. . . . . . . . "USS Catfish"@en . . . . . . "Argentina"@en . "*WFA active sonar\n*JT passive sonar\n*Mk 106 torpedo fire control system"@en . "\u30B5\u30F3\u30BF\u30D5\u30A7 (ARA Santa Fe S-21) \u306F\u3001\u30A2\u30EB\u30BC\u30F3\u30C1\u30F3\u6D77\u8ECD\u306E\u6F5C\u6C34\u8266\u3002\u5143\u306F\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u6D77\u8ECD\u30D0\u30E9\u30AA\u7D1A\u6F5C\u6C34\u8266\u306E\u30AD\u30E3\u30C3\u30C8\u30D5\u30A3\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u3002"@ja . . "4.8768"^^ . . . . . . "1971-07-01"^^ . . . "1971-07-01"^^ . "*1,526 tons surfaced\n*2,424 tons submerged"@en . . ""@en . . "1945-03-19"^^ . . . "560071"^^ . . . . . "*Snorkel added\n*Batteries upgraded to GUPPY type, capacity expanded to 504 cells \n*4 \u00D7 high-speed electric motors replaced with 2 \u00D7 low-speed direct drive electric motors"@en . . . . . . . . "8.331200000000001"^^ . . "ARA Santa Fe was an Argentine Balao-class submarine that was lost during the Falklands War. Built by the US during the Second World War, the ship operated in the United States Navy as USS Catfish (SS-339) until 1971 when she was transferred to the Argentine Navy. She served until 1982 when she was captured by the British at South Georgia after being seriously damaged and subsequently sank along a pier, with just her conning tower (sail) visible above the waterline. The submarine was raised, towed out of the bay and scuttled in deep water in 1985."@en . . "El ARA Santa Fe (S-21), llamado USS Catfish (SS-339) entre 1945 y 1971, fue un submarino de ataque de propulsi\u00F3n di\u00E9sel-el\u00E9ctrica de la clase Balao con la modernizaci\u00F3n GUPPY II. Sirvi\u00F3 en la Armada Argentina entre los a\u00F1os 1971 y 1982 y en la Armada de los Estados Unidos bajo la denominaci\u00F3n Catfish entre 1945 y 1971. En 1982, cuando estaba a punto de ser dado de baja, particip\u00F3 en acciones b\u00E9licas de combate en la guerra de las Malvinas. Fue capturado por fuerzas brit\u00E1nicas en las costas de la isla San Pedro del archipi\u00E9lago de las Georgias del Sur. Tras el conflicto, a principios de 1985, cuando estaba siendo remolcado hacia el Reino Unido, se hundi\u00F3 en medio de un violento temporal."@es . . "15000"^^ . . . . . . "Transferred toArgentina, 1 July 1971" . "1971-07-01"^^ . . . . . . . "Il sommergibile ARA Santa Fe (S-21) era un battello argentino della classe Balao statunitense, ex USS Catfish della United States Navy, che venne affondato durante le operazioni nella Georgia Australe nel 1982, durante la Guerra delle Falkland. Varato nel 1944 come , partecip\u00F2 alla parte finale della seconda guerra mondiale nel teatro del Pacifico; successivamente prest\u00F2 servizio durante la Guerra di Corea. Radiato nel 1971, fu ceduto all'Argentina che lo ribattezz\u00F2 Santa Fe, in sostituzione di una analoga unit\u00E0 con lo stesso nome. Durante la guerra delle Falkland il Santa Fe nel corso dell'operazione Paraquet, la riconquista della Georgia Australe, venne rilevato e immediatamente attaccato con cariche di profondit\u00E0 e missili AS.12 dagli elicotteri delle navi nell'area tra cui due Westland Wasp decollati dalla HMS Endurance, e per i gravi danni riportati fu arenato dall'equipaggio sulla punta King Edward dell'isola Georgia del Sud. L'equipaggio venne fatto prigioniero ed uno di essi, il sottufficiale Felix Artuso, venne ucciso il 26 aprile da un marine britannico mentre operava in sala macchine, per non aver obbedito all'ordine di fermarsi dato dal marine di guardia; fu poi appurato che l'uomo tentava di mettere in sicurezza il battello ma questo non venne compreso dalla guardia e poich\u00E9 nessuno parlava la lingua dell'altro non vi fu modo di comunicare; l'uomo \u00E8 seppellito al cimitero di Grytviken."@it . "94792.8"^^ . . . . "-54.18305587768555"^^ . . . "ARA Santa Fe"@en . . "5.1816"^^ . . . . . "ARA Santa Fe (S-21) \u2013 (ex-USS \"Catfish\" (SS-339)) zbudowany w stoczni Electric Boat argenty\u0144ski okr\u0119t podwodny, nabyta od Stan\u00F3w Zjednoczonych ameryka\u0144ska jednostka typu Balao, zmodernizowana do standardu GUPPY IIA. Jak inne jednostki swojego typu, zosta\u0142 zaprojektowany w konstrukcji cz\u0119\u015Bciowo dwukad\u0142ubowej, otrzyma\u0142 kad\u0142ub sztywny ze stali o zwi\u0119kszonej ci\u0105gliwo\u015Bci i wytrzyma\u0142o\u015Bci celem zwi\u0119kszenia testowej g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bci zanurzenia do 400 st\u00F3p (122 metry). Uzbrojony by\u0142 w 24 torpedy Mark XIV wystrzeliwane z sze\u015Bciu wyrzutni torpedowych na dziobie oraz czterech wyrzutni rufowych. Uk\u0142ad nap\u0119dowy tych okr\u0119t\u00F3w stanowi\u0142y cztery generatory elektryczne Diesla oraz cztery silniki elektryczne o mocy 2740 shp, nap\u0119dzaj\u0105ce dwa wa\u0142y nap\u0119dowe ze \u015Brubami. W trakcie II wojny \u015Bwiatowej bra\u0142 udzia\u0142 w wojnie podwodnej na Pacyfiku. Po zako\u0144czeniu II wojny \u015Bwiatowej, 1 lipca 1971 roku okr\u0119t zosta\u0142 sprzedany Argentynie, gdzie sko\u0144czy\u0142 swoj\u0105 s\u0142u\u017Cb\u0119 w 1982 roku udzia\u0142em w wojnie falklandzkiej, podczas kt\u00F3rej zosta\u0142 powa\u017Cnie uszkodzony ostrza\u0142em z brytyjskich helikopter\u00F3w i porzucony przez za\u0142og\u0119."@pl . . "ARA Santa Fe (S-21)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "ARA Santa Fe (S-21) var en argentinsk ub\u00E5t av . Hon byggdes i Groton, Connecticut under andra v\u00E4rldskriget och tj\u00E4nstgjorde i USA:s flotta som fram till 1971 d\u00E5 hon s\u00E5ldes till Argentina och d\u00F6ptes om till Santa Fe. Under Falklandskriget skadades hon sv\u00E5rt av brittiska helikoptrar och \u00F6vergavs vid King Edward Point, Sydgeorgien."@sv . . . . "1971-07-01"^^ . . . "17.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . "172800.0"^^ . . . . . . "1944-01-06"^^ . "1945-03-19"^^ . . . "10"^^ . . . "94.7928"^^ . . "833.12"^^ . "El ARA Santa Fe (S-21), llamado USS Catfish (SS-339) entre 1945 y 1971, fue un submarino de ataque de propulsi\u00F3n di\u00E9sel-el\u00E9ctrica de la clase Balao con la modernizaci\u00F3n GUPPY II. Sirvi\u00F3 en la Armada Argentina entre los a\u00F1os 1971 y 1982 y en la Armada de los Estados Unidos bajo la denominaci\u00F3n Catfish entre 1945 y 1971."@es . . "8.2296"^^ . . "ARA Santa Fe (S-21) \u2013 (ex-USS \"Catfish\" (SS-339)) zbudowany w stoczni Electric Boat argenty\u0144ski okr\u0119t podwodny, nabyta od Stan\u00F3w Zjednoczonych ameryka\u0144ska jednostka typu Balao, zmodernizowana do standardu GUPPY IIA. Jak inne jednostki swojego typu, zosta\u0142 zaprojektowany w konstrukcji cz\u0119\u015Bciowo dwukad\u0142ubowej, otrzyma\u0142 kad\u0142ub sztywny ze stali o zwi\u0119kszonej ci\u0105gliwo\u015Bci i wytrzyma\u0142o\u015Bci celem zwi\u0119kszenia testowej g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bci zanurzenia do 400 st\u00F3p (122 metry). Uzbrojony by\u0142 w 24 torpedy Mark XIV wystrzeliwane z sze\u015Bciu wyrzutni torpedowych na dziobie oraz czterech wyrzutni rufowych. Uk\u0142ad nap\u0119dowy tych okr\u0119t\u00F3w stanowi\u0142y cztery generatory elektryczne Diesla oraz cztery silniki elektryczne o mocy 2740 shp, nap\u0119dzaj\u0105ce dwa wa\u0142y nap\u0119dowe ze \u015Brubami. W trakcie II wojny \u015Bwiatowej bra\u0142 udzia\u0142 w wojnie "@pl . . "37.503"^^ . . . . . "*9\u201310 officers\n*5 petty officers\n*70 enlisted men"@en . . . . . "1944-11-19"^^ . "Captured by British during Falklands War and scuttled"@en . . . "1944-01-06"^^ . . . "Il sommergibile ARA Santa Fe (S-21) era un battello argentino della classe Balao statunitense, ex USS Catfish della United States Navy, che venne affondato durante le operazioni nella Georgia Australe nel 1982, durante la Guerra delle Falkland. Varato nel 1944 come , partecip\u00F2 alla parte finale della seconda guerra mondiale nel teatro del Pacifico; successivamente prest\u00F2 servizio durante la Guerra di Corea. Radiato nel 1971, fu ceduto all'Argentina che lo ribattezz\u00F2 Santa Fe, in sostituzione di una analoga unit\u00E0 con lo stesso nome."@it . . "maximum"@en . . . . . . . . "diesel-electric submarine"@en . . "ARA Santa Fe"@en . . "ARA Santa Fe (S-21)"@it . . . "SS-339"@en . . . . "*World War II\n*Korean War"@en . . "20431"^^ . . . "93.5736"^^ . . "*1,870 tons surfaced\n*2,440 tons submerged"@en . . . "title"@en . . "1971-07-01"^^ . "*10 \u00D7 21 inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes\n* \n*all guns removed"@en . "USS Catfish"@en . "POINT(-36.375556945801 -54.183055877686)"^^ . "307.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "1944-11-19"^^ . . . . . "\u30B5\u30F3\u30BF\u30D5\u30A7 (ARA Santa Fe S-21) \u306F\u3001\u30A2\u30EB\u30BC\u30F3\u30C1\u30F3\u6D77\u8ECD\u306E\u6F5C\u6C34\u8266\u3002\u5143\u306F\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u6D77\u8ECD\u30D0\u30E9\u30AA\u7D1A\u6F5C\u6C34\u8266\u306E\u30AD\u30E3\u30C3\u30C8\u30D5\u30A3\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u3002"@ja . . . . . . "* surfaced\n* submerged"@en . . "1119424300"^^ . . . . . . "Falklands War"@en . "-54.183055555555555 -36.37555555555556" . . . . . "United States"@en . "Captured by British duringFalklands Warand scuttled" . . "ARA Santa Fe (1944)"@pl . "ARA Santa Fe was an Argentine Balao-class submarine that was lost during the Falklands War. Built by the US during the Second World War, the ship operated in the United States Navy as USS Catfish (SS-339) until 1971 when she was transferred to the Argentine Navy. She served until 1982 when she was captured by the British at South Georgia after being seriously damaged and subsequently sank along a pier, with just her conning tower (sail) visible above the waterline. The submarine was raised, towed out of the bay and scuttled in deep water in 1985."@en . . . . . "ARA Santa Fe (S-21) var en argentinsk ub\u00E5t av . Hon byggdes i Groton, Connecticut under andra v\u00E4rldskriget och tj\u00E4nstgjorde i USA:s flotta som fram till 1971 d\u00E5 hon s\u00E5ldes till Argentina och d\u00F6ptes om till Santa Fe. Under Falklandskriget skadades hon sv\u00E5rt av brittiska helikoptrar och \u00F6vergavs vid King Edward Point, Sydgeorgien."@sv . . . . . "93573.6"^^ . . . "surfaced at 10 knots"@en . . "ARA Santa Fe (S-21)"@sv . "none"@en . . . "--07-01"^^ . . . . "\u30B5\u30F3\u30BF\u30D5\u30A7 (S-21)"@ja . "*Surfaced:\n* maximum\n* cruising\n*Submerged:\n* for \u00BD hour\n* snorkeling\n* cruising"@en . . . "6652800.0"^^ . . . . . . . "-36.37555694580078"^^ . "33.336"^^ . "ARA Santa Fe (S-21)"@es .