. "Chalav\u0101di (Chalawadi, Chalwadi, Chelvadi, Chelavadi) is a dravida community, mainly belonging to Karnataka, \"who are generally called formerly as Adi Dravida (Balagai), Channaiah or Channayya\"(Bidar, Belgaum, Bijapur and Dharwad districts), Toti, Byagara, Whalliaru or Whallias, Holia's or Mha'rs (Belgaum side) (Synonym's: Holar) is the servant of the right-hand, or eighteen-caste section of the community, and the custodian of its symbol, namely, the bell and the ladle (Gandadabatlu). These are made of brass and are connected together by a chain of the same metal, and sometimes they are placed before Sangameshwara gaddige and P\u016Bj\u0101 made to them. The members use, among themselves, the term Balagai as they are classed among the eighteen castes that form the right-hand section of the community "@en . . "55538245"^^ . . "4579"^^ . . "Chalav\u0101di (Chalawadi, Chalwadi, Chelvadi, Chelavadi) is a dravida community, mainly belonging to Karnataka, \"who are generally called formerly as Adi Dravida (Balagai), Channaiah or Channayya\"(Bidar, Belgaum, Bijapur and Dharwad districts), Toti, Byagara, Whalliaru or Whallias, Holia's or Mha'rs (Belgaum side) (Synonym's: Holar) is the servant of the right-hand, or eighteen-caste section of the community, and the custodian of its symbol, namely, the bell and the ladle (Gandadabatlu). These are made of brass and are connected together by a chain of the same metal, and sometimes they are placed before Sangameshwara gaddige and P\u016Bj\u0101 made to them. The members use, among themselves, the term Balagai as they are classed among the eighteen castes that form the right-hand section of the community in Dravida countries. Chalavadi's are well dressed and stands with a blanket under his arm. He carries a brass image of Shiva seated on a bull. The image is overshadowed with the hood of a snake and is fixed to the upper end of a brass spoon. A brass bell hangs from the handle of the spoon to the Chelvadi\u2019s knee in front. From time to time, the Chelvadi sings hymns in honour of Shiva and rings the bell."@en . "Els Chalav\u0101di (Chalawadi, Chalwadi, Chelvadi, Chelavadi) son una de les castes reconegudes de l'\u00CDndia, pertanyent principalment a Karnataka, que generalment s'anomenen Adi Dravida, Adi Karnataka (Balagai), Channaiah o Channayya (districtes de Bidar, Belgaum, Bijapur i Dharwar)), Toti, Byagara, Whalliaru o Whallias, Holia o Mha'rs (divisi\u00F3 de Belgaum). Pertanyen als servents de la m\u00E0 dreta o a la secci\u00F3 de divuit castes de la comunitat, aix\u00ED com els guardians dels seus s\u00EDmbols, que son la campana i el cullerot (Gandadabatlu). Aquests estan fets de llaut\u00F3 i estan units entre si per una cadena del mateix metall i, de vegades, es col\u00B7loquen abans del Sangameshwara gaddige i del . Els seus membres fan servir, entre ells, el terme ja que es classifiquen entre les divuit castes que formen la secci\u00F3 de la m\u00E0 dreta dreta de la comunitat als pa\u00EFsos dravidians. Els chalavadi van ben vestits i amb una manta sota el bra\u00E7. Porten una imatge de llaut\u00F3 de Shiva asseguda sobre un toro. La imatge queda eclipsada amb la caputxa d'una serp i es fixa a l'extrem superior d'una cullera de llaut\u00F3. Una campana de llaut\u00F3 penja del m\u00E0nec de la cullera fins al davant del genoll del chelvadi. De tant en tant, el chelvadi canta himnes en honor de Shiva i fa sonar la campana."@ca . . . "Chalavadi"@en . . . . . . "Els Chalav\u0101di (Chalawadi, Chalwadi, Chelvadi, Chelavadi) son una de les castes reconegudes de l'\u00CDndia, pertanyent principalment a Karnataka, que generalment s'anomenen Adi Dravida, Adi Karnataka (Balagai), Channaiah o Channayya (districtes de Bidar, Belgaum, Bijapur i Dharwar)), Toti, Byagara, Whalliaru o Whallias, Holia o Mha'rs (divisi\u00F3 de Belgaum)."@ca . "Chalavadi"@en . . . . . . . "Chalavadi"@en . . "1115979522"^^ . . . . . . . "Casta chalavadi"@ca . . . . . . "Karnataka, India"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .