. . . . . . . "Charles Woolley Bage (Derby, Derbyshire (Regne Unit), 1751 \u2013 1822), nascut en una fam\u00EDlia qu\u00E0quera; va ser un arquitecte angl\u00E8s. Va ser el dissenyador del primer edifici amb estructura de ferro, el Ditherington Flax Mill'', situat als afores del centre de la ciutat de Shrewsbury, constru\u00EFt entre 1796 i 1797. No nom\u00E9s va construir el primer, sin\u00F3 tamb\u00E9 el 3r i 8\u00E8 edificis amb estructura d'acer, al m\u00F3n. Poc despr\u00E9s del seu naixement, la seva fam\u00EDlia es va traslladar a Elford, Staffordshire, on el seu pare va fundar una f\u00E0brica de paper, i despr\u00E9s es va convertir en soci d'una ferreteria. Al llarg de la seva vida, Bage es va interessar per l'aplicaci\u00F3 de les tecnologies del ferro i del gas a la construcci\u00F3 i la il\u00B7luminaci\u00F3, respectivament. Bage tamb\u00E9 va ser novel\u00B7lista. El 1776, Bage treballava com a comerciant de vins a Shrewsbury, i tamb\u00E9 com a agrimensor, aquest \u00FAltim interessava a John Marshall i Thomas i Benjamin Benyon, que pretenien desenvolupar molins a la ciutat. Bage va estar implicat en els afers pol\u00EDtics locals de Shrewsbury: va estar a c\u00E0rrec de la casa de treball local de 1784 a 1787, i m\u00E9s tard va ser alcalde de la ciutat el 1807. La tecnologia que Bage va desenvolupar el converteix en un pioner del que es convertiria en la tecnologia moderna dels gratacels. \"Bage Way\", part de la carretera de circumval\u00B7laci\u00F3 interior de Shrewsbury del segle XX que uneix Old Potts Way amb Crowmere Road, va rebre el seu nom."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . "Charles Woolley Bage (1751\u20131822) was an English architect, born in a Quaker family in Derby, Derbyshire, in the United Kingdom. He was the designer of the first ever iron framed building, the Ditherington Flax Mill, located in the outskirts of Shrewsbury town centre, built between 1796 and 1797. He not only built the first but also the 3rd and 8th steel framed buildings in the world. By 1776, Bage was working as a wine merchant in Shrewsbury, and also as a surveyor, the latter being of interest to John Marshall and Thomas and Benjamin Benyon, who intended to develop mills in the town."@en . "Charles Woolley Bage (1751\u20131822) was an English architect, born in a Quaker family in Derby, Derbyshire, in the United Kingdom. He was the designer of the first ever iron framed building, the Ditherington Flax Mill, located in the outskirts of Shrewsbury town centre, built between 1796 and 1797. He not only built the first but also the 3rd and 8th steel framed buildings in the world. Shortly after his birth, his family moved to Elford, Staffordshire, where his father founded a papermill, later becoming a partner in an ironworks. Throughout his life, Bage took an interest in the application of iron and gas technologies in construction and lighting, respectively. Bage was also a novelist. By 1776, Bage was working as a wine merchant in Shrewsbury, and also as a surveyor, the latter being of interest to John Marshall and Thomas and Benjamin Benyon, who intended to develop mills in the town. Bage had involvement in the local political affairs of Shrewsbury: he was in charge of the local workhouse from 1784 to 1787, and later was the town's mayor in 1807. The technology that Bage developed makes him a pioneer of what would become modern sky scraper technology. \"Bage Way\", part of Shrewsbury's 20th century inner ring road which links Old Potts Way to Crowmere Road, was named for him."@en . . . . . . "1109648235"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Charles Bage"@en . . . "4513"^^ . . . . . . . "Charles Bage"@ca . . . . . . "Charles Woolley Bage (Derby, Derbyshire (Regne Unit), 1751 \u2013 1822), nascut en una fam\u00EDlia qu\u00E0quera; va ser un arquitecte angl\u00E8s. Va ser el dissenyador del primer edifici amb estructura de ferro, el Ditherington Flax Mill'', situat als afores del centre de la ciutat de Shrewsbury, constru\u00EFt entre 1796 i 1797. No nom\u00E9s va construir el primer, sin\u00F3 tamb\u00E9 el 3r i 8\u00E8 edificis amb estructura d'acer, al m\u00F3n. \"Bage Way\", part de la carretera de circumval\u00B7laci\u00F3 interior de Shrewsbury del segle XX que uneix Old Potts Way amb Crowmere Road, va rebre el seu nom."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . "10816557"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .