. . . . . . . . . . "The CERN Program Library or CERNLIB was a set of FORTRAN 77 libraries and modules, developed at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. Its content ranged from more specialized data analysis of high energy physics to general purpose numerical analysis. Lower-level parts of the CERN Program Library were most prominently used by the data analysis software Physics Analysis Workstation (PAW) and the detector simulation framework GEANT, both of which were also part of the CERN Program Library. The major fields covered by the libraries contained therein were:"@en . . . "The CERN Program Library or CERNLIB was a set of FORTRAN 77 libraries and modules, developed at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. Its content ranged from more specialized data analysis of high energy physics to general purpose numerical analysis. Lower-level parts of the CERN Program Library were most prominently used by the data analysis software Physics Analysis Workstation (PAW) and the detector simulation framework GEANT, both of which were also part of the CERN Program Library. The major fields covered by the libraries contained therein were: \n* Elementary particle data \n* Graphics and plotting \n* Histograming \n* I/O and structured data storage \n* Numerical analysis \n* Statistics and data analysis \n* Detector simulation and Hadronic event generation CERN Program Library used the year as its version, with not explicitly denoted minor revisions within a year. Besides legacy software dependency, for newer applications written in C++, CERNLIB is now superseded by ROOT."@en . . . . . . "CERN Program Library"@en . "CERN Program Library"@en . "4386562"^^ . . . . . "2005-05-09"^^ . . . . . . "GNU General Public License, except for GEANT"@en . . . . . . "1077305291"^^ . . . . . . . "La Librer\u00EDa de Programas CERN o CERNLIB era un conjunto de bibliotecas y m\u00F3dulos FORTRAN 77,\u200B desarrollada en la Organizaci\u00F3n Europea para Investigaci\u00F3n Nuclear (CERN). Sus contenidos variaban desde an\u00E1lisis de datos de f\u00EDsica de part\u00EDculas hasta an\u00E1lisis num\u00E9rico de prop\u00F3sito general.\u200B Las dos aplicaciones m\u00E1s populares basadas en CERNLIB fueron el software Mesa de Trabajo para An\u00E1lisis F\u00EDsico (PAW) y el sistema de simulaci\u00F3n y detecci\u00F3n GEANT, ambos parte de la Librer\u00EDa de Programas CERN.\u200B Algunos de los campos m\u00E1s importantes cubriertos por las bibliotecas dentro de CERNLIB eran:\u200B \n* Informaci\u00F3n sobre part\u00EDculas elementales \n* Gr\u00E1ficos \n* Histogramas \n* I/O y almacenamiento de datos estructurado \n* An\u00E1lisis num\u00E9rico \n* Estad\u00EDstica y an\u00E1lisis de datos \n* Simulaci\u00F3n de detectores y hadr\u00F3nicos. La librer\u00EDa de programas CERN utilizaba el a\u00F1o como n\u00FAmero de versi\u00F3n, sin revisiones menores expl\u00EDcitas denotadas dentro de un a\u00F1o. Adem\u00E1s de la dependencia de software en desuso, para aplicaciones m\u00E1s nuevas escritas en C++, CERNLIB ha sido reemplazado por ROOT."@es . "yes"@en . "La Librer\u00EDa de Programas CERN o CERNLIB era un conjunto de bibliotecas y m\u00F3dulos FORTRAN 77,\u200B desarrollada en la Organizaci\u00F3n Europea para Investigaci\u00F3n Nuclear (CERN). Sus contenidos variaban desde an\u00E1lisis de datos de f\u00EDsica de part\u00EDculas hasta an\u00E1lisis num\u00E9rico de prop\u00F3sito general.\u200B Las dos aplicaciones m\u00E1s populares basadas en CERNLIB fueron el software Mesa de Trabajo para An\u00E1lisis F\u00EDsico (PAW) y el sistema de simulaci\u00F3n y detecci\u00F3n GEANT, ambos parte de la Librer\u00EDa de Programas CERN.\u200B Algunos de los campos m\u00E1s importantes cubriertos por las bibliotecas dentro de CERNLIB eran:\u200B"@es . . . . "2005-05-09"^^ . . . . . . . . . "CERN Program Library"@en . . . . "CERN Program Library"@es . . . . . . "2236"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . .