"-62.17722320556641"^^ . . "3988"^^ . "Location in Montserrat"@en . "915.0"^^ . "Chances Peak is a summit of the active complex stratovolcano named Soufri\u00E8re Hills, the youngest volcanic complex on the island of Montserrat, a British overseas territory located in the Caribbean Sea. It was the highest point on the island until the mid-1990s, when fluctuating volcanic domes during the 1995\u20131999 Soufri\u00E8re Hills eruptions eclipsed the peak in height. The Soufriere Hills volcano is on a destructive plate margin, and is part of the Eastern Caribbean Volcanic Arc. This volcanic arc lies on the Caribbean plate, and has formed by subduction of the North American Plate beneath it."@en . "1124945627"^^ . . . . . . "\u660C\u8272\u65AF\u5CF0\uFF08Chances Peak\uFF09\u662F\u6210\u5C42\u706B\u5C71\u5F0F\u7684\u6D3B\u706B\u5C71\u82CF\u5F17\u91CC\u57C3\u5C14\u706B\u5C71\u7684\u5C71\u5CF0\uFF0C\u4F4D\u4E8E\u52A0\u52D2\u6BD4\u6D77\u5730\u533A\u7684\u8499\u7279\u585E\u62C9\u7279\uFF0C\u6D77\u62D4915\u7C73\uFF0C\u662F\u8499\u7279\u585E\u62C9\u7279\u7684\u6700\u9AD8\u70B9\u3002\u6700\u8FD1\u4E00\u6B21\u55B7\u53D1\u57282009\u5E741\u67083\u65E5\u3002 1965\u5E749\u670817\u65E5\uFF0C\u6CDB\u7F8E\u822A\u7A7A\u516C\u53F8\u7684292\u822A\u73ED\u6CE2\u97F3707\u5BA2\u673A\u5728\u98DE\u884C\u5230\u660C\u8272\u65AF\u5CF0\u9644\u8FD1\u65F6\u7A81\u7136\u5760\u6BC1\uFF0C\u9020\u621030\u4EBA\u6B7B\u4EA1\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "2009-01-03"^^ . . . . . . "\u660C\u8272\u65AF\u5CF0"@zh . . . "El Pico Chances\u200B (en ingl\u00E9s: Chances Peak)\u200B es el punto culminante del complejo de un estratovolc\u00E1n activo denominado Soufri\u00E8re Hills. Es la parta m\u00E1s alta de la isla de Montserrat,\u200B un territorio brit\u00E1nico de ultramar situado en el Mar Caribe.\u200B La Monta\u00F1a se localiza en un margen de placa destructivo. El volc\u00E1n en s\u00ED est\u00E1 en la placa media del Caribe , pero esto es debido a que la placa de Am\u00E9rica del Norte y la placa del Atl\u00E1ntico hace subducci\u00F3n debajo de ella, causando una acumulaci\u00F3n de presi\u00F3n para formar un volc\u00E1n."@es . "915.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chances Peak is a summit of the active complex stratovolcano named Soufri\u00E8re Hills, the youngest volcanic complex on the island of Montserrat, a British overseas territory located in the Caribbean Sea. It was the highest point on the island until the mid-1990s, when fluctuating volcanic domes during the 1995\u20131999 Soufri\u00E8re Hills eruptions eclipsed the peak in height. The Soufriere Hills volcano is on a destructive plate margin, and is part of the Eastern Caribbean Volcanic Arc. This volcanic arc lies on the Caribbean plate, and has formed by subduction of the North American Plate beneath it. On 17 September 1965 a Boeing 707 aircraft operating as Pan Am Flight 292 flew into Chances Peak near the summit and was destroyed, killing the 30 people on board."@en . . . "915"^^ . . . . . . . "Chances Peak"@en . "Chances Peak (915 m n. m.) je nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00EDm bodem aktivn\u00EDho komplexn\u00EDho stratovulk\u00E1nu Soufri\u00E8re Hills na britsk\u00E9m ostrov\u011B Montserrat v severov\u00FDchodn\u00EDm Karibiku. Jedn\u00E1 se o nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED bod cel\u00E9ho ostrova. 17. z\u00E1\u0159\u00ED 1965 havaroval nedaleko vrcholu Chances Peak Boeing 707 letu . Na palub\u011B zahynulo 30 lid\u00ED."@cs . . . . "16.71111106872559"^^ . "Chances Peak"@cs . "Chances Peak \u00E4r en bergstopp i Montserrat (Storbritannien). Den ligger i parishen Parish of Saint Anthony, i den s\u00F6dra delen av Montserrat. Toppen p\u00E5 Chances Peak \u00E4r 915 meter \u00F6ver havet. Den ing\u00E5r i Soufri\u00E8re Hills."@sv . "Chances Peak"@sv . . . . "Chances Peak"@nl . . "Chances Peak"@en . . "Chances Peak \u00E4r en bergstopp i Montserrat (Storbritannien). Den ligger i parishen Parish of Saint Anthony, i den s\u00F6dra delen av Montserrat. Toppen p\u00E5 Chances Peak \u00E4r 915 meter \u00F6ver havet. Den ing\u00E5r i Soufri\u00E8re Hills."@sv . "Pico Chances"@es . . . . . "22656562"^^ . "16.711111111111112 -62.17722222222222" . . . . "El Pico Chances\u200B (en ingl\u00E9s: Chances Peak)\u200B es el punto culminante del complejo de un estratovolc\u00E1n activo denominado Soufri\u00E8re Hills. Es la parta m\u00E1s alta de la isla de Montserrat,\u200B un territorio brit\u00E1nico de ultramar situado en el Mar Caribe.\u200B La Monta\u00F1a se localiza en un margen de placa destructivo. El volc\u00E1n en s\u00ED est\u00E1 en la placa media del Caribe , pero esto es debido a que la placa de Am\u00E9rica del Norte y la placa del Atl\u00E1ntico hace subducci\u00F3n debajo de ella, causando una acumulaci\u00F3n de presi\u00F3n para formar un volc\u00E1n. El 17 de septiembre de 1965, un avi\u00F3n Boeing 707 que operaba como vuelo de Pan Am 292 vol\u00F3 hacia Chances Peak cerca de la cumbre y fue destruido, matando a las 30 personas a bordo.\u200B"@es . "\u660C\u8272\u65AF\u5CF0\uFF08Chances Peak\uFF09\u662F\u6210\u5C42\u706B\u5C71\u5F0F\u7684\u6D3B\u706B\u5C71\u82CF\u5F17\u91CC\u57C3\u5C14\u706B\u5C71\u7684\u5C71\u5CF0\uFF0C\u4F4D\u4E8E\u52A0\u52D2\u6BD4\u6D77\u5730\u533A\u7684\u8499\u7279\u585E\u62C9\u7279\uFF0C\u6D77\u62D4915\u7C73\uFF0C\u662F\u8499\u7279\u585E\u62C9\u7279\u7684\u6700\u9AD8\u70B9\u3002\u6700\u8FD1\u4E00\u6B21\u55B7\u53D1\u57282009\u5E741\u67083\u65E5\u3002 1965\u5E749\u670817\u65E5\uFF0C\u6CDB\u7F8E\u822A\u7A7A\u516C\u53F8\u7684292\u822A\u73ED\u6CE2\u97F3707\u5BA2\u673A\u5728\u98DE\u884C\u5230\u660C\u8272\u65AF\u5CF0\u9644\u8FD1\u65F6\u7A81\u7136\u5760\u6BC1\uFF0C\u9020\u621030\u4EBA\u6B7B\u4EA1\u3002"@zh . "915"^^ . . . "Chances Peak is een 915 meter hoge stratovulkaan in Montserrat. Tot 1995 was Chances Peak het hoogste punt van het eiland, maar na de uitbarsting van Soufri\u00E8re is het de tweede berg van het eiland geworden. Op 17 september 1965 was een Boeing 707 van Pan American World Airways onderweg van Fort-de-France, Martinique naar de stad New York met 9 bemanningsleden en 21 passagiers. Bij Montserrat was het slecht weer, en het vliegtuig vloog tegen de zijkant van Chances Peak op een hoogte van ongeveeer 840 meter. Er waren geen overlevenden."@nl . . "left"@en . . . . . . "Ash fall from Soufri\u00E8re Hills volcano"@en . . . . "Chances Peak is een 915 meter hoge stratovulkaan in Montserrat. Tot 1995 was Chances Peak het hoogste punt van het eiland, maar na de uitbarsting van Soufri\u00E8re is het de tweede berg van het eiland geworden. Op 17 september 1965 was een Boeing 707 van Pan American World Airways onderweg van Fort-de-France, Martinique naar de stad New York met 9 bemanningsleden en 21 passagiers. Bij Montserrat was het slecht weer, en het vliegtuig vloog tegen de zijkant van Chances Peak op een hoogte van ongeveeer 840 meter. Er waren geen overlevenden."@nl . "Chances Peak (915 m n. m.) je nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00EDm bodem aktivn\u00EDho komplexn\u00EDho stratovulk\u00E1nu Soufri\u00E8re Hills na britsk\u00E9m ostrov\u011B Montserrat v severov\u00FDchodn\u00EDm Karibiku. Jedn\u00E1 se o nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED bod cel\u00E9ho ostrova. 17. z\u00E1\u0159\u00ED 1965 havaroval nedaleko vrcholu Chances Peak Boeing 707 letu . Na palub\u011B zahynulo 30 lid\u00ED."@cs . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-62.177223205566 16.711111068726)"^^ . . "2009"^^ . . . . . "Chances Peak"@en . . . . . . .