"1940"^^ . . . . . "People's Party of Canada"@en . "1965"^^ . . . "1962"^^ . "1963"^^ . . "1957"^^ . "1958"^^ . "1953"^^ . . . "1980"^^ . "Maxime Bernier"@en . . "1979"^^ . "1972"^^ . "1974"^^ . "1968"^^ . . "1971"^^ . "2016"^^ . . . "Yves Caron"@en . . . "1884"^^ . . "1887"^^ . . "1882"^^ . . "1876"^^ . . "1878"^^ . "1872"^^ . . "1874"^^ . . "1900"^^ . "1901"^^ . . "1896"^^ . . . . . "1891"^^ . "1917"^^ . "1908"^^ . "Quebec"@en . "4"^^ . "6"^^ . "Conservative"@en . . "1911"^^ . "1904"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "2"^^ . "Liberal"@en . "POINT(-70.740997314453 46.220001220703)"^^ . "1"^^ . "3"^^ . . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "Joseph Bolduc"@en . "\u535A\u65AF\u9078\u5340"@zh . . "44"^^ . "46.22000122070312"^^ . . "42"^^ . "16"^^ . "43"^^ . "Romuald Rodrigue"@en . "40"^^ . "41"^^ . "38"^^ . "39"^^ . "Normand Lapointe"@en . "36"^^ . "37"^^ . "34"^^ . "35"^^ . "32"^^ . . "33"^^ . . "30"^^ . "31"^^ . "28"^^ . . . "29"^^ . "26"^^ . "27"^^ . "Beauce est une circonscription \u00E9lectorale f\u00E9d\u00E9rale canadienne situ\u00E9e au Qu\u00E9bec. \u00C9tablie en 1867, la circonscription se trouve au sud de Qu\u00E9bec et couvre le c\u0153ur de la r\u00E9gion de la Beauce, dans la r\u00E9gion administrative de Chaudi\u00E8re-Appalaches."@fr . "24"^^ . "25"^^ . "22"^^ . "23"^^ . "20"^^ . . "21"^^ . "18"^^ . . "19"^^ . . "16"^^ . "17"^^ . "14"^^ . "15"^^ . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . "2"^^ . . "3"^^ . "2021"^^ . "1"^^ . "46.22 -70.741" . . "Election results in Beauce 1867-present"@en . . "908421"^^ . "Richard Lehoux"@en . . . "G\u00E9rard Perron"@en . "1086660366"^^ . . . "Beauce"@en . . . "\u535A\u65AF\u9078\u5340\uFF08\u6CD5\u8A9E\uFF1ABeauce\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u500B\u4F4D\u65BC\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u9B41\u5317\u514B\u7684\u806F\u90A6\u773E\u8B70\u9662\u9078\u5340\uFF0C\u4F4D\u8655\u9B41\u5317\u514B\u57CE\u4EE5\u5357\uFF0C\u8986\u84CB\u8096\u8FEA\u8036-\u963F\u5E15\u62C9\u4EC0\u5927\u5340\u5185\u535A\u65AF\u5730\u5340\u7684\u4E2D\u90E8\uFF0C\u6771\u5357\u9762\u7DCA\u96A8\u52A0\u7F8E\u908A\u754C\u3002\u6B64\u9078\u5340\u900F\u904E\u300A1867\u5E74\u82F1\u5C6C\u5317\u7F8E\u6CD5\u4EE4\u300B\u6210\u7ACB\uFF0C\u662F\u570B\u6703\u773E\u8B70\u9662\u7684\u5275\u59CB\u9078\u5340\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u539F\u540D\u4E00\u76F4\u6CBF\u7528\u81F3\u4ECA\uFF0C\u4F46\u671F\u9593\u754C\u7DDA\u66FE\u51FA\u73FE\u8B8A\u52D5\u3002\u6B64\u9078\u5340\u754C\u7DDA\u6700\u4E0A\u4E00\u6B21\u4FEE\u6539\u65BC2012\u5E74\uFF0C\u90E8\u5206\u7BC4\u570D\u6539\u64A5\u6885\u5E72\u8482\u514B\uFF0D\u96F7\u62C9\u5E03\u52D2\u9078\u5340\uFF08M\u00E9gantic\u2014L'\u00C9rable\uFF09\uFF0C2015\u5E74\u806F\u90A6\u5927\u9078\u8D77\u751F\u6548\u3002 \u6839\u64DA2006\u5E74\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u4EBA\u53E3\u666E\u67E5\uFF0C\u6B64\u9078\u5340\u518584.0%\u5C45\u6C11\u78BA\u8A8D\u81EA\u5DF1\u7684\u65CF\u88D4\u80CC\u666F\u70BA\u300C\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u4EBA\u300D\uFF0C\u800C\u767D\u4EBA\u5247\u4F54\u5340\u5185\u5C45\u6C1199.3%\uFF0C\u5169\u9805\u6578\u64DA\u7686\u70BA\u5168\u570B\u4E4B\u51A0\u3002"@zh . . . . "1867"^^ . . "1867"^^ . "PC"@en . . "Beauce (circonscription f\u00E9d\u00E9rale)"@fr . "-70.74099731445312"^^ . . "Fabien Roy"@en . . "35312"^^ . "Chart\n | width=950\n | height=300\n | type=line\n | xAxisTitle=Year\n | yAxisTitle=Vote share\n | xAxisMin=1867\n | xAxisMax=2021\n | yAxisMin=0\n | yAxisMax=1.0\n | yAxisFormat=%\n | legend=Legend\n | y1Title=Liberal\n | y2Title=Conservative\n | y3Title=NDP\n | y4Title=Green\n | y5Title=BQ\n | y6Title=People's\n | y7Title=Hist. Con./PC\n | y8Title=Alliance\n | y9Title=SC/RC\n | y10Title=Reconstruction\n | y11Title=Independent (Bernier)\n | y12Title=Independent (Poulin)\n | y13Title=Independent <5% (1945)\n | y14Title=Independent (Godbout)\n | y15Title=Independent <5% (1887)\n | y16Title=Independent <5% (1882)\n | y17Title=Independent <5% (1878)\n | y18Title=Independent <5% (1876)\n | y19Title=Independent <5% (1872)\n | y20Title=Unknown\n | linewidth=2\n | x=1867,1872,1876,1878,1882,1884,1887,1891,1896,1900,1904,1908,1911,1921,1925,1926,1930,1935,1940,1945,1949,1953,1957,1958,1962,1963,1965,1968,1972,1974,1979,1980,1984,1988,1993,1997,2000,2000,2004,2006,2008,2011,2011,2015,2019,2021\n | y1=0.652,0.709,,,,,,0.558,0.538,0.612,0.733,0.957,0.582,0.900,0.776,0.814,0.648,0.890,0.799,0.426,0.453,0.427,0.483,0.423,0.377,0.421,0.413,0.274,0.411,0.423,0.350,0.509,0.431,0.259,0.146,0.491,0.560,0.5596,0.4138,0.0792,0.1032,0.1104,0.1099,0.2226,0.1166,0.1232\n | y2=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.1709,0.6702,0.6241,0.5071,0.5072,0.5889,0.3859,0.4829\n | y3=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.030,0.294,0.023,0.020,0.013,0.005,0.009,0.026,0.054,0.007,0.016,0.009,0.0094,0.0305,0.0255,0.0852,0.2995,0.300,0.0974,0.0304,0.029\n | y4=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0223,0.0254,0.0477,0.0161,0.0161,0.0169,0.0239,0.0085\n | y5=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.363,0.266,0.265,0.2653,0.3626,0.1997,0.1398,0.0669,0.0667,0.0742,0.1413,0.1517\n | y6=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.2837,0.1819\n | y7=,,0.536,0.792,0.708,0.552,0.347,0.442,0.462,0.388,0.267,0.043,0.418,0.100,0.224,0.186,0.352,,0.201,,,,,0.171,0.035,0.045,0.013,0.219,0.173,0.256,0.062,0.019,0.531,0.687,0.081,0.208,0.035,0.0353\n | y8=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.117,0.1172\n | y9=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.253,0.083,,,,0.588,0.504,0.280,0.475,0.396,0.294,0.571,0.440\n | y10=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.110\n | y11=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.402\n | y12=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.463,0.573,0.517,0.406\n | y13=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.322\n | y14=,,,,,,0.520\n | y15=,,,,,,0.136\n | y16=,,,,0.292\n | y17=,,,0.208\n | y18=,,0.464\n | y19=,0.291\n | y20=0.348,,,,,0.448\n | colors=#DC241f,#1c1cff,#FAA61A,#6AB023,#87CEEB,#4E5180,#3686ff,#018a63,#90EE90,#00ff00,#9f9f9f,#8f8f8f,#999999,#7f7f7f,#888888,#777777,#666666,#555555,#444444,#000000\n | showSymbols=true"@en . . "1917"^^ . "Christian Pozer"@en . . . . . . "1911"^^ . "1908"^^ . "1904"^^ . "Beauce (electoral district)"@en . . . "1902"^^ . . "1900"^^ . "Beauce"@en . "1896"^^ . . . "Jean-Paul Racine"@en . "1891"^^ . "108746"^^ . . . . "1887"^^ . "1884"^^ . "1882"^^ . . . . "1878"^^ . . . "1876"^^ . . "1874"^^ . "1872"^^ . "Joseph Godbout"@en . . . "1867"^^ . "86333"^^ . "Henri S\u00E9v\u00E9rin B\u00E9land"@en . . . . . . . . "\u00C9douard Lacroix"@en . . . . . . . . . "Beauce in relation to other Quebec federal electoral districts"@en . . . "Ralliement cr\u00E9ditiste"@en . . . . "active"@en . . "Independent"@en . . . "24007"^^ . . . . "center"@en . "2021"^^ . . "2018"^^ . "2019"^^ . . . . "2015"^^ . "Thomas Lini\u00E8re Taschereau"@en . . . . "2011"^^ . "2008"^^ . . . "2006"^^ . "2004"^^ . . "2000"^^ . "2"^^ . "Gilles Bernier"@en . . "1"^^ . "1997"^^ . "Gilles Bernier"@en . "1993"^^ . "1988"^^ . . . "1984"^^ . . . . "Beauce is a federal electoral district in Quebec, Canada, that has been represented in the House of Commons of Canada since 1867. In 2006, it had a population of 103,617 people, of whom 82,123 were eligible voters. The Beauce riding has the highest percentage of people who answered \"Canadian\" as their ethnic origin in the 2006 Census (84.0%; multiple responses). It is also the riding with the highest percentage of Whites of European descent (99.3%)."@en . "1980"^^ . . . . "1979"^^ . "1974"^^ . "1972"^^ . . "1971"^^ . "1968"^^ . "1965"^^ . "1962"^^ . "1963"^^ . "Beauce is a federal electoral district in Quebec, Canada, that has been represented in the House of Commons of Canada since 1867. In 2006, it had a population of 103,617 people, of whom 82,123 were eligible voters. The Beauce riding has the highest percentage of people who answered \"Canadian\" as their ethnic origin in the 2006 Census (84.0%; multiple responses). It is also the riding with the highest percentage of Whites of European descent (99.3%)."@en . "Ludger Dionne"@en . . "1958"^^ . . . "1957"^^ . . . . . "1953"^^ . . "4103.54"^^ . "1949"^^ . "1997"^^ . . "1945"^^ . . "1993"^^ . . "1940"^^ . . . "1988"^^ . . "1984"^^ . "1935"^^ . . . "1930"^^ . "Claude Drouin"@en . "2015"^^ . . . "2008"^^ . "1926"^^ . "2011"^^ . "1925"^^ . "2004"^^ . "2006"^^ . "1921"^^ . . "2000"^^ . . . . . "2021"^^ . "Social Credit"@en . "2018"^^ . "2019"^^ . "Raoul Poulin"@en . . . . . . . "2019"^^ . "Beauce est une circonscription \u00E9lectorale f\u00E9d\u00E9rale canadienne situ\u00E9e au Qu\u00E9bec. \u00C9tablie en 1867, la circonscription se trouve au sud de Qu\u00E9bec et couvre le c\u0153ur de la r\u00E9gion de la Beauce, dans la r\u00E9gion administrative de Chaudi\u00E8re-Appalaches."@fr . "\u535A\u65AF\u9078\u5340\uFF08\u6CD5\u8A9E\uFF1ABeauce\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u500B\u4F4D\u65BC\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u9B41\u5317\u514B\u7684\u806F\u90A6\u773E\u8B70\u9662\u9078\u5340\uFF0C\u4F4D\u8655\u9B41\u5317\u514B\u57CE\u4EE5\u5357\uFF0C\u8986\u84CB\u8096\u8FEA\u8036-\u963F\u5E15\u62C9\u4EC0\u5927\u5340\u5185\u535A\u65AF\u5730\u5340\u7684\u4E2D\u90E8\uFF0C\u6771\u5357\u9762\u7DCA\u96A8\u52A0\u7F8E\u908A\u754C\u3002\u6B64\u9078\u5340\u900F\u904E\u300A1867\u5E74\u82F1\u5C6C\u5317\u7F8E\u6CD5\u4EE4\u300B\u6210\u7ACB\uFF0C\u662F\u570B\u6703\u773E\u8B70\u9662\u7684\u5275\u59CB\u9078\u5340\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u539F\u540D\u4E00\u76F4\u6CBF\u7528\u81F3\u4ECA\uFF0C\u4F46\u671F\u9593\u754C\u7DDA\u66FE\u51FA\u73FE\u8B8A\u52D5\u3002\u6B64\u9078\u5340\u754C\u7DDA\u6700\u4E0A\u4E00\u6B21\u4FEE\u6539\u65BC2012\u5E74\uFF0C\u90E8\u5206\u7BC4\u570D\u6539\u64A5\u6885\u5E72\u8482\u514B\uFF0D\u96F7\u62C9\u5E03\u52D2\u9078\u5340\uFF08M\u00E9gantic\u2014L'\u00C9rable\uFF09\uFF0C2015\u5E74\u806F\u90A6\u5927\u9078\u8D77\u751F\u6548\u3002 \u6839\u64DA2006\u5E74\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u4EBA\u53E3\u666E\u67E5\uFF0C\u6B64\u9078\u5340\u518584.0%\u5C45\u6C11\u78BA\u8A8D\u81EA\u5DF1\u7684\u65CF\u88D4\u80CC\u666F\u70BA\u300C\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u4EBA\u300D\uFF0C\u800C\u767D\u4EBA\u5247\u4F54\u5340\u5185\u5C45\u6C1199.3%\uFF0C\u5169\u9805\u6578\u64DA\u7686\u70BA\u5168\u570B\u4E4B\u51A0\u3002"@zh . "1935"^^ . . "Conservative"@en . . "1930"^^ . . "1925"^^ . "1926"^^ . . . "1921"^^ . . "1949"^^ . . . "1945"^^ .