"The Caribbean region of Colombia or Caribbean coast region is in the north of Colombia and is mainly composed of 8 departments located contiguous to the Caribbean. The area covers a total land area of 132,288 km2 (51,077 sq mi), including the Archipelago of San Andr\u00E9s, Providencia and Santa Catalina in the Caribbean Sea and corresponding to approximately 1/10 of the total territory of Colombia. The Caribbean region of Colombia is home to approximately 9 million residents according to the . The Caribbean region coast extends from the Gulf of Urab\u00E1 to the Gulf of Venezuela. Straddling the coast are Colombia's two main Atlantic port cities of Barranquilla and Cartagena. The administration of the region is covered by 8 department governments: Atl\u00E1ntico, Bol\u00EDvar, Cesar, Sucre, C\u00F3rdoba, Magdalena, La Guajira and San Andr\u00E9s and Providencia. These 8 departments also cover approximately 182 municipalities, 1093 corregimientos and 493 caserios according to the by DANE Colombia. Most of its inhabitants speak a dialect of Caribbean Spanish with variations within its subregions."@en . . . "Karibeko eskualdea Kolonbiako eskualde naturala da, herrialdearen iparraldean dagoena, Andeen eta Karibe itsasoaren artean. 132.218 kilometro koadroko eremua dauka (herrialdearen %11,6) eta 9.750.364 biztanle. Gaztelaniaz gain, wayuunaiki, kogi eta arhuako hizkuntzak mintzatzen dira."@eu . "Regi\u00F3 Carib"@ca . "R\u00E9gion Cara\u00EFbe"@fr . . . . . . . "1122268763"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Colombias karibiska omr\u00E5de (spanska: regi\u00F3n caribe eller costa norte) \u00E4r en av Colombias sex naturregioner. Regionen best\u00E5r av sl\u00E4tten utmed Karibiska havet norr om Anderna, bergmassivet Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, samt Guajira\u00F6knen p\u00E5 Guajirahalv\u00F6n. Departament i regionen \u00E4r Atl\u00E1ntico,Bol\u00EDvar,Cesar,C\u00F3rdoba,La Guajira,Magdalena, ochSucre. Denna Colombia-relaterade geografiartikel saknar v\u00E4sentlig information. Du kan hj\u00E4lpa till genom att l\u00E4gga till den."@sv . "The Caribbean region of Colombia or Caribbean coast region is in the north of Colombia and is mainly composed of 8 departments located contiguous to the Caribbean. The area covers a total land area of 132,288 km2 (51,077 sq mi), including the Archipelago of San Andr\u00E9s, Providencia and Santa Catalina in the Caribbean Sea and corresponding to approximately 1/10 of the total territory of Colombia. The Caribbean region of Colombia is home to approximately 9 million residents according to the ."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Caribbean region of Colombia"@en . . . . . . . . "Karibeko eskualdea Kolonbiako eskualde naturala da, herrialdearen iparraldean dagoena, Andeen eta Karibe itsasoaren artean. 132.218 kilometro koadroko eremua dauka (herrialdearen %11,6) eta 9.750.364 biztanle. Gaztelaniaz gain, wayuunaiki, kogi eta arhuako hizkuntzak mintzatzen dira."@eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Karibeko eskualdea (Kolonbia)"@eu . . . . . . . . . "La regi\u00F3n Caribe\u200B\u200B\u200B de Colombia es la regi\u00F3n natural continental y mar\u00EDtima m\u00E1s septentrional del pa\u00EDs. Est\u00E1 ubicada en la zona norte de Colombia. Limita al norte con el mar Caribe, al que debe su nombre, al Oriente con Venezuela, al sur con la regi\u00F3n Andina y al Occidente con la regi\u00F3n Pac\u00EDfico. Sus principales centros urbanos son Barranquilla, Cartagena, Soledad, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Monter\u00EDa, Sincelejo, Riohacha, Aguachica y Apartad\u00F3."@es . . . . "12662"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La r\u00E9gion Cara\u00EFbe est une r\u00E9gion naturelle de Colombie. Elle est constitu\u00E9e essentiellement des d\u00E9partements colombiens jouxtant la mer des Cara\u00EFbes. La zone couvre une superficie totale de 132 288 km2, correspondant \u00E0 environ un dixi\u00E8me du territoire total de la Colombie. \n* Portail de la Colombie \n* Portail de la Cara\u00EFbe"@fr . . . . . "La r\u00E9gion Cara\u00EFbe est une r\u00E9gion naturelle de Colombie. Elle est constitu\u00E9e essentiellement des d\u00E9partements colombiens jouxtant la mer des Cara\u00EFbes. La zone couvre une superficie totale de 132 288 km2, correspondant \u00E0 environ un dixi\u00E8me du territoire total de la Colombie. \n* Portail de la Colombie \n* Portail de la Cara\u00EFbe"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "4654440"^^ . . . . . . "La Regi\u00F3 Carib de Col\u00F2mbia \u00E9s l'\u00E0rea continental i mar\u00EDtima m\u00E9s septentrional del pa\u00EDs. Est\u00E0 situada en la part Nord de Col\u00F2mbia i d'Am\u00E8rica del Sud. El seu nom prov\u00E9 del mar Carib, amb el qual limita al nord. Els seus principals centres urbans s\u00F3n Barranquilla, Cartagena d'\u00CDndies, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Monter\u00EDa, Sincelejo i Riohacha."@ca . "Colombias karibiska omr\u00E5de"@sv . . . . . . . . . "Colombias karibiska omr\u00E5de (spanska: regi\u00F3n caribe eller costa norte) \u00E4r en av Colombias sex naturregioner. Regionen best\u00E5r av sl\u00E4tten utmed Karibiska havet norr om Anderna, bergmassivet Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, samt Guajira\u00F6knen p\u00E5 Guajirahalv\u00F6n. Departament i regionen \u00E4r Atl\u00E1ntico,Bol\u00EDvar,Cesar,C\u00F3rdoba,La Guajira,Magdalena, ochSucre. Denna Colombia-relaterade geografiartikel saknar v\u00E4sentlig information. Du kan hj\u00E4lpa till genom att l\u00E4gga till den."@sv . . "Regi\u00E3o Caribe (Col\u00F4mbia)"@pt . . . . . . . "Regi\u00F3n Caribe (Colombia)"@es . . . . "A Regi\u00E3o Caribe \u00E9 a \u00E1rea continental e mar\u00EDtima mais setentrional da Col\u00F4mbia. Deve seu nome ao Mar do Caribe, o qual margeia a norte. Seus principais centro urbanos s\u00E3o Barranquilha, Cartagena das \u00CDndias, Santa Marta e Valledupar."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Regi\u00E3o Caribe \u00E9 a \u00E1rea continental e mar\u00EDtima mais setentrional da Col\u00F4mbia. Deve seu nome ao Mar do Caribe, o qual margeia a norte. Seus principais centro urbanos s\u00E3o Barranquilha, Cartagena das \u00CDndias, Santa Marta e Valledupar."@pt . . "La regi\u00F3n Caribe\u200B\u200B\u200B de Colombia es la regi\u00F3n natural continental y mar\u00EDtima m\u00E1s septentrional del pa\u00EDs. Est\u00E1 ubicada en la zona norte de Colombia. Limita al norte con el mar Caribe, al que debe su nombre, al Oriente con Venezuela, al sur con la regi\u00F3n Andina y al Occidente con la regi\u00F3n Pac\u00EDfico. Sus principales centros urbanos son Barranquilla, Cartagena, Soledad, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Monter\u00EDa, Sincelejo, Riohacha, Aguachica y Apartad\u00F3."@es . . . . . . . . "La Regi\u00F3 Carib de Col\u00F2mbia \u00E9s l'\u00E0rea continental i mar\u00EDtima m\u00E9s septentrional del pa\u00EDs. Est\u00E0 situada en la part Nord de Col\u00F2mbia i d'Am\u00E8rica del Sud. El seu nom prov\u00E9 del mar Carib, amb el qual limita al nord. Els seus principals centres urbans s\u00F3n Barranquilla, Cartagena d'\u00CDndies, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Monter\u00EDa, Sincelejo i Riohacha."@ca .