"1859"^^ . "Charles Pelham Villiers"@fr . "Thomas Thornely, 1835\u20131859"@en . . . . . . . . . "1866-06-26"^^ . . "Charles Pelham Villiers"@sv . "Charles Pelham Villiers, f\u00F6dd den 3 januari 1802 i London, d\u00F6d d\u00E4r den 16 januari 1898, var en brittisk politiker, bror till George Villiers, 4:e earl av Clarendon. Villiers blev under sin juridiska studietid n\u00E4ra v\u00E4n med Macaulay och \"de filosofiska radikalerna\" (Bentham, Mill, Molesworth med flera). Han anst\u00E4lldes 1832 i fattigv\u00E5rdskommissionen och innehade 1833-1852 en underordnad syssla i Court of Chancery. Parlamentsledamot blev han 1835 f\u00F6r Wolverhampton och representerade sedan denna krets i n\u00E4ra 63 \u00E5r, till sin d\u00F6d. Villers var den flitige pionj\u00E4ren f\u00F6r frihandelsr\u00F6relsen genom sitt fr\u00E5n 1838 \u00E5rligen upprepade f\u00F6rslag om spannm\u00E5lstullarnas borttagande, vilket samlade \u00E5r f\u00F6r \u00E5r v\u00E4xande minoriteter, till dess 1846 segern kom genom f\u00F6rslagets upptagande av premi\u00E4rminister Peel. D\u00E4rmed var Villiers egentliga livsg\u00E4rning utf\u00F6rd, och han har f\u00F6r allm\u00E4nna uppfattningen v\u00E4l mycket bortskymts av Cobden. Han var 1859-66 president i med s\u00E4te i kabinettet (Palmerstons) och anordnade under \"bomullshungersn\u00F6den i Lancashire\" omfattande n\u00F6dhj\u00E4lpsarbeten. Gladstones home-rulepolitik f\u00F6rm\u00E5dde Villiers att 1886 \u00F6verg\u00E5 till liberalunionisterna. Som underhusets \u00E4ldste ledamot, \"husets fader\", intog han en aktad st\u00E4llning; \u00E4nnu h\u00F6sten 1895 var han n\u00E4rvarande vid ett sammantr\u00E4de. Villiers staty restes 1879 i Wolverhampton; en annan st\u00E5r i Manchesters Free Trade Hall. Hans Free Trade Speeches utgavs samlade 1883 (2 band)."@sv . "British"@en . . . . . . . . . . "1898-01-16"^^ . . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers (ur. 3 stycznia 1802, zm. 16 stycznia 1898) \u2013 brytyjski polityk, cz\u0142onek stronnictwa wig\u00F3w, Partii Liberalnej i , minister w rz\u0105dach lorda Palmerstona i lorda Russella. By\u0142 synem i Theresy Parker, c\u00F3rki . By\u0142 m\u0142odszym bratem George\u2019a Villiersa, 4. hrabiego Clarendon. Wykszta\u0142cenie odebra\u0142 w na Uniwersytecie Cambridge. Na studiach by\u0142 przewodnicz\u0105cym Cambridge Union Society. W 1827 r. rozpocz\u0105\u0142 praktyk\u0119 adwokack\u0105 w korporacji . W 1832 r. zosta\u0142 komisarzem praw ubogich, a w latach 1833\u20131852 pracowa\u0142 w S\u0105dzie Kanclerskim. W 1835 r. zosta\u0142 wybrany do Izby Gmin z okr\u0119gu Wolverhampton. Da\u0142 si\u0119 pozna\u0107 jako zwolennik wolnego handlu i zniesienia ustaw zbo\u017Cowych, a tak\u017Ce jako przeciwnik przyznania Irlandii autonomii. W latach 1852\u20131858 by\u0142 najwy\u017Cszym s\u0119dzi\u0105 wojskowym, a w latach 1859\u20131866 cz\u0142onkiem gabinetu jako przewodnicz\u0105cy Rady Praw Ubogich. Po likwidacji swojego okr\u0119gu wyborczego w 1885 r. przeni\u00F3s\u0142 si\u0119 do okr\u0119gu Wolverhampton South. Po roz\u0142amie w Partii Liberalnej w 1886 r. dla tle przyznania autonomii Irlandii, Villiers przeszed\u0142 do Partii Liberalno-Unionistycznej. Villiers zasiada\u0142 w parlamencie do swojej \u015Bmierci w 1898 r. Ostatni raz w Izbie Gmin pojawi\u0142 si\u0119 w 1895 r. Od 1890 r. nosi\u0142 tytu\u0142 Ojca Izby."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1890"^^ . . . . "1891"^^ . . . "The Earl Russell"@en . . . . . "Member of Parliament for Wolverhampton South"@en . . "1859-07-09"^^ . . . "1802-01-03"^^ . . . . "1898-01-16"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers (3 janvier 1802 - 16 janvier 1898) est un avocat et homme politique britannique de la famille aristocratique de Villiers qui si\u00E8ge \u00E0 la Chambre des communes de 1835 \u00E0 1898, faisant de lui le d\u00E9put\u00E9 le plus ancien de son parti. Pelham Villiers est \u00E9galement le candidat le plus \u00E2g\u00E9 \u00E0 avoir remport\u00E9 un si\u00E8ge au Parlement, \u00E0 l'\u00E2ge de 93 ans. C'est un r\u00E9formateur radical qui a souvent collabor\u00E9 avec John Bright. Il est surtout connu pour son leadership \u00E0 la t\u00EAte de la Ligue contre les Corn Laws (lois protectionnistes restreignant l'importation de c\u00E9r\u00E9ales), jusqu'\u00E0 leur abrogation en 1846. Lord Palmerston le nomme au cabinet en tant que pr\u00E9sident du conseil d'administration des Lois sur les indigents (Poor Laws) en 1859. Il travaille pour de nombreuses r\u00E9formes, notammen"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1852"^^ . . . "for Wolverhampton South"@en . . . . . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers"@pl . . "1835"^^ . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers"@en . . . . . . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "14219"^^ . . . "Henry Fowler, 1880\u20131885"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1120367860"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Member of Parliament for Wolverhampton"@en . ""@en . . "1835-01-06"^^ . . . . "Sir Richard Bethell, 1859\u20131861"@en . . . . . "261845"^^ . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers (ur. 3 stycznia 1802, zm. 16 stycznia 1898) \u2013 brytyjski polityk, cz\u0142onek stronnictwa wig\u00F3w, Partii Liberalnej i , minister w rz\u0105dach lorda Palmerstona i lorda Russella. By\u0142 synem i Theresy Parker, c\u00F3rki . By\u0142 m\u0142odszym bratem George\u2019a Villiersa, 4. hrabiego Clarendon. Wykszta\u0142cenie odebra\u0142 w na Uniwersytecie Cambridge. Na studiach by\u0142 przewodnicz\u0105cym Cambridge Union Society. W 1827 r. rozpocz\u0105\u0142 praktyk\u0119 adwokack\u0105 w korporacji . W 1832 r. zosta\u0142 komisarzem praw ubogich, a w latach 1833\u20131852 pracowa\u0142 w S\u0105dzie Kanclerskim."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers, f\u00F6dd den 3 januari 1802 i London, d\u00F6d d\u00E4r den 16 januari 1898, var en brittisk politiker, bror till George Villiers, 4:e earl av Clarendon. Villiers blev under sin juridiska studietid n\u00E4ra v\u00E4n med Macaulay och \"de filosofiska radikalerna\" (Bentham, Mill, Molesworth med flera). Han anst\u00E4lldes 1832 i fattigv\u00E5rdskommissionen och innehade 1833-1852 en underordnad syssla i Court of Chancery. Parlamentsledamot blev han 1835 f\u00F6r Wolverhampton och representerade sedan denna krets i n\u00E4ra 63 \u00E5r, till sin d\u00F6d. Villers var den flitige pionj\u00E4ren f\u00F6r frihandelsr\u00F6relsen genom sitt fr\u00E5n 1838 \u00E5rligen upprepade f\u00F6rslag om spannm\u00E5lstullarnas borttagande, vilket samlade \u00E5r f\u00F6r \u00E5r v\u00E4xande minoriteter, till dess 1846 segern kom genom f\u00F6rslagets upptagande av premi\u00E4rminister Peel. D\u00E4rmed"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Thomas Matthias Weguelin, 1861\u20131880"@en . . . . . . . . . "1898-01-16"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1885"^^ . . . . . . . "Engraving by John Cochran after a portrait by C. A. Du Val."@en . . "Charles Pelham Villiers (3 janvier 1802 - 16 janvier 1898) est un avocat et homme politique britannique de la famille aristocratique de Villiers qui si\u00E8ge \u00E0 la Chambre des communes de 1835 \u00E0 1898, faisant de lui le d\u00E9put\u00E9 le plus ancien de son parti. Pelham Villiers est \u00E9galement le candidat le plus \u00E2g\u00E9 \u00E0 avoir remport\u00E9 un si\u00E8ge au Parlement, \u00E0 l'\u00E2ge de 93 ans. C'est un r\u00E9formateur radical qui a souvent collabor\u00E9 avec John Bright. Il est surtout connu pour son leadership \u00E0 la t\u00EAte de la Ligue contre les Corn Laws (lois protectionnistes restreignant l'importation de c\u00E9r\u00E9ales), jusqu'\u00E0 leur abrogation en 1846. Lord Palmerston le nomme au cabinet en tant que pr\u00E9sident du conseil d'administration des Lois sur les indigents (Poor Laws) en 1859. Il travaille pour de nombreuses r\u00E9formes, notamment la Metropolitan Poor Law Act de 1867. Florence Nightingale l'aide \u00E0 formuler la r\u00E9forme de la profession infirmi\u00E8re. Sa loi de 1863 sur les travaux publics (districts manufacturiers) ouvre des programmes de cr\u00E9ation d'emplois dans les projets de sant\u00E9 publique. Son importance politique est \u00E9clips\u00E9e par son fr\u00E8re le comte de Clarendon et amoindrie par l'hostilit\u00E9 de William Gladstone."@fr . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers (3 January 1802 \u2013 16 January 1898) was a British lawyer and politician from the aristocratic Villiers family. He sat in the House of Commons for 63 years, from 1835 to 1898, making him the longest-serving Member of Parliament (MP). He also holds the distinction of the oldest candidate to win a parliamentary seat, at 93. He was a radical and reformer who often collaborated with John Bright and had a noteworthy effect in the leadership of the Anti-Corn Law League, until its repeal in 1846. Lord Palmerston appointed him to the cabinet as president of the Poor-Law Board in 1859. His Public Works (Manufacturing Districts) Act of 1863 opened job-creating schemes in public health projects. He progressed numerous other reforms, most notably the Metropolitan Poor Act of 1867"@en . . . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers"@en . "1802-01-03"^^ . . . "Charles Pelham Villiers (3 January 1802 \u2013 16 January 1898) was a British lawyer and politician from the aristocratic Villiers family. He sat in the House of Commons for 63 years, from 1835 to 1898, making him the longest-serving Member of Parliament (MP). He also holds the distinction of the oldest candidate to win a parliamentary seat, at 93. He was a radical and reformer who often collaborated with John Bright and had a noteworthy effect in the leadership of the Anti-Corn Law League, until its repeal in 1846. Lord Palmerston appointed him to the cabinet as president of the Poor-Law Board in 1859. His Public Works (Manufacturing Districts) Act of 1863 opened job-creating schemes in public health projects. He progressed numerous other reforms, most notably the Metropolitan Poor Act of 1867. Florence Nightingale helped him formulate the reform, in particular, ensure professionalisation of nursing as part of the poor law regime, the workhouses of which erected public infirmaries under an Act of the same year. His political importance was overshadowed by his brother, the Earl of Clarendon, and undercut by the hostility of Gladstone."@en . . . . . .