. . . . . "El distrito de Bel\u00E9n es uno de los cuatro distritos urbanos de Iquitos, y uno de los 11 distritos de la provincia de Maynas, departamento de Loreto. Con m\u00E1s de 60,804 habitantes, Bel\u00E9n est\u00E1 considerada el distrito m\u00E1s pobre de la ciudad, con varias familias viviendo en pobreza extrema, con un gran porcentaje sin contar un adecuada conexi\u00F3n el\u00E9ctrica y de agua potable, y su densidad poblacional le convierte en una zona superpoblada.\u200B El distrito de Bel\u00E9n est\u00E1 dividido Bajo Bel\u00E9n y Alto Bel\u00E9n, siendo Bajo Bel\u00E9n una de las \u00ABcomunidades m\u00E1s tristes del Per\u00FA\u00BB.\u200B"@es . . "160112"^^ . "-5" . . . . . "-5"^^ . . . . . . . . "Bel\u00E9n, eller Distrito de Bel\u00E9n, \u00E4r ett av Iquitos fyra stadsomr\u00E5den (distrikt), och ett av tretton distrikt i i Loreto. Distriktet har mer \u00E4n 60 804 inv\u00E5nare. Det \u00E4r det fattigaste distriktet i staden, med m\u00E5nga familjer som lever i extrem fattigdom, och med en stor procentuell andel utan tillr\u00E4cklig el- och dricksvattenf\u00F6rs\u00F6rjning. Distriktet har en omfattande turism. Bel\u00E9n \u00E4r k\u00E4nt som Latinamerikas Venedig f\u00F6r sin unika stadsutformning. Ett av dess mest k\u00E4nda turistm\u00E5l \u00E4r stadsdelen Bel\u00E9n, med utbredd bebyggelse av hyddor p\u00E5 p\u00E5lar i flodomr\u00E5det."@sv . . . . . . "El distrito de Bel\u00E9n es uno de los cuatro distritos urbanos de Iquitos, y uno de los 11 distritos de la provincia de Maynas, departamento de Loreto. Con m\u00E1s de 60,804 habitantes, Bel\u00E9n est\u00E1 considerada el distrito m\u00E1s pobre de la ciudad, con varias familias viviendo en pobreza extrema, con un gran porcentaje sin contar un adecuada conexi\u00F3n el\u00E9ctrica y de agua potable, y su densidad poblacional le convierte en una zona superpoblada.\u200B Bel\u00E9n es conocida tambi\u00E9n como La Venecia del Latinoam\u00E9rica por su caracter\u00EDstica de una comunidad mundial \u00FAnica, y su abrumadora atm\u00F3sfera considerada \u00ABm\u00E1gica\u00BB. El distrito es extensamente visitado por el turismo, en casos especiales, por el llamado pro-poor tourism, actividad que busca ayudar a su poblaci\u00F3n. Uno de sus hitos tur\u00EDsticos por antonomasia es el Barrio de Bel\u00E9n, una colosal colecci\u00F3n de palafitos. El distrito de Bel\u00E9n est\u00E1 dividido Bajo Bel\u00E9n y Alto Bel\u00E9n, siendo Bajo Bel\u00E9n una de las \u00ABcomunidades m\u00E1s tristes del Per\u00FA\u00BB.\u200B"@es . "Bel\u00E9n District is one of thirteen districts of the Maynas Province in Peru. Bel\u00E9n (Spanish for Bethlehem) lies at the edge of the city of Iquitos, in the floodplain of the Itaya River. It is home to some 65,000 people, most of them poor, and many of whom live in extreme poverty. The housing does not have clean water, proper sanitation, or electric power distribution. Many of the residents of Bel\u00E9n are people who lived in the forest, but who came to Iquitos in search of work and formal education for themselves and their families. Nevertheless, unemployment rates are high. Men might hunt, fish, or trade for their livelihood, while women resell small quantities of produce, such as aguaje. Some of those with more means shuttle goods via small motorboats between the forest hamlets and the city, dealing in such commodities as coffee, rice, sugar, gasoline, forest crops, and animal products.Uphill of the river is Mercado Bel\u00E9n, a large, open-air marketplace where vendors sell produce, meat, fish, spices, flowers, folk medicine, prepared foods, and manufactured goods. Brick-and-mortar storefronts also line the streets of the marketplace. An estimated 60,000 people live across the river in outlying areas, also without electricity, water, or sanitation. Most homes either float or are built on stilts, as the river level rises 5\u20136 meters from February through July. Travel books have described Bel\u00E9n as the \u201CVenice of Latin America\u201D. In Pueblo Libre, a section of Bel\u00E9n on the waterfront, approximately 14,000 people\u201430% of whom are under age 12\u2014live in a busy river port, where charcoal, bananas, fish, and other goods are brought (mostly by canoe) to be distributed and sold throughout Bel\u00E9n. The people of Bel\u00E9n live in overcrowded conditions. 90% of homes house two or more families; some homes as many as five. The people of Bel\u00E9n are at risk for contracting malaria, dengue fever, water-borne illnesses, respiratory illnesses, tuberculosis, and HIV. They are also affected by social problems of severe poverty, such as alcoholism, crime, prostitution, unemployment, domestic violence, and child abuse. Years of deteriorating conditions in Bel\u00E9n have fostered widespread frustration and hopelessness among the residents."@en . "-3.7643 -73.2505" . . "Location of Bel\u00E9n in the Maynas province"@en . "Herm\u00F3genes Flores G\u00F3mez"@en . . . . . . "Der Distrikt Bel\u00E9n ist ein Distrikt in der Provinz Maynas in der Region Loreto in Nordost-Peru. Der am 5. November 1999 gegr\u00FCndete Distrikt entstand aus Teilen des Distrikts Iquitos. Der Distrikt hat eine Fl\u00E4che von 611 km\u00B2. Beim Zensus 2017 wurden 69.608 Einwohner gez\u00E4hlt. 10 Jahre zuvor lag die Einwohnerzahl bei 68.806. Verwaltungssitz ist die 110 m hoch gelegene Stadt Bel\u00E9n, ein s\u00FCdwestlicher Vorort von Iquitos mit 61.158 Einwohnern (Stand 2017)."@de . "O Distrito peruano de Bel\u00E9n \u00E9 um dos onze distritos que formam a Prov\u00EDncia de Maynas, situada no Departamento de Loreto, pertencente a Regi\u00E3o Loreto, Peru."@pt . . . . . . . . "6767"^^ . . "2005"^^ . . . . "para"@en . "auto"@en . . "\u8C9D\u502B\u5340\uFF08\u897F\u73ED\u7259\u8A9E\uFF1ADistrito de Bel\u00E9n\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u79D8\u9B6F\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u5340\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u8A72\u570B\u6771\u5317\u90E8\u6D1B\u96F7\u8A17\u5927\u5340\u7684\u9081\u7D0D\u65AF\u7701\uFF0C\u59CB\u5EFA\u65BC1999\u5E7411\u67085\u65E5\uFF0C\u9762\u7A4D632\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u6D77\u62D4\u9AD8\u5EA6110\u7C73\uFF0C2005\u5E74\u4EBA\u53E366,804\uFF0C\u4EBA\u53E3\u5BC6\u5EA6\u6BCF\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC110\u4EBA\u3002"@zh . . . . . "Founded"@en . . . . . . "Bel\u00E9n, eller Distrito de Bel\u00E9n, \u00E4r ett av Iquitos fyra stadsomr\u00E5den (distrikt), och ett av tretton distrikt i i Loreto. Distriktet har mer \u00E4n 60 804 inv\u00E5nare. Det \u00E4r det fattigaste distriktet i staden, med m\u00E5nga familjer som lever i extrem fattigdom, och med en stor procentuell andel utan tillr\u00E4cklig el- och dricksvattenf\u00F6rs\u00F6rjning. Distriktet har en omfattande turism. Bel\u00E9n \u00E4r k\u00E4nt som Latinamerikas Venedig f\u00F6r sin unika stadsutformning. Ett av dess mest k\u00E4nda turistm\u00E5l \u00E4r stadsdelen Bel\u00E9n, med utbredd bebyggelse av hyddor p\u00E5 p\u00E5lar i flodomr\u00E5det."@sv . . . "Il distretto di Bel\u00E9n \u00E8 uno dei tredici distretti della provincia di Maynas, in Per\u00F9. Si trova nella regione di Loreto e si estende su una superficie di 632,8 chilometri quadrati.Istituito il 5 novembre 1999, ha per capitale la citt\u00E0 di ."@it . . "Il distretto di Bel\u00E9n \u00E8 uno dei tredici distretti della provincia di Maynas, in Per\u00F9. Si trova nella regione di Loreto e si estende su una superficie di 632,8 chilometri quadrati.Istituito il 5 novembre 1999, ha per capitale la citt\u00E0 di ."@it . "1051162435"^^ . . "Bel\u00E9n (distrito de Maynas)"@pt . . . . . . "632.8"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Der Distrikt Bel\u00E9n ist ein Distrikt in der Provinz Maynas in der Region Loreto in Nordost-Peru. Der am 5. November 1999 gegr\u00FCndete Distrikt entstand aus Teilen des Distrikts Iquitos. Der Distrikt hat eine Fl\u00E4che von 611 km\u00B2. Beim Zensus 2017 wurden 69.608 Einwohner gez\u00E4hlt. 10 Jahre zuvor lag die Einwohnerzahl bei 68.806. Verwaltungssitz ist die 110 m hoch gelegene Stadt Bel\u00E9n, ein s\u00FCdwestlicher Vorort von Iquitos mit 61.158 Einwohnern (Stand 2017)."@de . "Bel\u00E9n"@en . . . . "Distrikt Bel\u00E9n (Maynas)"@de . "66804"^^ . . . "1999-11-05"^^ . . "632800000.0"^^ . . . . "-3.764300107955933"^^ . "632.8"^^ . . . . . "Distretto di Bel\u00E9n (Loreto)"@it . "110.0"^^ . "\u8C9D\u502B\u5340\uFF08\u897F\u73ED\u7259\u8A9E\uFF1ADistrito de Bel\u00E9n\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u79D8\u9B6F\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u5340\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u8A72\u570B\u6771\u5317\u90E8\u6D1B\u96F7\u8A17\u5927\u5340\u7684\u9081\u7D0D\u65AF\u7701\uFF0C\u59CB\u5EFA\u65BC1999\u5E7411\u67085\u65E5\uFF0C\u9762\u7A4D632\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u6D77\u62D4\u9AD8\u5EA6110\u7C73\uFF0C2005\u5E74\u4EBA\u53E366,804\uFF0C\u4EBA\u53E3\u5BC6\u5EA6\u6BCF\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC110\u4EBA\u3002"@zh . . . . "Bel\u00E9n District"@en . "frameless"@en . "Bele\u00F1o"@en . . . . "1999-11-05"^^ . . . "\u8C9D\u502B\u5340 (\u9081\u7D0D\u65AF\u7701)"@zh . "Bele\u00F1o"@en . "O Distrito peruano de Bel\u00E9n \u00E9 um dos onze distritos que formam a Prov\u00EDncia de Maynas, situada no Departamento de Loreto, pertencente a Regi\u00E3o Loreto, Peru."@pt . . "110"^^ . "es"@en . "-73.25050354003906"^^ . "Distrito de Bel\u00E9n (Maynas)"@es . . "Bel\u00E9n District, Maynas"@en . . . "66804"^^ . . "Bel\u00E9n District is one of thirteen districts of the Maynas Province in Peru. Bel\u00E9n (Spanish for Bethlehem) lies at the edge of the city of Iquitos, in the floodplain of the Itaya River. It is home to some 65,000 people, most of them poor, and many of whom live in extreme poverty. The housing does not have clean water, proper sanitation, or electric power distribution."@en . "POINT(-73.250503540039 -3.7643001079559)"^^ . "17232475"^^ . . . "Bel\u00E9n District"@en . . "Bel\u00E9n, Iquitos"@sv . . . . "Metric"@en . . "Belen Iquitos Peru.JPG"@en .