. . . . . "Le d\u00E9partement de Batna est un d\u00E9partement fran\u00E7ais d'Alg\u00E9rie entre 1957 et 1962. Consid\u00E9r\u00E9e depuis le 4 mars 1848 comme partie int\u00E9grante du territoire fran\u00E7ais, l'Alg\u00E9rie est organis\u00E9e administrativement de la m\u00EAme mani\u00E8re que la France m\u00E9tropolitaine. C'est ainsi que pendant une centaine d'ann\u00E9es, la ville de Batna, fut une sous-pr\u00E9fecture du d\u00E9partement de Constantine, et ce jusqu'au 20 mai 1957. \u00C0 cette date ledit d\u00E9partement est amput\u00E9 de sa partie m\u00E9ridionale, afin de r\u00E9pondre \u00E0 l'accroissement important de la population alg\u00E9rienne au cours des ann\u00E9es \u00E9coul\u00E9es."@fr . . . "6.177750110626221"^^ . . . . "D\u00E9partement de Batna"@fr . . "35.561861111111114 6.17775" . . "Batna ([bat.na], Arabic: \u0628\u0627\u062A\u0646\u0629\u200E B\u0101tna) is a former French d\u00E9partement in Algeria. The d\u00E9partement of Batna existed between 1957 and 1974. Considered as an integral piece of French territory, Algeria was departmentalised on 9 December 1848, and thereby was administratively structured in the same way as metropolitan France. Three civil zones (d\u00E9partements) replaced the three beyliks into which the Ottoman former rulers had divided the territory. The easternmost of the three original Algerian departments was called Constantine. For over a century the town of Batna, was a sub-prefecture in the d\u00E9partement of Constantine: this changed in 1957."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1107793928"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "35.56186294555664"^^ . "28097482"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "2797"^^ . . . . . "POINT(6.1777501106262 35.561862945557)"^^ . . "Batna ([bat.na], Arabic: \u0628\u0627\u062A\u0646\u0629\u200E B\u0101tna) is a former French d\u00E9partement in Algeria. The d\u00E9partement of Batna existed between 1957 and 1974. Considered as an integral piece of French territory, Algeria was departmentalised on 9 December 1848, and thereby was administratively structured in the same way as metropolitan France. Three civil zones (d\u00E9partements) replaced the three beyliks into which the Ottoman former rulers had divided the territory. The easternmost of the three original Algerian departments was called Constantine. For over a century the town of Batna, was a sub-prefecture in the d\u00E9partement of Constantine: this changed in 1957. On 20 May 1957 the Batna sub-prefecture was split off and became a separate d\u00E9partement. This administrative reorganisation was undertaken in response to the rapid population increase experienced across the territory, especially during the preceding decade. The new d\u00E9partement of Batna was located directly to the south of the newly created d\u00E9partement of S\u00E9tif and the newly diminished d\u00E9partement of Constantine. The d\u00E9partement of Batna covered an area of 38,494 km2 (14,863 sq mi): a population of 529,532 was recorded. The department comprised five sub-prefectures: these were Arris, Barika, Biskra, Corneille and Khenchela. The 1957 departmental reorganisation was marked by a change in the \"suffix\" number appearing on automobile license plates and in other places that used the same code. Until 1957, as part of the d\u00E9partement of Constantine, Batna was identified by the department number \"93\": after 1957 the d\u00E9partement of Batna became department number \"9B\". (In 1968, under a law enacted in 1964, the number \"93\" would be reallocated to a new d\u00E9partement comprising the northern suburbs of Paris.) After independence the department continued to exist until 1974 when it was split into Batna Province, Biskra Province, Djelfa Province, M'Sila Province and T\u00E9bessa Province. \n* v \n* t \n* e \n* v \n* t \n* e"@en . . . . "Batna (d\u00E9partement)"@en . . . "Le d\u00E9partement de Batna est un d\u00E9partement fran\u00E7ais d'Alg\u00E9rie entre 1957 et 1962. Consid\u00E9r\u00E9e depuis le 4 mars 1848 comme partie int\u00E9grante du territoire fran\u00E7ais, l'Alg\u00E9rie est organis\u00E9e administrativement de la m\u00EAme mani\u00E8re que la France m\u00E9tropolitaine. C'est ainsi que pendant une centaine d'ann\u00E9es, la ville de Batna, fut une sous-pr\u00E9fecture du d\u00E9partement de Constantine, et ce jusqu'au 20 mai 1957. \u00C0 cette date ledit d\u00E9partement est amput\u00E9 de sa partie m\u00E9ridionale, afin de r\u00E9pondre \u00E0 l'accroissement important de la population alg\u00E9rienne au cours des ann\u00E9es \u00E9coul\u00E9es. Le d\u00E9partement de Batna fut donc cr\u00E9\u00E9 \u00E0 cette date, et couvrait une superficie de 38 494 km2 sur laquelle r\u00E9sidaient 529 532 habitants et poss\u00E9dait cinq sous-pr\u00E9fectures : Arris, Barika, Biskra, Corneille et Khenchela. Le d\u00E9partement de Batna fut maintenu apr\u00E8s l'ind\u00E9pendance de l'Alg\u00E9rie, et devint la wilaya de Batna en 1968. Comme indiqu\u00E9 sur la carte ci-jointe, le d\u00E9partement de Batna \u00E9tait autrefois rep\u00E9rtori\u00E9 par l'index 9B."@fr .