. "Unknown" . . . . "La Batalla de Alclud Ford fue librada alrededor de 580 en un vado desconocido cerca de Alt Clut, el nombre original del Castillo de Dumbarton que pudo tambi\u00E9n usarse para todo el Reino de Strathclyde en la actual Escocia. Se conoce por dos poemas del Libro de Taliesin. La batalla ocurri\u00F3 en un periodo de supremac\u00EDa de Rheged, y los ej\u00E9rcitos bajo Urien y Owain eran los m\u00E1s poderosos del norte."@es . . . . . . . . "Battle of Alclud Ford"@en . . "POINT(-4.5619869232178 55.937202453613)"^^ . . . "Bernicia" . . . "Modern Scotland"@en . "55.937201 -4.561987" . "c. 574, 580, or 590"@en . . "The Battle of Alclud Ford was a battle in c.580 at an unknown ford near Alt Clut, the original name for Dumbarton Rock which could also be used for the whole of the kingdom of Strathclyde in modern-day Scotland. It is known from two poems in the Book of Taliesin. According to Taliesin the Anglian king Ulph \"came with violence on his enemies\" and was met in battle and killed by Urien map Cynfarch, King of Rheged (probably Cumbria and/or Galloway), and his son Owain mab Urien, as noted in two separate poems. The Bernician attack would have been faced by spear and javelin armed horsemen, who made up the bulk of the Rhegedian warriors, whilst the Bernicians themselves would have primarily consisted of infantry as was the standard for Anglo-Saxon warriors of the period. Ulph was probably one of the sons of King Ida of Bernicia, most likely Theodulf, which puts the battle at c.574 or c.590, or potentially Frithuwolf, also known as Freothulf or Frithuwald, which would put the Alclud Ford at c.580. The battle was fought at a time when Rheged was at its ascendancy, and the armies under Urien and Owain were the most powerful in the north."@en . . "55.93720245361328"^^ . . "Brythonic victory"@en . . "Battle of Alclud Ford"@en . . . . . . . . . "2718"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "La Batalla de Alclud Ford fue librada alrededor de 580 en un vado desconocido cerca de Alt Clut, el nombre original del Castillo de Dumbarton que pudo tambi\u00E9n usarse para todo el Reino de Strathclyde en la actual Escocia. Se conoce por dos poemas del Libro de Taliesin. Seg\u00FAn Taliesin el rey anglo Ulph \"vino con violencia hacia sus enemigos\" y fue encontrado en batalla y asesinado por Urien map Cynfarch, rey de Rheged (probablemente Cumbria y/o Galloway), y su hijo Owain mab Urien, como se cita en dos poemas distintos. El ataque de Bernicia habr\u00EDa sido enfrentado por caballeros armados con lanzas y jabalinas, que representaban el grueso de los guerreros de Rheged, mientras que el ej\u00E9rcito de Bernicia habr\u00EDa consistido b\u00E1sicamente en infanter\u00EDa, tal como era el est\u00E1ndar de los guerreros anglosajones de ese periodo. Ulph era probablemente uno de los hijos del rey Ida de Bernicia, muy posiblemente Theodulf, que batall\u00F3 alrededor de 574 o 590, o potencialmente Frituwaldo, tambi\u00E9n conocido como Freothulf o Frithuwald, que someter\u00EDa Alclud Ford alrededor de 580. La batalla ocurri\u00F3 en un periodo de supremac\u00EDa de Rheged, y los ej\u00E9rcitos bajo Urien y Owain eran los m\u00E1s poderosos del norte."@es . . . . "14368996"^^ . "Unknown"@en . . . . "-4.561986923217773"^^ . . . . "Batalla de Alclud Ford"@es . . "1071284288"^^ . . "Rheged" . . "The Battle of Alclud Ford was a battle in c.580 at an unknown ford near Alt Clut, the original name for Dumbarton Rock which could also be used for the whole of the kingdom of Strathclyde in modern-day Scotland. It is known from two poems in the Book of Taliesin. The battle was fought at a time when Rheged was at its ascendancy, and the armies under Urien and Owain were the most powerful in the north."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Battle of Alclud Ford"@en . . . . . . . "Brythonic victory" . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . .