. "Bronksa Parko, Bronx Park en angla origine, etendas 291 ha la\u016Dlonge de la en Bronkso, Novjorko, estas la hejmo de la Novjorka Botanika \u011Cardeno kaj de la Besto\u011Dardeno de Bronkso. Biciklopadoj iras nordokcidenten, norden kaj orienten, la\u016Dlonge de la la vojoj Mosholu, Bronx River kaj Pelham respektive. La orienta pinto de Fordham Road estas ene de la parko, inter\u015Dan\u011De kun Pelham kaj Bronx River, kaj dividas la parkon preska\u016D duone, kun la Botanika \u011Cardeno okupante plej el la norda duono kaj la Besto\u011Dardeno plej el la suda. 40\u00B0 51\u2032 23\u2033 N 73\u00B0 52\u2032 36\u2033 U\uFEFF / \uFEFF40.85639 \u00B0N, 73.87667 \u00B0U (mapo)"@eo . "WSTM Free Culture NYU 0016.jpg"@en . . . . "\uBE0C\uB871\uC2A4 \uACF5\uC6D0(Bronx Park)\uC740 \uBBF8\uAD6D \uB274\uC695 \uBE0C\uB871\uC2A4\uC5D0 \uC704\uCE58\uD55C \uACF5\uC6D0\uC774\uB2E4. \uB274\uC695 \uC2DD\uBB3C\uC6D0\uACFC \uBE0C\uB871\uC2A4 \uB3D9\uBB3C\uC6D0\uC774 \uC704\uCE58\uD558\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . . "Bronx Park"@nl . . . . . . "Open"@en . . . "1888"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2542655"^^ . . . . . . . . . "\uBE0C\uB871\uD06C\uC2A4 \uACF5\uC6D0"@ko . . "Bronx Park"@en . . "Bronx Park je ve\u0159ejn\u00FD park p\u0159i \u0159ece Bronx v Bronxu v New Yorku ve st\u00E1t\u011B New York. Park hrani\u010D\u00ED s ulicemi Southern Boulevard na z\u00E1pad\u011B, Webster Avenue na severoz\u00E1pad\u011B, s Burke Avenue na severu, Bronx Park East na v\u00FDchod\u011B a se 180 Street na jihu. Vzhledem k rozloze t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 3 km \u010Dtvere\u010Dn\u00EDch je osm\u00FDm nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00EDm parkem v New Yorku. Byl zalo\u017Een na konci 80. let 19. stolet\u00ED a nach\u00E1z\u00ED se v n\u011Bm Newyorsk\u00E1 botanick\u00E1 zahrada a zoologick\u00E1 zahrada Bronx Zoo, kter\u00E9 zab\u00EDraj\u00ED zna\u010Dnou plochu jeho severn\u00ED a ji\u017En\u00ED \u010D\u00E1sti. Silnice Fordham Road, kter\u00E1 park prot\u00EDn\u00E1, vede v\u00FDchodoz\u00E1padn\u00EDm sm\u011Brem mezi zoo a botanickou zahradou, Bronx River Parkway naproti tomu sm\u011Brem severoji\u017En\u00EDm, pobl\u00ED\u017E v\u00FDchodn\u00EDho okraje parku."@cs . "Bronx Park je ve\u0159ejn\u00FD park p\u0159i \u0159ece Bronx v Bronxu v New Yorku ve st\u00E1t\u011B New York. Park hrani\u010D\u00ED s ulicemi Southern Boulevard na z\u00E1pad\u011B, Webster Avenue na severoz\u00E1pad\u011B, s Burke Avenue na severu, Bronx Park East na v\u00FDchod\u011B a se 180 Street na jihu. Vzhledem k rozloze t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 3 km \u010Dtvere\u010Dn\u00EDch je osm\u00FDm nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00EDm parkem v New Yorku."@cs . "Bronksa Parko"@eo . . "27025"^^ . . "\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ABronx Park\uFF09\u662F\u7F8E\u56FD\u7EBD\u7EA6\u5E02\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u533A\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u6CB3\u6CBF\u5CB8\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u57CE\u5E02\u516C\u56ED\u3002\u516C\u56ED\u897F\u5357\u4EE5\u5357\u65B9\u5927\u9053\u4E3A\u754C\uFF0C\u897F\u5317\u4EE5\u97E6\u4F2F\u65AF\u7279\u5927\u9053\u4E3A\u754C\uFF0C\u5317\u81F3\u67AA\u5C71\u8DEF\uFF0C\u4E1C\u81F3\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED\u4E1C\uFF0C\u5357\u81F3\u4E1C180\u8857\u3002\u5360\u5730718\u82F1\u755D\uFF082.91\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u533A\u7B2C\u4E09\u5927\u516C\u56ED\u3001\u7EBD\u7EA6\u5E02\u7B2C\u516B\u5927\u516C\u56ED\u3002 \u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED\u6210\u7ACB\u4E8E1880\u5E74\u4EE3\u540E\u671F\uFF0C\u662F\u7EBD\u7EA6\u690D\u7269\u56ED\u548C\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u52A8\u7269\u56ED\u7684\u6240\u5728\u5730\uFF0C\u5B83\u4EEC\u5206\u522B\u5360\u636E\u4E86\u516C\u56ED\u5317\u90E8\u548C\u5357\u90E8\u7684\u5927\u90E8\u5206\u5730\u533A\u3002\u4E1C\u897F\u8D70\u5411\u7684\u798F\u7279\u6C49\u59C6\u8DEF\uFF08Fordham Road\uFF09\u6A2A\u4E98\u5176\u95F4\uFF0C\u5C06\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED\u4E00\u5206\u4E3A\u4E8C\u3002"@zh . "-73.87666320800781"^^ . "Bronx Park"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-73.876663208008 40.856388092041)"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\uBE0C\uB871\uC2A4 \uACF5\uC6D0(Bronx Park)\uC740 \uBBF8\uAD6D \uB274\uC695 \uBE0C\uB871\uC2A4\uC5D0 \uC704\uCE58\uD55C \uACF5\uC6D0\uC774\uB2E4. \uB274\uC695 \uC2DD\uBB3C\uC6D0\uACFC \uBE0C\uB871\uC2A4 \uB3D9\uBB3C\uC6D0\uC774 \uC704\uCE58\uD558\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . . "40.85638809204102"^^ . "Bronksa Parko, Bronx Park en angla origine, etendas 291 ha la\u016Dlonge de la en Bronkso, Novjorko, estas la hejmo de la Novjorka Botanika \u011Cardeno kaj de la Besto\u011Dardeno de Bronkso. Biciklopadoj iras nordokcidenten, norden kaj orienten, la\u016Dlonge de la la vojoj Mosholu, Bronx River kaj Pelham respektive. La orienta pinto de Fordham Road estas ene de la parko, inter\u015Dan\u011De kun Pelham kaj Bronx River, kaj dividas la parkon preska\u016D duone, kun la Botanika \u011Cardeno okupante plej el la norda duono kaj la Besto\u011Dardeno plej el la suda. 40\u00B0 51\u2032 23\u2033 N 73\u00B0 52\u2032 36\u2033 U\uFEFF / \uFEFF40.85639 \u00B0N, 73.87667 \u00B0U (mapo)"@eo . . "Metro-North Railroad: Harlem Line to Botanical Garden"@en . . . . . "Bronx Park is a public park along the Bronx River, in the Bronx, New York City. The park is bounded by Southern Boulevard to the southwest, Webster Avenue to the northwest, Gun Hill Road to the north, Bronx Park East to the east, and East 180th Street to the south. With an area of 718 acres (2.91 km2), Bronx Park is the eighth-largest park in New York City."@en . "Bronx, New York City"@en . . . "Subway: to East 180th Street, Bronx Park East, Pelham Parkway, Allerton Avenue, Burke Avenue"@en . . . . "Bronx Park is a public park along the Bronx River, in the Bronx, New York City. The park is bounded by Southern Boulevard to the southwest, Webster Avenue to the northwest, Gun Hill Road to the north, Bronx Park East to the east, and East 180th Street to the south. With an area of 718 acres (2.91 km2), Bronx Park is the eighth-largest park in New York City. Founded in the late 1880s, Bronx Park is the location of the New York Botanical Garden and the Bronx Zoo, which respectively occupy much of the northern and southern portions of the park. Fordham Road runs east-west between the zoo and botanical garden, bisecting Bronx Park, while the Bronx River Parkway runs north-south near the eastern edge. The park is operated by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation."@en . . . . . . . . "Het Bronx Park is een stadspark in het stadsdeel The Bronx in New York. Het park valt onder het bestuur van het New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. Het park ontleent zijn naam aan Jonas Bronck (1600-1643), een Zweedse immigrant in de regio. De oppervlakte is circa 291 ha. Vele planten- en diersoorten komen er voor. De stroomt door een kloof over een lengte van 3 km door het park. Aan de oevers in het park is vloedbos en moeras met rode esdoorn te vinden."@nl . "Waterfall on the Bronx River at the south end of Bronx Park"@en . "Het Bronx Park is een stadspark in het stadsdeel The Bronx in New York. Het park valt onder het bestuur van het New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. Het park ontleent zijn naam aan Jonas Bronck (1600-1643), een Zweedse immigrant in de regio. De oppervlakte is circa 291 ha. Vele planten- en diersoorten komen er voor. De stroomt door een kloof over een lengte van 3 km door het park. Aan de oevers in het park is vloedbos en moeras met rode esdoorn te vinden. Het Bronx Park huisvest twee grote attracties: de Bronx Zoo en de New York Botanical Garden. Daarnaast zijn er recreatieterreinen, speeltuinen, fietspaden, honkbalvelden, tennisbanen, basketbalvelden, American football- en voetbalvelden te vinden. Het park huisvest daarnaast een aantal monumenten zoals de Rainey Memorial Gate, een sierpoort met 22 beelden van dieren. De poort is ontworpen door architect Paul Manship (1885-1966) en eert Paul J. Rainey (1877-1923), een jager en patroon van de Bronx Zoo."@nl . . . . . . . . "\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED"@zh . "40.85638888888889 -73.87666666666667" . . . . . . . . . . . "\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ABronx Park\uFF09\u662F\u7F8E\u56FD\u7EBD\u7EA6\u5E02\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u533A\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u6CB3\u6CBF\u5CB8\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u57CE\u5E02\u516C\u56ED\u3002\u516C\u56ED\u897F\u5357\u4EE5\u5357\u65B9\u5927\u9053\u4E3A\u754C\uFF0C\u897F\u5317\u4EE5\u97E6\u4F2F\u65AF\u7279\u5927\u9053\u4E3A\u754C\uFF0C\u5317\u81F3\u67AA\u5C71\u8DEF\uFF0C\u4E1C\u81F3\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED\u4E1C\uFF0C\u5357\u81F3\u4E1C180\u8857\u3002\u5360\u5730718\u82F1\u755D\uFF082.91\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u533A\u7B2C\u4E09\u5927\u516C\u56ED\u3001\u7EBD\u7EA6\u5E02\u7B2C\u516B\u5927\u516C\u56ED\u3002 \u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED\u6210\u7ACB\u4E8E1880\u5E74\u4EE3\u540E\u671F\uFF0C\u662F\u7EBD\u7EA6\u690D\u7269\u56ED\u548C\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u52A8\u7269\u56ED\u7684\u6240\u5728\u5730\uFF0C\u5B83\u4EEC\u5206\u522B\u5360\u636E\u4E86\u516C\u56ED\u5317\u90E8\u548C\u5357\u90E8\u7684\u5927\u90E8\u5206\u5730\u533A\u3002\u4E1C\u897F\u8D70\u5411\u7684\u798F\u7279\u6C49\u59C6\u8DEF\uFF08Fordham Road\uFF09\u6A2A\u4E98\u5176\u95F4\uFF0C\u5C06\u5E03\u6717\u514B\u65AF\u516C\u56ED\u4E00\u5206\u4E3A\u4E8C\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "Bronx Park"@cs . . . . "1123070934"^^ . "New York City Bus:"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bee-Line Bus: 60, 61, 62"@en . . . . . . .