. . . "64560908"^^ . . . . . . "3918"^^ . . . . . . . "L'Associaci\u00F3 Catalana de Locals de Diversi\u00F3 (en original en espanyol: Asociaci\u00F3n Catalana de Locales de Alterne ACLA)) \u00E9s una associaci\u00F3 d'empresaris del sector dels locals de prostituci\u00F3 d'\u00E0mbit d'actuaci\u00F3 a Catalunya creada el 2002. Actua per demanar als legisladors que es cree un marc normatiu que regule les activitats del sector de la prostituci\u00F3. Critiquen que no es regule el que consideren que \u00E9s el principal problema: la prostituci\u00F3 als carrers. Que es va crear hi formaven part \u00AB40 clubs dels 450 existents a Catalunya\u00BB."@ca . . . . . "The Asociaci\u00F3n Catalana de Locales de Alterne (English: Catalan Association of Alternate Premises) (ACLA) is an association of businessmen in the prostitution sector in Catalonia, Spain. The association was created in 2002 and represents 40 clubs out of the 450 in Catalonia. Its main activities focus on lobbying legislators to create a regulatory framework to regulate activities within the prostitution sector and to modify Barcelona's restrictive legislation on sex clubs. They criticise the lack of action on what they consider to be the main problem of non-regulation: street prostitution. In 2006 they criticised the draft law of the Generalitat de Catalunya that proposed a minimum age for prostitution of 21 years. They claimed that if as a result of this the premises were closed, street and flat prostitution would increase. An inspection carried out in 2008 in Barcelona found that many prostitution premises did not comply with the soon to be introduced regulations, primarily that they should not be adjacent to an occupied house or within 200 metres of a school or church. The ACLA reacted by demanding a change in the regulations because closure of the clubs would lead to more prostitution on the streets. In 2009 the city council of Ciutat Vella claimed that street prostitution would not be reduced by the opening of sex premises, which the ACLA denied."@en . . "The Asociaci\u00F3n Catalana de Locales de Alterne (English: Catalan Association of Alternate Premises) (ACLA) is an association of businessmen in the prostitution sector in Catalonia, Spain. The association was created in 2002 and represents 40 clubs out of the 450 in Catalonia. Its main activities focus on lobbying legislators to create a regulatory framework to regulate activities within the prostitution sector and to modify Barcelona's restrictive legislation on sex clubs. They criticise the lack of action on what they consider to be the main problem of non-regulation: street prostitution."@en . . . . "L'Associaci\u00F3 Catalana de Locals de Diversi\u00F3 (en original en espanyol: Asociaci\u00F3n Catalana de Locales de Alterne ACLA)) \u00E9s una associaci\u00F3 d'empresaris del sector dels locals de prostituci\u00F3 d'\u00E0mbit d'actuaci\u00F3 a Catalunya creada el 2002. Actua per demanar als legisladors que es cree un marc normatiu que regule les activitats del sector de la prostituci\u00F3. Critiquen que no es regule el que consideren que \u00E9s el principal problema: la prostituci\u00F3 als carrers. Que es va crear hi formaven part \u00AB40 clubs dels 450 existents a Catalunya\u00BB. El 2006 criticaren negativament l'avantprojecte de llei de la Generalitat Catalana que establia l'edat m\u00EDnima per a prostituir-se en 21 anys. Afirmaren que si feia tancar els locals la prostituci\u00F3 de carrer i pisos augmentaria. Una inspecci\u00F3 feta el 2008 a Barcelona trob\u00E0 que molts locals de prostituci\u00F3 no complien la normativa. ACECA va reaccionar i defendre un canvi de la normativa perqu\u00E8 aix\u00ED s\u00ED la compliren i aix\u00ED no es provocaria que hi haguera m\u00E9s prostituci\u00F3 als carrers. El 2009 l'ajuntament de Ciutat Vella acus\u00E0 de la causa de l'exist\u00E8ncia de prostitutes als carrers a l'apertura de locals, cosa que l'ACLA neg\u00E0."@ca . . "Associaci\u00F3 Catalana de Locals de Diversi\u00F3"@ca . . . "Asociaci\u00F3n Catalana de Locales de Alterne"@en . "1108177333"^^ . . .