. "unknown" . "1874-01-31"^^ . "Sir Garnet Wolseley"@en . . "16 officers and 174 men killed and wounded" . . "British victory"@en . "23"^^ . . . . . . "2798"^^ . "La bataille d'Amoaful est une bataille livr\u00E9e le 31 janvier 1874 lors de la troisi\u00E8me guerre anglo-ashanti lorsque Sir Garnet Wolseley a vaincu les ashantis apr\u00E8s une forte r\u00E9sistance. L'attaque a \u00E9t\u00E9 men\u00E9e par le (en). \u00C0 Amoaful, une autopsie de combat rend hommage au commandant ashanti : \"Le grand chef Amanquatia \u00E9tait parmi les tu\u00E9s. Une habilet\u00E9 admirable a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9montr\u00E9e dans la position choisie par Amanquatia, et la d\u00E9termination et la qualit\u00E9 de g\u00E9n\u00E9ral qu'il a d\u00E9ploy\u00E9es dans la d\u00E9fense pleinement a confirm\u00E9 sa grande r\u00E9putation d'habile tacticien et de vaillant soldat.\" Le sergent suppl\u00E9ant (en) a re\u00E7u la Croix de Victoria pour son action pendant la bataille."@fr . . "British victory" . . . "La bataille d'Amoaful est une bataille livr\u00E9e le 31 janvier 1874 lors de la troisi\u00E8me guerre anglo-ashanti lorsque Sir Garnet Wolseley a vaincu les ashantis apr\u00E8s une forte r\u00E9sistance. L'attaque a \u00E9t\u00E9 men\u00E9e par le (en). \u00C0 Amoaful, une autopsie de combat rend hommage au commandant ashanti : \"Le grand chef Amanquatia \u00E9tait parmi les tu\u00E9s. Une habilet\u00E9 admirable a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9montr\u00E9e dans la position choisie par Amanquatia, et la d\u00E9termination et la qualit\u00E9 de g\u00E9n\u00E9ral qu'il a d\u00E9ploy\u00E9es dans la d\u00E9fense pleinement a confirm\u00E9 sa grande r\u00E9putation d'habile tacticien et de vaillant soldat.\" Le sergent suppl\u00E9ant (en) a re\u00E7u la Croix de Victoria pour son action pendant la bataille."@fr . "United Kingdom"@en . "Battle of Amoaful"@en . . "2,500 troops" . . . "unknown"@en . "Bataille d'Amoaful"@fr . . . . . . "23"^^ . . . "Battle of Amoaful"@en . . "2500"^^ . . . . . . "23pxAshanti Empire" . "West Africa"@en . . . . "A British illustration of the battle"@en . . . "United Kingdom" . . . . "1074184055"^^ . "34884163"^^ . . . "1874-01-31"^^ . "Battle of Amoaful"@en . . "unknown"@en . . "The Battle of Amoaful was a battle fought on 31 January 1874 during the Third Anglo-Ashanti War when Sir Garnet Wolseley defeated the Ashantis after strong resistance. The attack was led by the 42nd Regiment of Foot. At Amoaful, one combat post-mortem pays tribute to the Ashanti commander: \"The great Chief Amanquatia was among the killed. Admirable skill was shown in the position selected by Amanquatia, and the determination and generalship he displayed in the defence fully bore out his great reputation as an able tactician and gallant soldier.\" Lance-Sergeant Samuel McGaw was awarded the Victoria Cross for action during the battle."@en . . . . . . . . . "16"^^ . "The Battle of Amoaful was a battle fought on 31 January 1874 during the Third Anglo-Ashanti War when Sir Garnet Wolseley defeated the Ashantis after strong resistance. The attack was led by the 42nd Regiment of Foot. At Amoaful, one combat post-mortem pays tribute to the Ashanti commander: \"The great Chief Amanquatia was among the killed. Admirable skill was shown in the position selected by Amanquatia, and the determination and generalship he displayed in the defence fully bore out his great reputation as an able tactician and gallant soldier.\" Lance-Sergeant Samuel McGaw was awarded the Victoria Cross for action during the battle."@en . . . . . .