. . . "6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion"@fr . . . . . . . . . "49334196"^^ . . . . "6888th Central Postal Battalion"@en . . . . "The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, nicknamed the \"Six Triple Eight\", was an all-black battalion of the Women's Army Corps (WAC). The 6888th had 855 black women, both enlisted and officers, and was led by Major Charity Adams. It was the only all-black, all-female battalion sent overseas during World War II. The group motto was \"No mail, low morale\"."@en . . . "6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion"@en . . . "Six Triple Eight"@en . . . "1945"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "O 6888.\u00BA Batalh\u00E3o do Diret\u00F3rio Postal Central, apelidado de \" Seis Triplo Oito \", foi um batalh\u00E3o todo negro (WAC). O 6888\u00BA tinha 855 mulheres negras, tanto alistadas quanto oficiais, e era liderado pela Major . Foi o \u00FAnico batalh\u00E3o totalmente feminino de negros no exterior durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O lema do grupo era \"Sem correio, moral baixo\". O batalh\u00E3o foi organizado em cinco companhias, Sede, Companhia A, Companhia B, Companhia C e Companhia D. A maior parte do 6888\u00BA trabalhava como balconistas dos Correios, mas outras eram cozinheiras, mec\u00E2nicos e ocupavam outros cargos de apoio, de modo que o 6888\u00BA era uma unidade autossuficiente."@pt . . . . . "Major Charity Adams"@en . "6888.\u00BA Batalh\u00E3o do Diret\u00F3rio Postal Central"@pt . "No mail, low morale"@en . . "1945"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, nicknamed the \"Six Triple Eight\", was an all-black battalion of the Women's Army Corps (WAC). The 6888th had 855 black women, both enlisted and officers, and was led by Major Charity Adams. It was the only all-black, all-female battalion sent overseas during World War II. The group motto was \"No mail, low morale\". The battalion was organized into five companies, Headquarters, Company A, Company B, Company C, and Company D. Most of the 6888th worked as postal clerks, but others were cooks, mechanics and held other support positions, so that the 6888th was a self-sufficient unit."@en . . "El 6888\u00E8 Batall\u00F3 del Directori Postal Central, tamb\u00E9 anomenat \"Six Triple Eight\", fou un batall\u00F3 totalment compost per membres negres del Cos de l'Ex\u00E8rcit de Dones de l'Ex\u00E8rcit dels Estats Units d'Am\u00E8rica (Women's Army Corps o WAC). El batall\u00F3 tenia 855 dones negres, tant allistades com oficials, i estava dirigit per la major . Va ser l'\u00FAnic batall\u00F3 totalment negre i femen\u00ED enviat a l'estranger durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. El lema del grup era \u00ABSense correu, la moral baixa\u00BB."@ca . . . . . . . . . "Six Triple Eight"@en . . "O 6888.\u00BA Batalh\u00E3o do Diret\u00F3rio Postal Central, apelidado de \" Seis Triplo Oito \", foi um batalh\u00E3o todo negro (WAC). O 6888\u00BA tinha 855 mulheres negras, tanto alistadas quanto oficiais, e era liderado pela Major . Foi o \u00FAnico batalh\u00E3o totalmente feminino de negros no exterior durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O lema do grupo era \"Sem correio, moral baixo\"."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . "6888\u00E8 Batall\u00F3 del Directori Postal Central"@ca . . . . "320"^^ . "Members of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion take part in a May 1945 parade ceremony in honor of Joan d'Arc at the marketplace where she was burned at the stake"@en . . "Le 6888e bataillon des centres postaux (6888th Central Postal Battalion) est une unit\u00E9 militaire am\u00E9ricaine qui a la particularit\u00E9 de ne compter que des femmes afro-am\u00E9ricaines surnomm\u00E9 Six Triple Eight (Six Triple Huit) a compris 855 femmes noires conduite par la Major Charity Adams Earley."@fr . . . "1117760781"^^ . . "Postal service"@en . . . . "15787"^^ . "1946"^^ . . . "6888"^^ . . . . . . . "Le 6888e bataillon des centres postaux (6888th Central Postal Battalion) est une unit\u00E9 militaire am\u00E9ricaine qui a la particularit\u00E9 de ne compter que des femmes afro-am\u00E9ricaines surnomm\u00E9 Six Triple Eight (Six Triple Huit) a compris 855 femmes noires conduite par la Major Charity Adams Earley."@fr . . . "El 6888\u00E8 Batall\u00F3 del Directori Postal Central, tamb\u00E9 anomenat \"Six Triple Eight\", fou un batall\u00F3 totalment compost per membres negres del Cos de l'Ex\u00E8rcit de Dones de l'Ex\u00E8rcit dels Estats Units d'Am\u00E8rica (Women's Army Corps o WAC). El batall\u00F3 tenia 855 dones negres, tant allistades com oficials, i estava dirigit per la major . Va ser l'\u00FAnic batall\u00F3 totalment negre i femen\u00ED enviat a l'estranger durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. El lema del grup era \u00ABSense correu, la moral baixa\u00BB. El batall\u00F3 estava organitzat en cinc companyies: Quarter General, Companyia A, Companyia B, Companyia C i Companyia D. La major part de les integrants del cos treballaven d'empleades de correus, per\u00F2 altres eren cuineres, mec\u00E0niques i ocupaven altres c\u00E0rrecs de suport, de manera que era una unitat autosuficient."@ca . . . . . . . "Postal service" . . "No mail, low morale" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .