. . . . "1119850780"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Arnau March"@en . . . . . "4269"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "18498549"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Arnau March (fl.\u2009c.\u20091410 \u2013 c.\u20091430) was a Proven\u00E7o-Catalan knight and poet of the famous March family. He was related\u2014it is unknown how\u2014to , Jaume II, Pere, and Ausi\u00E0s March. He bore the rank of moss\u00E8n (\"milord\"). He was active during the life and consortship of Margarida de Prades (queen 1409, nun 1424, dead 1430), to whom he addressed one poem, and before the compilation of the Can\u00E7oner Vega-Aguil\u00F3 (1420\u201330), which contains three of his poems. In total, he has left only six pieces of verse. His dates suggest that he came a generation or two after the brothers Jaume II and Pere and one before Ausi\u00E0s. He may have been a nephew of the former and cousin of the latter, but it cannot be proved. Arnau's work can be divided into three types: his three religious and three amorous pieces, and a single fragment preserved in part by . His religious masterpiece is the Visi\u00F3 de la Verge Maria (\"Vision of the Virgin Mary\") which, in a solemn and pious tone, heaps praise on the Virgin Mary, the angels, Apostles, martyrs, and virgins. Its final tornada makes reference to merc\u00E8s a v\u00F3s demana (\"thanks to your pleading\"), which may be an allusion to the local cult of Barcelona for Mary Mother of Mercy. Arnau's Qui par\u00E0 dir lo misteri ten alt is a gloss on the Annunciation as described in the Gospel of Luke, 1:31\u201338. The wording of this narrative poem is both scholastic and emotional. The Latin Vulgate translation of Luke is provided as a refrain after each verse: Ecce ancilla Domini; fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum! (\"Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word\" in the KJV). Arnau's final religious poem, Un novell fruyt, exit de la raba\u00E7a, is a gloss on the Nativity as described in the first chapter of the Gospel of John. In it the scholasticism completely overtakes the traditional lyrical treatment of its subject. Just as his religious poems fall completely within the scholastic tradition, so Arnau March's love poems fall completely within the courtly love tradition of the troubadours. His poetic style is similar in his religious and courtly verses: elegant, delicate, and emotive. Si m'havets tolt, Amor, del tot lo sen, is a planh (lament) of the duress of a lady in love. In Novelh penser m'\u00E9s vengutz soptam\u00E9n Arnau questions whether a woman would actually believe the calumny raised against the service of love. Arnau's most famous love song is the Can\u00E7\u00F3 d'amor ten\u00E7onada, which is phrased as a debate (tenso) between Wisdom and the Heart. The tension between the demands of these two domains was a constant theme in contemporary lyric poetry. The debate, in March, is unresolved, but according to its rubric it was submitted for adjudication to senyora reyna dona Margarida (Queen Margarida), but no further verses were added."@en . "Arnau March (fl.\u2009c.\u20091410 \u2013 c.\u20091430) was a Proven\u00E7o-Catalan knight and poet of the famous March family. He was related\u2014it is unknown how\u2014to , Jaume II, Pere, and Ausi\u00E0s March. He bore the rank of moss\u00E8n (\"milord\"). He was active during the life and consortship of Margarida de Prades (queen 1409, nun 1424, dead 1430), to whom he addressed one poem, and before the compilation of the Can\u00E7oner Vega-Aguil\u00F3 (1420\u201330), which contains three of his poems. In total, he has left only six pieces of verse. His dates suggest that he came a generation or two after the brothers Jaume II and Pere and one before Ausi\u00E0s. He may have been a nephew of the former and cousin of the latter, but it cannot be proved."@en . . . . . . . "Arnau Marc va ser un poeta que va n\u00E9ixer al segle xiv i va morir al segle xv. Era cavaller. Formava part de la fam\u00EDlia March que va donar notaris eficients, funcionaris ambiciosos i guerrers auda\u00E7os com Jaume, Pere i Ausi\u00E0s March. Alguns han apuntat que era cos\u00ED d'Ausi\u00E0s. Se'n conserven sis poesies procedents de can\u00E7oners, que es poden datar entre el 1410 i el 1430, tres de tema amor\u00F3s i tres de religioses. Els versos religiosos arriben a la solemnitat sense perdre tendresa ni humilitat. Destaquen m\u00E9s els versos amorosos, on busca l'equilibri entre el cor i el seny a trav\u00E9s d'una an\u00E0lisi de la gosadia de l'enamorat amb el que pretenia festejar la reina Margarida. S'ha dit que Arnau humanitza una poesia amorosa que havia agafat una tend\u00E8ncia a allunyar-se de la realitat. Les obres foren editades al llibre Les cobles de Jacme, Pere i Arnau March a Castell\u00F3 de la Plana el 1934 i posteriorment amb el mateix t\u00EDtol a Tolousse el 1959 amb traducci\u00F3 francesa d'A. Pag\u00E8s ."@ca . . . . "Arnau Marc"@ca . "Arnau Marc va ser un poeta que va n\u00E9ixer al segle xiv i va morir al segle xv. Era cavaller. Formava part de la fam\u00EDlia March que va donar notaris eficients, funcionaris ambiciosos i guerrers auda\u00E7os com Jaume, Pere i Ausi\u00E0s March. Alguns han apuntat que era cos\u00ED d'Ausi\u00E0s. Les obres foren editades al llibre Les cobles de Jacme, Pere i Arnau March a Castell\u00F3 de la Plana el 1934 i posteriorment amb el mateix t\u00EDtol a Tolousse el 1959 amb traducci\u00F3 francesa d'A. Pag\u00E8s ."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .