"As elei\u00E7\u00F5es eclesi\u00E1sticas na Su\u00E9cia em 2021 realizaram-se a 19 de setembro de 2021, para eleger os dirigentes locais, regionais e nacionais da Igreja da Su\u00E9cia no per\u00EDodo de 4 anos entre 2021 e 2025. Os 5,8 milh\u00F5es de membros da igreja sueca, que tenham mais de 16 anos, puderam entregar quatro boletins de voto, escolhendo entre os 15 grupos eleitorais que participaram no evento \u2013 entre os quais 4 partidos pol\u00EDticos."@pt . . . . "2021-09-19"^^ . "The Swedish Church Assembly elections were held on 19 September 2021. All 251 seats in the General Synod of the Church of Sweden were up for election, as well as local governing bodies. In church elections in Sweden all members of the Church of Sweden over the age of 16 may vote. It takes through proportional representation by lists presented by nominating groups, many of which are political parties or affiliated with political parties. The election is for the governing bodies of the Church of Sweden at the parish, diocese, and national level."@en . "2025"^^ . . . . "1086519915"^^ . . . "The Swedish Church Assembly elections were held on 19 September 2021. All 251 seats in the General Synod of the Church of Sweden were up for election, as well as local governing bodies. In church elections in Sweden all members of the Church of Sweden over the age of 16 may vote. It takes through proportional representation by lists presented by nominating groups, many of which are political parties or affiliated with political parties. The election is for the governing bodies of the Church of Sweden at the parish, diocese, and national level."@en . . . . . . . "Sweden"@en . "2021-09-19"^^ . "Kyrkovalet 2021 var ett val i Svenska kyrkan som genomf\u00F6rdes den 19 september 2021. Femton nomineringsgrupper st\u00E4llde upp i valet till det nationella kyrkom\u00F6tet, varav fyra \u00E4r politiska partier, och elva har varit representerade i kyrkom\u00F6tet sedan tidigare. Dessutom finns flera lokala nomineringsgrupper som enbart st\u00E4ller upp lokalt i kyrkofullm\u00E4ktige och stiftsfullm\u00E4ktige."@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2021"^^ . "2021 Swedish Church Assembly elections"@en . "Kyrkovalet 2021 var ett val i Svenska kyrkan som genomf\u00F6rdes den 19 september 2021. Femton nomineringsgrupper st\u00E4llde upp i valet till det nationella kyrkom\u00F6tet, varav fyra \u00E4r politiska partier, och elva har varit representerade i kyrkom\u00F6tet sedan tidigare. Dessutom finns flera lokala nomineringsgrupper som enbart st\u00E4ller upp lokalt i kyrkofullm\u00E4ktige och stiftsfullm\u00E4ktige. Tidningen Dagen konstruerade en valkompass f\u00F6r att guida r\u00F6stber\u00E4ttigade inf\u00F6r valet. Utbudet av valkompasser i de allm\u00E4nna medierna var l\u00E5gt och intresset f\u00F6r Dagens valkompass blev s\u00E5 stort att den p\u00E5 valdagen \u00F6verbelastades av de 130 000 personer som gjorde tidningens test."@sv . "2021 Swedish Church Assembly elections"@en . "Elei\u00E7\u00F5es eclesi\u00E1sticas na Su\u00E9cia em 2021"@pt . "5297"^^ . . . "69803765"^^ . . "As elei\u00E7\u00F5es eclesi\u00E1sticas na Su\u00E9cia em 2021 realizaram-se a 19 de setembro de 2021, para eleger os dirigentes locais, regionais e nacionais da Igreja da Su\u00E9cia no per\u00EDodo de 4 anos entre 2021 e 2025. Os 5,8 milh\u00F5es de membros da igreja sueca, que tenham mais de 16 anos, puderam entregar quatro boletins de voto, escolhendo entre os 15 grupos eleitorais que participaram no evento \u2013 entre os quais 4 partidos pol\u00EDticos."@pt . . . . "2025"^^ . . "Kyrkovalet i Svenska kyrkan 2021"@sv . . "2017"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "2017"^^ .