. . "Cayuga White is a mid-season ripening wine grape developed from crosses of the Vitis labrusca hybrids Schuyler and Seyval Blanc at Cornell University's New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York. It is a hardy vine with some bunch-rot disease resistance. In warmer climates it should be picked at lower sugars to avoid overripe, sometimes labrusca-like, flavors; however this has not been observed in cooler climates such as the Finger Lakes and Pacific Northwest, where desirable, Riesling-type flavors are tasted in fully ripe Cayuga fruit. Picked at the proper time, it can produce a very nice sparkling wine with good acid balance, structure, and pleasant aromas, or a fruity white wine similar to a Riesling or Viognier. One advantage of Cayuga is that, if harvested unri"@en . . . . . . . . . "Cayuga White"@de . . "Cayuga White ist eine Wei\u00DFweinsorte. Sie wurde 1945 durch den amerikanischen Z\u00FCchter John Einset neu gez\u00FCchtet. Cayuga White ist eine Kreuzung zwischen Seyval Blanc und Schuyler. Es handelt sich dabei um eine \u00FCberaus komplexe Z\u00FCchtung, in der Gene der Wildreben Vitis rupestris, Vitis aestivalis, Vitis labrusca und Vitis vinifera vorhanden sind. Entwickelt wurde die Neuz\u00FCchtung an der Cornell University in Geneva (dem New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Pomology and Viticulture, also das Rebenz\u00FCchtungs-Institut im Bundesstaat New York). Die Universit\u00E4t liegt am s\u00FCdlichen Ende des Cayuga Lake, nach dem die Sorte benannt ist. Erste Versuchsanpflanzungen wurden 1969 angelegt. Cayuga White liefert fruchtige Wei\u00DFweine mit hohen S\u00E4urewerten die einem Riesling entfernt \u00E4hneln. Da es sich somit um eine Hybridrebe handelt, ist sie f\u00FCr Qualit\u00E4tsweine gem\u00E4\u00DF EU-Bestimmungen nicht zugelassen. Bekannt sind Rebfl\u00E4chen in den amerikanischen Bundesstaaten Maryland (\u2192 Weinbau in Maryland), North Carolina (\u2192 Weinbau in North Carolina), Pennsylvania (\u2192 Weinbau in Pennsylvania), New Jersey (\u2192 Weinbau in New Jersey) und Virginia (\u2192 Weinbau in Virginia). Die wuchskr\u00E4ftige Sorte ist nicht sehr winterhart.(Siehe auch: Weinbau in den Vereinigten Staaten und Liste von Rebsorten)\nAbstammung: Seyval Blanc x"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "2471"^^ . . . "Cayuga White"@en . . . . . . "Cayuga White ist eine Wei\u00DFweinsorte. Sie wurde 1945 durch den amerikanischen Z\u00FCchter John Einset neu gez\u00FCchtet. Cayuga White ist eine Kreuzung zwischen Seyval Blanc und Schuyler. Es handelt sich dabei um eine \u00FCberaus komplexe Z\u00FCchtung, in der Gene der Wildreben Vitis rupestris, Vitis aestivalis, Vitis labrusca und Vitis vinifera vorhanden sind.(Siehe auch: Weinbau in den Vereinigten Staaten und Liste von Rebsorten)\nAbstammung: Seyval Blanc x"@de . . . . . "2855626"^^ . . . . . "Cayuga White is a mid-season ripening wine grape developed from crosses of the Vitis labrusca hybrids Schuyler and Seyval Blanc at Cornell University's New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York. It is a hardy vine with some bunch-rot disease resistance. In warmer climates it should be picked at lower sugars to avoid overripe, sometimes labrusca-like, flavors; however this has not been observed in cooler climates such as the Finger Lakes and Pacific Northwest, where desirable, Riesling-type flavors are tasted in fully ripe Cayuga fruit. Picked at the proper time, it can produce a very nice sparkling wine with good acid balance, structure, and pleasant aromas, or a fruity white wine similar to a Riesling or Viognier. One advantage of Cayuga is that, if harvested unripe (e.g., in a shorter summer in cool climates), it can still make a good wine, albeit one with more green apple flavors in that case. This grape, when grown on mature vines in fertile soil, can produce astonishing yields. If allowed to set fully on thirty-year-old vines in Aurora, Oregon, Cayuga's yield has been measured at over 13 tons per acre, though in that case a \"green harvest\" (removing much of the fruit before the final phase of the ripening cycle) is advised, so that the vine can more fully ripen the remaining fruit. Cayuga is relatively easy to make wine from. In cooler climates, it retains enough acid that a residual sugar level is advised, in order to achieve balance in the palate. Cayuga is grown in small regions in Ohio. In one informal survey of grape breeders who grow hybrid grapes and make wine from them, Cayuga was the most-popular answer to the question \"Which hybrid grape is the easiest to grow and make good wine from?\" It can also be seen in the vineyards in Rhode Island, such as Greenvale, a similar climate to the Finger Lakes for wine grape growing."@en . "1012809389"^^ . . . .