. "1099426616"^^ . . . . . . "Cap-Tourmentin"@fr . . . . . . . "Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick"@en . "Cape Tormentine is a local service district in southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. It is located on the Northumberland Strait at the Abegweit Passage, the shortest crossing between Prince Edward Island and the mainland. It once flourished as a transportation hub between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island but has been in decline since 1997 when the ferry service was closed due to the opening of the Confederation Bridge. At the Canada 2011 Census the population was 108, three quarters what it was at the 2006 census. Cape Tormentine is named for the eponymous cape. As an unincorporated community, it is part of the Bayfield local service district. For the purpose of Statistics Canada's census it is in Botsford Parish."@en . . "46.11666488647461"^^ . . "5305"^^ . . . . "Q28375885"@en . . . . . . "Cap-Tourmentin, aussi appel\u00E9 Cap Tormentine ou Cape Tormentine, est un village du comt\u00E9 de Westmorland, au sud-est de la province canadienne du Nouveau-Brunswick. Elle est en fait la communaut\u00E9 situ\u00E9e la plus \u00E0 l'est de la province. Le village a le statut de DSL sous le nom l\u00E9gal de Cap Tormentin. Cap-Tourmentin poss\u00E8de un important port qui \u00E9tait utilis\u00E9 jusqu'en 1997 pour le transport de passagers et de marchandises jusqu'\u00E0 l'\u00CEle du Prince-\u00C9douard. Apr\u00E8s l'ouverture du pont de la Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration, l'\u00E9conomie du village a souffert."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cape Tormentine \u00E9 uma vila no sudeste de New Brunswick, no Canad\u00E1. Ela est\u00E1 localizada no Estreito de Northumberland, na passagem Abegweit, a travessia mais curta entre a Ilha do Pr\u00EDncipe Eduardo e o continente. Uma vez floresceu como um centro de transporte entre New Brunswick e a Ilha do Pr\u00EDncipe Eduardo, mas tem estado em decl\u00EDnio desde 1997, quando o servi\u00E7o de balsas foi fechado devido \u00E0 inaugura\u00E7\u00E3o da Ponte Confederation. No censo canadense de 2011, a popula\u00E7\u00E3o era 108, tr\u00EAs quartos do que era no censo de 2006."@pt . "1423853"^^ . . . . . . "Cape Tormentine"@pt . . . "POINT(-63.783332824707 46.116664886475)"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "-63.78333282470703"^^ . . . . . . . . "Q109718965"@en . . . . "Cape Tormentine \u00E9 uma vila no sudeste de New Brunswick, no Canad\u00E1. Ela est\u00E1 localizada no Estreito de Northumberland, na passagem Abegweit, a travessia mais curta entre a Ilha do Pr\u00EDncipe Eduardo e o continente. Uma vez floresceu como um centro de transporte entre New Brunswick e a Ilha do Pr\u00EDncipe Eduardo, mas tem estado em decl\u00EDnio desde 1997, quando o servi\u00E7o de balsas foi fechado devido \u00E0 inaugura\u00E7\u00E3o da Ponte Confederation. No censo canadense de 2011, a popula\u00E7\u00E3o era 108, tr\u00EAs quartos do que era no censo de 2006."@pt . . . . . . . "Cap-Tourmentin, aussi appel\u00E9 Cap Tormentine ou Cape Tormentine, est un village du comt\u00E9 de Westmorland, au sud-est de la province canadienne du Nouveau-Brunswick. Elle est en fait la communaut\u00E9 situ\u00E9e la plus \u00E0 l'est de la province. Le village a le statut de DSL sous le nom l\u00E9gal de Cap Tormentin. Cap-Tourmentin poss\u00E8de un important port qui \u00E9tait utilis\u00E9 jusqu'en 1997 pour le transport de passagers et de marchandises jusqu'\u00E0 l'\u00CEle du Prince-\u00C9douard. Apr\u00E8s l'ouverture du pont de la Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration, l'\u00E9conomie du village a souffert."@fr . . . . "Cape Tormentine is a local service district in southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. It is located on the Northumberland Strait at the Abegweit Passage, the shortest crossing between Prince Edward Island and the mainland. It once flourished as a transportation hub between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island but has been in decline since 1997 when the ferry service was closed due to the opening of the Confederation Bridge. At the Canada 2011 Census the population was 108, three quarters what it was at the 2006 census."@en . "Q28375884"@en . . . . . . . . . . "46.11666666666667 -63.78333333333333" . .