. "1.063"^^ . . . "29556"^^ . . . . . . . "AJPCAA"@en . . . "\u300A\u7F8E\u56FD\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u671F\u520A\u300B\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AAmerican Journal of Psychology\uFF09\u662F\u7B2C\u4E00\u4E2A\u82F1\u6587\u5355\u4EE5\u5B9E\u9A8C\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u4E3A\u4E3B\u7684\u671F\u520A\uFF0C (\u7531 \u57281876\u6240\u88AB\u521B\u5EFA\uFF0C\u867D\u7136\u6B64\u671F\u520A\u4E4B\u524D\u4E5F\u53D1\u8868\u8FC7\u4E00\u4E9B\u5B9E\u9A8C\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u7684\u6587\u7AE0\uFF09\u3002\u7F8E\u56FD\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u671F\u520A\u57281887\u5E74\u7531\u7D04\u7FF0\u00B7\u970D\u666E\u91D1\u65AF\u5927\u5B78\u7684\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u5BB6\u65AF\u5766\u5229\u00B7\u970D\u723E\u6240\u521B\u5EFA\u3002\u8FD9\u4E2A\u671F\u520A\u53D1\u8868\u4E86\u4E00\u4E9B\u6700\u5177\u6709\u7A81\u7834\u6027\u4EE5\u53CA\u5177\u6709\u5927\u91CF\u8D44\u6599\u7684\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u6587\u7AE0\u3002\u7F8E\u56FD\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u671F\u520A\u8C03\u67E5\u4E86\u884C\u4E3A\u4EE5\u53CA\u5934\u8111\u7684\u8FD0\u4F5C\u539F\u7406\u3002\u5B83\u7684\u53D1\u8868\u7531\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u7684\u5B9E\u9A8C\uFF0C\u7406\u8BBA\u62A5\u544A\uFF0C\u5E76\u4E14\u878D\u5408\u4E86\u7406\u8BBA\u4EE5\u53CA\u5B9E\u9A8C\u5206\u6790\u3002\u5B83\u662F\u7531\u72EC\u521B\u7684\u8C03\u67E5\u6240\u7EC4\u6210\uFF0C\u7F16\u5199\u8FC7\u7A0B\u4E2D\u8FD0\u7528\u4E86\u5927\u91CF\u7684\u5386\u53F2\u8C03\u67E5\u548C\u8BE6\u7EC6\u7684\u6307\u660E\u4E66\u7C4D\u68C0\u67E5\u3002"@zh . "American Journal of Psychology cover.jpg"@en . "American Journal of Psychology"@es . . . "38376431"^^ . . . . . . . . "AJPCAA" . . . . . . "The American Journal of Psychology"@nl . "2018"^^ . . "L'American Journal of Psychology (AJP) fut le premier journal de langue anglaise consacr\u00E9 \u00E0 la psychologie exp\u00E9rimentale (bien que Mind, fond\u00E9 en 1876, ait publi\u00E9 des articles de psychologie exp\u00E9rimentale quelque temps auparavant). C'est une revue scientifique trimestrielle."@fr . . . . . "2267"^^ . "American Journal of Psychology"@en . . "1887"^^ . "Quarterly" . . . . "1939-8298" . . . . "2"^^ . "The American Journal of Psychology is een internationaal, aan collegiale toetsing onderworpen wetenschappelijk tijdschrift op het gebied van de psychologie. De naam wordt in literatuurverwijzingen meestal afgekort tot AJP. Het tijdschrift wordt uitgegeven door de en verschijnt ieder kwartaal."@nl . . "Am. J. Psychol." . . "Am. J. Psychol."@en . "The American Journal of Psychology is a journal devoted primarily to experimental psychology. It is the first such journal to be published in the English language (though Mind, founded in 1876, published some experimental psychology earlier). AJP was founded by the Johns Hopkins University psychologist Granville Stanley Hall in 1887. This quarterly journal has distributed several groundbreaking papers in psychology. The AJP investigates the science of behavior and the mind, releasing reports of original research based on experimental psychology, theoretical presentations, combined theoretical and experimental analyses, historical commentaries, and detailed reviews of well-known books."@en . "1000428331"^^ . . . "American Journal of Psychology es una revista dedicada principalmente a la psicolog\u00EDa experimental. Es de las primeras revistas sobre psicolog\u00EDa experimental publicada en lengua inglesa (la revista Mind fundada en 1876 ya hab\u00EDa publicado antes alg\u00FAn art\u00EDculo sobre psicolog\u00EDa experimental). Fue fundada en 1887 por Granville Stanley Hall, psic\u00F3logo de la Universidad Johns Hopkins. Esta revista trimestral ha distribuido diversos art\u00EDculos innovadores en psicolog\u00EDa. American Journal of Psychology investiga sobre la ciencia del comportamiento y la psicolog\u00EDa cognitiva, divulgando informes de investigaci\u00F3n originales basados en psicolog\u00EDa experimental, presentaciones te\u00F3ricas, combinaci\u00F3n de an\u00E1lisis te\u00F3ricos y experimentales, comentarios hist\u00F3ricos, yrevisiones bibliogr\u00E1ficas detalladas."@es . "Quarterly"@en . . "\u300A\u7F8E\u56FD\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u671F\u520A\u300B\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AAmerican Journal of Psychology\uFF09\u662F\u7B2C\u4E00\u4E2A\u82F1\u6587\u5355\u4EE5\u5B9E\u9A8C\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u4E3A\u4E3B\u7684\u671F\u520A\uFF0C (\u7531 \u57281876\u6240\u88AB\u521B\u5EFA\uFF0C\u867D\u7136\u6B64\u671F\u520A\u4E4B\u524D\u4E5F\u53D1\u8868\u8FC7\u4E00\u4E9B\u5B9E\u9A8C\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u7684\u6587\u7AE0\uFF09\u3002\u7F8E\u56FD\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u671F\u520A\u57281887\u5E74\u7531\u7D04\u7FF0\u00B7\u970D\u666E\u91D1\u65AF\u5927\u5B78\u7684\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u5BB6\u65AF\u5766\u5229\u00B7\u970D\u723E\u6240\u521B\u5EFA\u3002\u8FD9\u4E2A\u671F\u520A\u53D1\u8868\u4E86\u4E00\u4E9B\u6700\u5177\u6709\u7A81\u7834\u6027\u4EE5\u53CA\u5177\u6709\u5927\u91CF\u8D44\u6599\u7684\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u6587\u7AE0\u3002\u7F8E\u56FD\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u671F\u520A\u8C03\u67E5\u4E86\u884C\u4E3A\u4EE5\u53CA\u5934\u8111\u7684\u8FD0\u4F5C\u539F\u7406\u3002\u5B83\u7684\u53D1\u8868\u7531\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u7684\u5B9E\u9A8C\uFF0C\u7406\u8BBA\u62A5\u544A\uFF0C\u5E76\u4E14\u878D\u5408\u4E86\u7406\u8BBA\u4EE5\u53CA\u5B9E\u9A8C\u5206\u6790\u3002\u5B83\u662F\u7531\u72EC\u521B\u7684\u8C03\u67E5\u6240\u7EC4\u6210\uFF0C\u7F16\u5199\u8FC7\u7A0B\u4E2D\u8FD0\u7528\u4E86\u5927\u91CF\u7684\u5386\u53F2\u8C03\u67E5\u548C\u8BE6\u7EC6\u7684\u6307\u660E\u4E66\u7C4D\u68C0\u67E5\u3002"@zh . . . . "American Journal of Psychology"@fr . . "Das American Journal of Psychology (Am J Psychol) war die erste englischsprachige Zeitschrift f\u00FCr Experimentelle Psychologie, die einer empirisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Orientierung folgt (obwohl in der Zeitschrift Mind, die 1876 gegr\u00FCndet wurde, einige Artikel zu diesem Thema bereits fr\u00FCher erschienen sind). AJP wurde an der Johns Hopkins University durch den Psychologen Granville Stanley Hall 1887 gegr\u00FCndet, der die Zeitschrift bis 1920 herausgab. Themen sind die Psychologie als Wissenschaft vom Erleben und Verhalten und empirische Untersuchungen dazu, theoretische Abhandlungen, kombinierte theoretisch-empirische Analysen, historische Kommentare und Besprechungen bekannter B\u00FCcher."@de . . "38376431" . "1939"^^ . . . . "L'American Journal of Psychology (AJP) fut le premier journal de langue anglaise consacr\u00E9 \u00E0 la psychologie exp\u00E9rimentale (bien que Mind, fond\u00E9 en 1876, ait publi\u00E9 des articles de psychologie exp\u00E9rimentale quelque temps auparavant). C'est une revue scientifique trimestrielle."@fr . "05035765" . . . . . "The American Journal of Psychology is a journal devoted primarily to experimental psychology. It is the first such journal to be published in the English language (though Mind, founded in 1876, published some experimental psychology earlier). AJP was founded by the Johns Hopkins University psychologist Granville Stanley Hall in 1887. This quarterly journal has distributed several groundbreaking papers in psychology. The AJP investigates the science of behavior and the mind, releasing reports of original research based on experimental psychology, theoretical presentations, combined theoretical and experimental analyses, historical commentaries, and detailed reviews of well-known books."@en . "2018"^^ . . "The American Journal of Psychology is een internationaal, aan collegiale toetsing onderworpen wetenschappelijk tijdschrift op het gebied van de psychologie. De naam wordt in literatuurverwijzingen meestal afgekort tot AJP. Het tijdschrift wordt uitgegeven door de en verschijnt ieder kwartaal."@nl . "American Journal of Psychology es una revista dedicada principalmente a la psicolog\u00EDa experimental. Es de las primeras revistas sobre psicolog\u00EDa experimental publicada en lengua inglesa (la revista Mind fundada en 1876 ya hab\u00EDa publicado antes alg\u00FAn art\u00EDculo sobre psicolog\u00EDa experimental). Fue fundada en 1887 por Granville Stanley Hall, psic\u00F3logo de la Universidad Johns Hopkins. Esta revista trimestral ha distribuido diversos art\u00EDculos innovadores en psicolog\u00EDa. American Journal of Psychology investiga sobre la ciencia del comportamiento y la psicolog\u00EDa cognitiva, divulgando informes de investigaci\u00F3n originales basados en psicolog\u00EDa experimental, presentaciones te\u00F3ricas, combinaci\u00F3n de an\u00E1lisis te\u00F3ricos y experimentales, comentarios hist\u00F3ricos, yrevisiones bibliogr\u00E1ficas detalladas."@es . "00029556" . . . "American Journal of Psychology"@de . "0002-9556" . . "Robert W Proctor"@en . . . "5035765"^^ . . . "1887"^^ . . . "1.063"^^ . . "\u7F8E\u56FD\u5FC3\u7406\u5B66\u671F\u520A"@zh . "7770146"^^ . . . . . "Das American Journal of Psychology (Am J Psychol) war die erste englischsprachige Zeitschrift f\u00FCr Experimentelle Psychologie, die einer empirisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Orientierung folgt (obwohl in der Zeitschrift Mind, die 1876 gegr\u00FCndet wurde, einige Artikel zu diesem Thema bereits fr\u00FCher erschienen sind). AJP wurde an der Johns Hopkins University durch den Psychologen Granville Stanley Hall 1887 gegr\u00FCndet, der die Zeitschrift bis 1920 herausgab."@de . . . .