. . . "La batalla de Puerto Rico fue una batalla en noviembre de 1595 durante la Guerra anglo-espa\u00F1ola (1585-1604). La batalla termin\u00F3 con la victoria de las fuerzas espa\u00F1olas que pudieron mantener el control de San Juan de Puerto Rico."@es . . . "Ship entering the bay of San Juan, in front of Fort San Felipe del Morro - view from Isla de Cabras."@en . . "La battaglia San Juan (1595) (detta anche prima battaglia di San Juan) fu una vittoria spagnola nell'ambito della guerra anglo-spagnola. La guerra era scoppiata nel 1585 e venne combattuta non solo nel teatro bellico europeo ma anche e soprattutto nelle colonie americane."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "700"^^ . "Bitwa pod San Juan (1595)"@pl . . "Governor Pedro Su\u00E1rez Coronel"@en . "2,500 soldiers and sailors" . "300"^^ . "40"^^ . . . . "25"^^ . . . . . . . . "Spanish victory" . . . "Spanish victory"@en . . . "Battaglia di San Juan (1595)"@it . . "Bitwa morska pod San Juan \u2013 starcie zbrojne, kt\u00F3re mia\u0142o miejsce w roku 1595 w trakcie wojny angielsko-hiszpa\u0144skiej. W roku 1595 flota angielska dowodzona przez Francisa Drake\u2019a licz\u0105ca 31 okr\u0119t\u00F3w i 2 500 \u017Co\u0142nierzy pop\u0142yn\u0119\u0142a w rejon wyspy Portoryko na Morzu Karaibskim. Jej celem by\u0142o portowe miasto San Juan, bronione przez 70 dzia\u0142, 1 500 \u017Co\u0142nierzy i 9 000 ochotnik\u00F3w pod wodz\u0105 Pedro Tello. Gdy tylko angielskie okr\u0119ty zbli\u017Cy\u0142y si\u0119 do portu, Hiszpanie otworzyli ogie\u0144 z dzia\u0142, zmuszaj\u0105c przeciwnika do odwrotu. Wieczorem Drake na czele 25 \u0142odzi z wojskiem wdar\u0142 si\u0119 ponownie do portu ostrzeliwuj\u0105c znajduj\u0105ce si\u0119 w nim fregaty. W odpowiedzi Hiszpanie zasypali Anglik\u00F3w ogniem z dzia\u0142, wyrz\u0105dzaj\u0105c im znaczne straty. W tej sytuacji Drake zarz\u0105dzi\u0142 odwr\u00F3t w kierunku Gwadelupy, zdobywaj\u0105c po drodze d"@pl . "10209"^^ . . . "1102290358"^^ . . . . . "25 Ships" . . . "2500"^^ . . . . . . . . "the Anglo-Spanish War (1585)"@en . . . . . . "40 killed" . . "England" . . . . . . . . . . . . "70"^^ . . . . "Batalla de Puerto Rico"@es . "Spain" . . . . . . . . "Bitwa morska pod San Juan \u2013 starcie zbrojne, kt\u00F3re mia\u0142o miejsce w roku 1595 w trakcie wojny angielsko-hiszpa\u0144skiej. W roku 1595 flota angielska dowodzona przez Francisa Drake\u2019a licz\u0105ca 31 okr\u0119t\u00F3w i 2 500 \u017Co\u0142nierzy pop\u0142yn\u0119\u0142a w rejon wyspy Portoryko na Morzu Karaibskim. Jej celem by\u0142o portowe miasto San Juan, bronione przez 70 dzia\u0142, 1 500 \u017Co\u0142nierzy i 9 000 ochotnik\u00F3w pod wodz\u0105 Pedro Tello. Gdy tylko angielskie okr\u0119ty zbli\u017Cy\u0142y si\u0119 do portu, Hiszpanie otworzyli ogie\u0144 z dzia\u0142, zmuszaj\u0105c przeciwnika do odwrotu. Wieczorem Drake na czele 25 \u0142odzi z wojskiem wdar\u0142 si\u0119 ponownie do portu ostrzeliwuj\u0105c znajduj\u0105ce si\u0119 w nim fregaty. W odpowiedzi Hiszpanie zasypali Anglik\u00F3w ogniem z dzia\u0142, wyrz\u0105dzaj\u0105c im znaczne straty. W tej sytuacji Drake zarz\u0105dzi\u0142 odwr\u00F3t w kierunku Gwadelupy, zdobywaj\u0105c po drodze dwie za\u0142adowane skarbami hiszpa\u0144skie fregaty."@pl . . . . . . . "The Battle of San Juan (1595) was a Spanish victory during the Anglo\u2013Spanish War. This war broke out in 1585 and was fought not only in the European theatre but in Spain's American colonies. After emerging from six years of disgrace following the resounding defeat of the English Armada at Lisbon in 1589, Francis Drake embarked on a long and disastrous campaign against the Spanish Main, suffering several consecutive defeats there. On 22 November 1595 Drake and John Hawkins tried to invade San Juan, Puerto Rico with 27 ships and 2,500 men. After failing to be able to land at the Ensenada del Escambron on the eastern end of San Juan Islet, he attempted to sail into San Juan Bay with the intention of sacking the city. Unable to capture the island, following the death of his comrade, John Hawki"@en . . . . . "700 soldiers and 800 sailors" . "Battle of San Juan"@en . . "England"@en . "1595-11-22"^^ . . "La battaglia San Juan (1595) (detta anche prima battaglia di San Juan) fu una vittoria spagnola nell'ambito della guerra anglo-spagnola. La guerra era scoppiata nel 1585 e venne combattuta non solo nel teatro bellico europeo ma anche e soprattutto nelle colonie americane."@it . . . . . . . "70 land-based guns" . "5 frigates," . "Spain"@en . "1595-11-22"^^ . . . . . . . . "Admiral Pedro Tello de Guzman"@en . "400"^^ . . . "1 frigate burnt" . "Battle of San Juan (1595)"@en . "8"^^ . "La batalla de Puerto Rico fue una batalla en noviembre de 1595 durante la Guerra anglo-espa\u00F1ola (1585-1604). La batalla termin\u00F3 con la victoria de las fuerzas espa\u00F1olas que pudieron mantener el control de San Juan de Puerto Rico."@es . . . "Capt. Sancho Pardo Donleb\u00FAn"@en . . "The Battle of San Juan (1595) was a Spanish victory during the Anglo\u2013Spanish War. This war broke out in 1585 and was fought not only in the European theatre but in Spain's American colonies. After emerging from six years of disgrace following the resounding defeat of the English Armada at Lisbon in 1589, Francis Drake embarked on a long and disastrous campaign against the Spanish Main, suffering several consecutive defeats there. On 22 November 1595 Drake and John Hawkins tried to invade San Juan, Puerto Rico with 27 ships and 2,500 men. After failing to be able to land at the Ensenada del Escambron on the eastern end of San Juan Islet, he attempted to sail into San Juan Bay with the intention of sacking the city. Unable to capture the island, following the death of his comrade, John Hawkins, Drake abandoned San Juan, and set sail for Panama where he died from disease and received a burial at sea after failing to establish an English settlement in America."@en . "22310467"^^ . . . "5"^^ . . "Admiral Gonzalo M\u00E9ndez de Cancio"@en . "1"^^ .