. . . "Australian Koala Foundation"@en . . "Brisbane, Australia"@en . "The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is registered Australian charity created in 1986, dedicated to the effective management and conservation of the koala and its habitat. It is the principal non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to the conservation and effective management of the wild koala and its habitat. The AKF lobbies the federal and state governments on issues it sees as pertinent to the conservation of koalas, including around the Sunshine Coast, and central Queensland. The AKF created the 'Save the Koala month', held annually each September, to raise funds for its work."@en . . . . "Long-term conservation of the wild koala"@en . . . . "Steve Brown"@en . . . "1105918182"^^ . "1986-01-17"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) ist eine wissenschaftliche internationale gemeinn\u00FCtzige Organisation mit dem Ziel, die kontinuierliche Populationsabnahme der Koalabest\u00E4nde zu stoppen und so das \u00DCberleben des Koalas zu sichern und dabei ein globales Bewusstsein f\u00FCr gef\u00E4hrdete Flora und Fauna zu schaffen. Es ist die einflussreichste Organisation weltweit, die dem Schutz des wilden Koalas und somit auch seines nat\u00FCrlichen Lebensraumes gewidmet ist. Sie ist pr\u00E4sent in Australien, den USA und Japan und ist dabei vollst\u00E4ndig regierungsunabh\u00E4ngig."@de . . . . "Australian Koala Foundation"@en . . . . . "1189507"^^ . . . . . "1986-01-17"^^ . . "L' Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) est une organisation scientifique internationale \u00E0 but non lucratif qui vise \u00E0 r\u00E9duire les menaces li\u00E9es \u00E0 la survie des koalas, en sensibilisant la communaut\u00E9 internationale \u00E0 prot\u00E9ger la faune et la flore. C'est la principale organisation \u00E0 but non lucratif non gouvernementale qui se consacre \u00E0 la conservation et \u00E0 la gestion efficace des koalas sauvages et de leur habitat. L'organisation a \u00E9t\u00E9 fond\u00E9e le 17 janvier 1986. Le koala se nourrit essentiellement de plantes d'eucalyptus. Actuellement, ceux-ci sont coup\u00E9s pour faire de l'espace et beaucoup de ces esp\u00E8ces sont en train de mourir."@fr . "8212"^^ . . . . "L' Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) est une organisation scientifique internationale \u00E0 but non lucratif qui vise \u00E0 r\u00E9duire les menaces li\u00E9es \u00E0 la survie des koalas, en sensibilisant la communaut\u00E9 internationale \u00E0 prot\u00E9ger la faune et la flore. C'est la principale organisation \u00E0 but non lucratif non gouvernementale qui se consacre \u00E0 la conservation et \u00E0 la gestion efficace des koalas sauvages et de leur habitat. L'organisation a \u00E9t\u00E9 fond\u00E9e le 17 janvier 1986."@fr . . "Australian Koala Foundation"@de . . . . . . . "Australian Koala Foundation"@fr . . . "The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is registered Australian charity created in 1986, dedicated to the effective management and conservation of the koala and its habitat. It is the principal non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to the conservation and effective management of the wild koala and its habitat. The AKF lobbies the federal and state governments on issues it sees as pertinent to the conservation of koalas, including around the Sunshine Coast, and central Queensland. In 2020 the AFK claimed the federal government was wasting time and resources on research at the expense of habitat conservation. In 2016 and 2019 the AFK declared that koalas were \u2018functionally extinct\u2019, but those claims were subsequently challenged as untrue. The claim in May 2019 by the AKF that Australia's koala population was as low as 80,000 animals was challenged by reports that the true population could be more than 300,000. In 2019 the AKF expressed grave concerns over the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, claiming it did not go far enough to protect koalas. The 2019\u201320 Australian bushfire season had a devastating impact on koala habitat and populations. Chairman of the AKF, Deborah Tabart, estimated that over 1,000 koalas were killed and that 80 percent of their habitat has been destroyed. The AFK has lobbied for a specific federal koala protection act, akin to the United States\u2019 Bald Eagle Endangered Species Act, which has protected its fauna emblem, the bald eagle, since 1973. The AKF created the 'Save the Koala month', held annually each September, to raise funds for its work. The AFK has been subject to severe criticism from other koala conservationists for not doing enough to protect koalas."@en . . . . "Research, education, legislation, mopping and planning"@en . . . "Die Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) ist eine wissenschaftliche internationale gemeinn\u00FCtzige Organisation mit dem Ziel, die kontinuierliche Populationsabnahme der Koalabest\u00E4nde zu stoppen und so das \u00DCberleben des Koalas zu sichern und dabei ein globales Bewusstsein f\u00FCr gef\u00E4hrdete Flora und Fauna zu schaffen. Es ist die einflussreichste Organisation weltweit, die dem Schutz des wilden Koalas und somit auch seines nat\u00FCrlichen Lebensraumes gewidmet ist. Sie ist pr\u00E4sent in Australien, den USA und Japan und ist dabei vollst\u00E4ndig regierungsunabh\u00E4ngig."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Barry Scott"@en . . "Australian Koala Foundation"@en . . .