"Cathassach II mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich"@pl . . . "R\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED na gCruithne ba ea Cathasach mac Maoil Chaoich (Sean-Ghaeilge Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich n\u00F3 Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele D\u00FAin) (b\u00E1s 682). (b\u00E1s 666), iar-r\u00ED, ba ea a athair. Bh\u00ED s\u00E9 i r\u00E9im \u00F3n mbliain 681 go dt\u00ED 682. Sna 6\u00FA agus 7\u00FA haoiseanna, bh\u00ED D\u00E1l Ara\u00ED rannph\u00E1irteach mar phr\u00EDomhchlann i gc\u00F3naidhm na gCruithne. Tugtar an teideal r\u00ED Cruithne do Chathasach sna hann\u00E1la."@ga . . "Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich (mort en 682) est le 12e roi de D\u00E1l nAraidi issu des Cruithnes en Ulaid."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich (died 682) or Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele D\u00FAin' was a Dal nAraide king of the Cruthin. He was the son of M\u00E1el C\u00E1ich mac Scannail (died 666), a previous king. He ruled from 681-682. In the 6th and 7th centuries the Dal nAraide were part of a confederation of Cruthin tribes in Ulaid and were the dominant members. Cathassach is styled king of the Cruthin in the annals. British marauders were active around the turn of the 8th century. In 682 Cathassach fought with Britons at the Battle of R\u00E1ith M\u00F3r, east of Antrim, capital of the kingdom. Cathassach was slain as was another Cruthin king, Ult\u00E1n son of D\u00EDcuill of the Latharna, modern County Antrim)."@en . . . . . "1487"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cathassach II mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich (zm. 682 r.) \u2013 kr\u00F3l D\u00E1l nAraidi z ludu na terenie irlandzkiego Ulaidu (Ulster) od 666 r. do swej \u015Bmierci, syn kr\u00F3la D\u00E1l nAraidi M\u00E1el C\u00E1icha mac Scannail (zm. 666 r.) oraz zapewne jego \u017Cony, nieznanej z imienia c\u00F3rki M\u00E1el Coby mac F\u00EDachnai, kr\u00F3la Ulaidu. Wed\u0142ug Ksi\u0119gi z Leinsteru obj\u0105\u0142 tron D\u00E1l nAraidi po swym ojcu M\u00E1el C\u00E1ichu, za\u015B jego nast\u0119pc\u0105 zosta\u0142 brat stryjeczny, Ailill mac D\u00FAngaile, syn D\u00FAngala Eilni mac Scandail (zm. 681 r.), kr\u00F3la Cruithni. W 682 r. Cathassach walczy\u0142 z Brytami w bitwie pod R\u00E1ith M\u00F3r, na wsch\u00F3d od Antrim w Mag Line, stolicy kr\u00F3lestwa. Kr\u00F3l Cruithni zgin\u0105\u0142 razem z Ult\u00E1nem, synem D\u00EDcuilla Latharnae (Larne, hr. Antrim)."@pl . . . "Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich (mort en 682) est le 12e roi de D\u00E1l nAraidi issu des Cruithnes en Ulaid."@fr . "1082228006"^^ . . . . . "Cathassach II mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich (zm. 682 r.) \u2013 kr\u00F3l D\u00E1l nAraidi z ludu na terenie irlandzkiego Ulaidu (Ulster) od 666 r. do swej \u015Bmierci, syn kr\u00F3la D\u00E1l nAraidi M\u00E1el C\u00E1icha mac Scannail (zm. 666 r.) oraz zapewne jego \u017Cony, nieznanej z imienia c\u00F3rki M\u00E1el Coby mac F\u00EDachnai, kr\u00F3la Ulaidu."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich"@en . "R\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED na gCruithne ba ea Cathasach mac Maoil Chaoich (Sean-Ghaeilge Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich n\u00F3 Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele D\u00FAin) (b\u00E1s 682). (b\u00E1s 666), iar-r\u00ED, ba ea a athair. Bh\u00ED s\u00E9 i r\u00E9im \u00F3n mbliain 681 go dt\u00ED 682. Sna 6\u00FA agus 7\u00FA haoiseanna, bh\u00ED D\u00E1l Ara\u00ED rannph\u00E1irteach mar phr\u00EDomhchlann i gc\u00F3naidhm na gCruithne. Tugtar an teideal r\u00ED Cruithne do Chathasach sna hann\u00E1la. Bh\u00ED foghlaithe Briotanach were gn\u00EDomhach sa cheantar ag deireadh na 8\u00FA haoise. Sa bhliain 682, throid Cathasach ina \u00E9adan i g, taobh thoir de bhaile Aontroma, pr\u00EDomhchathair na r\u00EDochta. Mara\u00EDodh Cathasach i dteannta le r\u00ED Cruithne eile, Ult\u00E1n mac D\u00EDcuill as Latharna."@ga . . . "Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich"@fr . "18171282"^^ . "Cathasach mac Maoil Chaoich"@ga . . "Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich (died 682) or Cathassach mac M\u00E1ele D\u00FAin' was a Dal nAraide king of the Cruthin. He was the son of M\u00E1el C\u00E1ich mac Scannail (died 666), a previous king. He ruled from 681-682. In the 6th and 7th centuries the Dal nAraide were part of a confederation of Cruthin tribes in Ulaid and were the dominant members. Cathassach is styled king of the Cruthin in the annals."@en . . .