \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043C\u044B\u0439 \u0432 2012 \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0443 \u0432 \u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0451\u0440\u0442\u044B\u0439 \u0440\u0430\u0437. \u041C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043E \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u2014 \u00AB\u0410\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0430 \u0410\u0440\u043C\u0435\u0435\u0446\u00BB, \u0421\u043E\u0444\u0438\u044F, \u0411\u043E\u043B\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0438\u044F. \u0421\u0440\u043E\u043A\u0438 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F: 30 \u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F \u2014 4 \u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F. \u041D\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u043E\u0438\u0442 \u043F\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044C \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0442 \u0442\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0438\u0440 \u0441 \u0433\u043B\u0430\u0432\u043D\u044B\u043C \u0438\u0442\u043E\u0433\u043E\u0432\u043E\u043C \u0442\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0438\u0440\u043E\u043C \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0430 WTA, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043B \u0432 \u0421\u0442\u0430\u043C\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0435 \u0441 23 \u043F\u043E 28 \u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F."@ru . "Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012"@ca . . "Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012"@cs . . . . . . . . . "El WTA Tournament of Champions 2012, conegut oficialment com a Sofia Tournament Of Champions 2012, o tamb\u00E9 Torneig de Sofia 2012, \u00E9s un esdeveniment de tennis femen\u00ED sobre pista dura que conclou la temporada dels tornejos International tournaments de la WTA. La quarta edici\u00F3 del torneig es va celebrar entre l'1 i el 4 de novembre de 2012 a l' de Sofia, Bulg\u00E0ria. Era la primera ocasi\u00F3 que es disputava a Sofia despr\u00E9s que les tres primeres edicions es van celebrar a Bali, Indon\u00E8sia."@ca . "Het eindejaarstennistoernooi Tournament of Champions (officieel Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions) van 2012 vond plaats van 30 oktober tot en met 4 november 2012 in de Bulgaarse hoofdstad Sofia. Er werd gespeeld op hardcourt-binnenbanen. Er werd alleen een enkelspeltoernooi gespeeld."@nl . . . "Het eindejaarstennistoernooi Tournament of Champions (officieel Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions) van 2012 vond plaats van 30 oktober tot en met 4 november 2012 in de Bulgaarse hoofdstad Sofia. Er werd gespeeld op hardcourt-binnenbanen. Er werd alleen een enkelspeltoernooi gespeeld. De zes hoogst gerangschikte speelsters die in het afgelopen seizoen minstens \u00E9\u00E9n toernooi in de categorie International wonnen en niet deelnamen aan de WTA Tour Championships, waren automatisch gekwalificeerd voor het toernooi. Daarnaast werden door de organisatie twee wildcards uitgereikt \u2013 dit jaar gingen deze naar Maria Kirilenko (op grond van haar twee finaleplaatsen, in Pattaya en New Haven) en Tsvetana Pironkova (de beste speelster uit het 'eigen land', Bulgarije). Reservespeelster Sofia Arvidsson verving Maria Kirilenko, die na twee partijen moest opgeven. Anders dan vorig jaar werd er gespeeld met een eerste ronde bestaande uit groepswedstrijden, gevolgd door een halve finale en finale. De formule werd aldus gelijkgetrokken met die van de WTA Tour Championships. De organisatie in Sofia volgde evenwel niet de gewoonte om de groepen met een kleur aan te duiden. De gebruikte namen Serdika en Sredets zijn historische aanduidingen voor de stad Sofia. Titelhoudster Ana Ivanovi\u0107 had dit seizoen geen International-toernooi gewonnen, en was derhalve niet gekwalificeerd tot deelname. Het tweede reekshoofd Nadja Petrova uit Rusland won het toernooi. Ze versloeg in de finale de als eerste geplaatste Deense Caroline Wozniacki in twee sets. Petrova wist voor het eerst in haar carri\u00E8re het Tournament of Champions op haar naam te schrijven. Het was haar dertiende WTA-titel, de derde in 2012."@nl . . . . . . "\u0422\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0438\u0440 \u0447\u0435\u043C\u043F\u0438\u043E\u043D\u043E\u043A WTA 2012"@ru . . . . . . . "Qatar Airways Tournament Of Champions Sofia 2012 \u2013 tenisowy turniej WTA z cyklu WTA Tournament of Champions rozgrywany w dniach 30 pa\u017Adziernika\u20134 listopada 2012 roku w Sofii na kortach twardych w hali o puli nagr\u00F3d 750 000 dolar\u00F3w ameryka\u0144skich. W zawodach singlowych udzia\u0142 bra\u0142o sze\u015B\u0107 zwyci\u0119\u017Cczy\u0144 zawod\u00F3w rangi International Series z ko\u0144cz\u0105cego si\u0119 sezonu oraz dwie zawodniczki z dzikimi kartami. Zawodniczki rywalizowa\u0142y w dw\u00F3ch grupach po cztery osoby. Dwie najlepsze zawodniczki z ka\u017Cdej grupy awansowa\u0142y do p\u00F3\u0142fina\u0142\u00F3w, a ich zwyci\u0119\u017Cczynie gra\u0142y o trofeum."@pl . "Tenisov\u00FD turnaj WTA Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012 se konal ve dnech 30. \u0159\u00EDjna a\u017E 4. listopadu poprv\u00E9 v bulharsk\u00E9m hlavn\u00EDm m\u011Bst\u011B Sofii. Hr\u00E1lo se na kryt\u00FDch dvorc\u00EDch s tvrd\u00FDm povrchem. \u0158adil se do kategorie WTA International. Jednalo se o \u010Dtvrt\u00FD ro\u010Dn\u00EDk jednoho ze dvou z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00FDch turnaj\u016F \u017Eensk\u00E9 profesion\u00E1ln\u00ED sez\u00F3ny pro nejlep\u0161\u00ED hr\u00E1\u010Dky okruhu, kdy\u017E n\u00E1sledoval t\u00FDden po Turnaji mistry\u0148. Hern\u00ED syst\u00E9m m\u011Bl form\u00E1t dvou z\u00E1kladn\u00EDch skupin. Dv\u011B nejlep\u0161\u00ED tenistky z ka\u017Ed\u00E9 skupiny postoupily do semifin\u00E1le, kter\u00E9 se hr\u00E1lo vy\u0159azovac\u00EDm syst\u00E9mem. Odm\u011Bny \u010Dinily 750 000 USD. P\u0159edchoz\u00ED t\u0159i ro\u010Dn\u00EDky nesly n\u00E1zev Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions a jejich d\u011Bji\u0161t\u011Bm bylo indon\u00E9nsk\u00E9 Bali. Dvojn\u00E1sobnou obh\u00E1jkyn\u00ED byla srbsk\u00E1 hr\u00E1\u010Dka Ana Ivanovi\u0107ov\u00E1, kter\u00E1 se do turnaje nekvalifikovala. V\u00EDt\u011Bzkou se stala Ruska Nad\u011B\u017Eda Petrovov\u00E1."@cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tournament of Champions 2012"@nl . . . . "El WTA Tournament of Champions 2012, conegut oficialment com a Sofia Tournament Of Champions 2012, o tamb\u00E9 Torneig de Sofia 2012, \u00E9s un esdeveniment de tennis femen\u00ED sobre pista dura que conclou la temporada dels tornejos International tournaments de la WTA. La quarta edici\u00F3 del torneig es va celebrar entre l'1 i el 4 de novembre de 2012 a l' de Sofia, Bulg\u00E0ria. Era la primera ocasi\u00F3 que es disputava a Sofia despr\u00E9s que les tres primeres edicions es van celebrar a Bali, Indon\u00E8sia."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The 2012 Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions was a singles-only tennis tournament that was played on indoor hard courts in Sofia. It was the fourth edition of the tournament and was part of the 2012 WTA Tour. The 2012 edition was the first held in Sofia, having been relocated from Bali, where the tournament was held for the previous three years and called the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions. The tournament was played between October 30 and November 4. Ana Ivanovic did not defend her title this year for two reasons: She did not win, or reach, a single final this year in order to gain direct acceptance, and she did not receive a wild card due to her participation in the 2012 Fed Cup finals."@en . . "WTA Tournament of Champions 2012"@es . "Il Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions 2012 \u00E8 stato un torneo di tennis giocato sul cemento indoor. \u00C8 stata la 4\u00AA edizione dell'evento precedentemente chiamato Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions, che fa parte della categoria International nell'ambito del WTA Tour 2012. Il torneo \u00E8 stato spostato a Sofia in Bulgaria e si \u00E8 giocato all'Arena Armeec tra il 30 ottobre e il 4 novembre 2012. Ana Ivanovi\u0107 era la detentrice del torneo ma non ha preso parte al torneo per la concomitante finale di Fed Cup. Nadia Petrova ha sconfitto in finale Caroline Wozniacki per 6-2, 6-1."@it . . . . "2012 was a singles-only tennis tournament that was, \u0449\u043E \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u0432 \u043D\u0430 \u0437\u0430\u043A\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0445 \u043A\u043E\u0440\u0442\u0430\u0445 \u0437 \u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0434\u0438\u043C \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0442\u044F\u043C in \u0421\u043E\u0444\u0456\u044F. \u0422\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0456\u0440 \u0432\u0456\u0434\u0431\u0443\u0432\u0441\u044F \u0432\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0435 and was part \u0432 \u0440\u0430\u043C\u043A\u0430\u0445 \u0422\u0443\u0440\u0443 WTA 2012. The 2012 edition was the first held in Sofia, having been relocated from , where the tournament was held for the previous three years and called the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions. The tournament was played between 30 \u0436\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043D\u044F and 4 \u043B\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043E\u043F\u0430\u0434\u0430. \u0410\u043D\u0430 \u0406\u0432\u0430\u043D\u043E\u0432\u0438\u0447 did not defend her title this year for two reasons: She did not win, or reach, a single final this year in order to gain direct acceptance, and she did not receive a wild card due to her participation in the finals."@uk . . . . . "The 2012 Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions was a singles-only tennis tournament that was played on indoor hard courts in Sofia. It was the fourth edition of the tournament and was part of the 2012 WTA Tour. The 2012 edition was the first held in Sofia, having been relocated from Bali, where the tournament was held for the previous three years and called the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions. The tournament was played between October 30 and November 4. Ana Ivanovic did not defend her title this year for two reasons: She did not win, or reach, a single final this year in order to gain direct acceptance, and she did not receive a wild card due to her participation in the 2012 Fed Cup finals."@en . . . "Qatar Airways Tournament Of Champions Sofia 2012 \u2014 \u0436\u0435\u043D\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0444\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0442\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438\u0441\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0442\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0438\u0440, \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043C\u044B\u0439 \u0432 2012 \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0443 \u0432 \u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0451\u0440\u0442\u044B\u0439 \u0440\u0430\u0437. \u041C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043E \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u2014 \u00AB\u0410\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0430 \u0410\u0440\u043C\u0435\u0435\u0446\u00BB, \u0421\u043E\u0444\u0438\u044F, \u0411\u043E\u043B\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0438\u044F. \u0421\u0440\u043E\u043A\u0438 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F: 30 \u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F \u2014 4 \u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F. \u041D\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u043E\u0438\u0442 \u043F\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044C \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0442 \u0442\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0438\u0440 \u0441 \u0433\u043B\u0430\u0432\u043D\u044B\u043C \u0438\u0442\u043E\u0433\u043E\u0432\u043E\u043C \u0442\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0438\u0440\u043E\u043C \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0430 WTA, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043B \u0432 \u0421\u0442\u0430\u043C\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0435 \u0441 23 \u043F\u043E 28 \u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F."@ru . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2012 Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions"@en . . . . . . "1119405643"^^ . "Qatar Airways Tournament Of Champions Sofia 2012 \u2013 tenisowy turniej WTA z cyklu WTA Tournament of Champions rozgrywany w dniach 30 pa\u017Adziernika\u20134 listopada 2012 roku w Sofii na kortach twardych w hali o puli nagr\u00F3d 750 000 dolar\u00F3w ameryka\u0144skich. W zawodach singlowych udzia\u0142 bra\u0142o sze\u015B\u0107 zwyci\u0119\u017Cczy\u0144 zawod\u00F3w rangi International Series z ko\u0144cz\u0105cego si\u0119 sezonu oraz dwie zawodniczki z dzikimi kartami. Zawodniczki rywalizowa\u0142y w dw\u00F3ch grupach po cztery osoby. Dwie najlepsze zawodniczki z ka\u017Cdej grupy awansowa\u0142y do p\u00F3\u0142fina\u0142\u00F3w, a ich zwyci\u0119\u017Cczynie gra\u0142y o trofeum."@pl . . . . "Le tournoi de tennis des championnes est un tournoi de tennis professionnel f\u00E9minin. L'\u00E9dition 2012, class\u00E9e en cat\u00E9gorie International, se dispute \u00E0 Sofia du 30 octobre au 4 novembre 2012. Nadia Petrova remporte le simple dames. En finale, elle bat Caroline Wozniacki, d\u00E9crochant \u00E0 cette occasion le 13e titre de sa carri\u00E8re sur le circuit WTA."@fr . . . . . .